In this episode, we walk through beaded knitting techniques and show some great ideas for what you can do with beads.
For supplies and the Bead Soup bracelet pattern, check out
Check out Needlecraft University for step by step instructions on Beaded knitting. Check out Alice Korach’s video for Bead Knitting techniques.
Our book review today: Knitting with Beads by Jane Davis.
Special thanks to Ellen from for allowing us to demonstrate this technique with her fabulous Bead Soup Bracelet.
What’s on the set:
- Beaded bag made with Bronze Lurex Shimmer and size 8 seed beads
- Beaded bag from PurseParadise
- Knit Drop necklace from
- Lily Chin’s Knit and Crochet with Beads
- Big Eye Needle
What am I wearing:
- Garter Lace Triangle Shawl (plus a knitted on border) from Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls by Martha Waterman. Knitted with Cherry Tree Hill Cascade Lace in Spanish Moss colorway
- Beaded bracelet
Thank you! I really enjoyed this topic! I love the idea of making some bracelets – and Mother’s Day is coming!! It appears I’ll be able to make some quick but unique gifts for my Moms!
Can you recommend any good online resources for beads?
I can’t wait for your next video! I will NOT allow myself to be interested in spinning – I’ve got too much yarn as it is – but I’d love to understand the process more!
Thank you both for such a great gift to the knitting community!! I learn so much from this visual approach!
Really neat video. I had never seen any sort of bead knitting.
You did a wonderful job as always.
Susie in northern NY
Every time I watch one of your videos I’m convinced it’s the best one yet. I’m excited to learn how to do this. I’ve only done knitting with a few beads. I already have a couple of Big