Welcome to our first episode!
In today’s episode we discuss some of the many ways to knit socks. I demonstrate how to cast on for knitting 2 socks on 2 circs. More info on this technique can be found at the sock knitters cyber class. Also, info on Magic Loop can be found at the knittinghelp.com site.
Our book review today is the Handy Book of Patterns edited by Ann Budd.
<What am I wearing?
- Katia Florida Top made with the yarn in the pattern. Completed circa 2004
What’s on the needles?
- Magic Loop Sock – Trekking
2 socks on 2 circs – Knit Picks
What’s on the set?
- Various socks and yarns from Regia, Opal, Lornas Laces, Sockotta and others.
Leave a comment if you have topic ideas for future episodes.
Congratulations on your first episode! I really enjoyed the tips on knitting socks on circular needles – it doesn’t seem quite so scary now! The topics for future episodes sound fantastic, really looking forward to seeing more episodes.
With your sock that has a hole, even though you don’t like sewing, I’d go for darning it, especially with favourite socks. Not that I’d be able to do that myself, I have no clue about darning knit socks!
Hi! I enjoyed your first show and just gave you a plug on my blog. Can’t wait to see the next episode!
Thank you for the informational video. I enjoyed it very much. I feel more confident right now about picking up 2 needles and trying out the socks.
Thank you for the close-ups, it really helped me.
About the hole in the socks: I would say: darn them, or unravel until you reach the hole and re-knit.
Cat – I really enjoyed the show. I have knit many socks on DPNs and tried the magaic loop. But couldn’t really get the hang of 2 socks at once. Now I can try it – and replay the video if I need more help.
Looking forward to an episode on lace knitting. I’d also like to see an episode on Fair Isle.
I’d rip back the sock to the hole and reknit to fix it.
Thanks for your great feedback on the episode. It sounds like there are others out there that don’t like to sew/darn either.
We appreciate your spreading the word about our show!
We’ll add fair Isle (maybe even steeking) to our topic idea list.
Very well done. I’m looking forward to more.
I’d darn the sock.
Thank you for your show. I’ll be looking forward for the future episodes.
The whole in a sock, I’d mend it eventually.
That was great! I’ve read and tried to do the cast on for 2 socks on 2 needles. Didn’t work out for me. Know that I just saw it I’m going to try it. Looks a lot easier in a live demonstration. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to your next episode.
What a great show/podcast, for once knitting wasn’t a lonely hobby. I look forward to your future shows.
As for the sock with a hole… I would try to darn even if I hate to sew as much as you do. That’s why I knit a star toe for my socks and just thread the yarn in the few stitches in the end.
CONGRATS on your 1st show! Very well done, I enjoyed it a great deal and am anxiously awaiting future shows! I read about your podcast in “It’s a Purl, Man” blog notes. I will definitely link your cast in my next blog entry.
I’m like you, don’t like sewing, although, I’ve bitten the bullet and don’t mind kitchenering a toe, but with your sock, I say rip back a row or 2 above the toe and reknit.
Suggestion for future shows, entrelac knitting, I’ve read about so many knitters who would love to see a nice entrelac tutorial.
Thanks for taking the time to do this!
Happy Knitting and God Bless.
Hey, congrats on your first episode. It was great meeting and talking to you at the Expo!
Cat – Thanks so much for going through with this idea you had. I’ve really enjoyed the first episode and am very excited that I can play it back again as needed. I’m not much for repairing anything, but I suppose if it was something I made myself, then I’d make the effort. I vote for frogging a little bit to re-knit. Looking forward to more episodes!
I just watched the first episode after someone told me about it. I liked it a lot! I never understood how to knit two socks at the same time, but now I do! Thanks a lot.
I would frog the sock with the hole up to the hole and re-knit from there on.
And now, I’m back to my comfy chair to watch the second episode…
I just started knitting a few months ago and I have really been wanting to try making socks but so afraid of 5 needles but after seeing how easy it is to work with just 2 needles I gave it a go and it is so easy!! Thanks so much for introducing me to this technique I would have never found it other wise!! I’m working on my second pair!!
Have a super day,
Hello, Cat!
What a great first episode! Knitting socks is something I am looking forward to learning, and watching the episode makes it all seem possible! I am going to watch the other episodes you have ready now, when I get an extra few minutes and I also look forward to more in the future.
I really enjoy the book reviews. I have taken out many books from the public library, and am purchasing the ones I like for my own library.
As to the hole in your sock….don’t you have any friends who enjoy sewing? I am sure you could ask one of them to just mend that for you, and I bet they would be happy to do it!
Thanks again!
Since others have come up with ideas to fix the hole in the sock, I’ll offer a suggestion for trying to give your socks extra life before you finish making them. I remember adding an extra strand of yarn in the areas that receive the most wear or the heels and toes of the socks. Since this does have a way of adding life to the socks, you might just wear the whole sock out before needing to fix it.
Love the show!!
I really enjoyed these informational video podcasts! So much so that I put a link in my blog for them so I can share them. They are practical and easy to understand.
I loved the first episode and as I am a visual learner, great to find your podcast that finally shows me the ins and outs of knitting a sock with circulars.
Now about the sewing…I can offer you 2 options:
Find someone who loves to darn socks and hates something you like to do.
Find some bondaweb to seal the hole and then knit a small patch which you can attach while you knit it in place, picking up a stitch either side in the fabric. It will be noticable but at least everyone will see that you love your socks.
Anne aka sockknittingmama
Hi there what a terrific Idea! a online knitting show, I loved it.
I do knit socks, 2-at-a-time with Magic loop technique but I still enjoyed this first episode fully.
Oh Cat………..that was a wonderful first episode !
I knit my socks on 4 needles, and might try the 2 circulars, but making two at a time still looks like it would get pretty confusing , since you wouldn’t ‘really’ have two different colors to keep you straight. Maybe it would all seem clearer when I was actually doing it.
Anyway, there is nothing like a visual demonstration…..I so appreciate your doing this ! And you seem so comfortable, as well as knowledgeable, that I look forward to seeing more.
If both socks had holes, I would frog them and make baby socks from the yarn, or make new socks with contrasting toes and heels, if the rest of the yarn was in good condition. Just one sock………..I think I’d cry a little !
I loooooooooooove your Episodes .Thank you very much . I always wanted to learn knitting socks but couldn’t find myself teacher thanks for teaching us ; andf videos are such excellent ideas
Really enjoyed the video. it was confusing a bit for me, I think I will veiw it again till it sinks in.. I really love that idea.
As for the hole in your sock. I’d unravel to the point where the hole is, then redo the toe area. If not that, then unravel the whole thing and start it again.. this time with a more stronger toe like knitting sl 1, k1 through that area where it tends to wear out.
I LOVE your podcasts! Thanks for doing them! Question about the two socks on two circs…what length circs do you use? I thought they looked like 32″…am I right?
I really liked this episode of That Darn Sock. I love the sweater that you are wearing. Do you have any idea where I could locate the pattern. I looked at the website that was linked but was unable to find it. I would so appreciate any assistance you could provide.
Diane Berthelot
cotton baby socks and wool baby socks are the best in my experience;~-
i just about love lets knit together so much i set the title thing as my background!!!!
I made some rockin socks too
thanks lets knit 2gether
you make my day!!!
My BIL just found LetsKnit2gether episodes on bliptv yesterday. What a find! That Darn Sock is perfect timing – I love to knit socks and will be attempting a pair on 2 circular needles soon. Thanks for the effort!
I just threw out my first handknit pair of socks. They had faded, and were actually too big to begin with. BOTH socks had a silver dollar size hole in the heel from the same afternoon walk! They also were several years old and it was time…. I will in the future, add a support thread to the heel to try to avoid holes.
Hi Cat and Eric,
I feel so behind the times! Just finished watching your first show and feel so slow. I will be up to speed though and will support you too. Between you and David Reidy, I will be branching out into larger and more complex garments by the end of the year. Thank you!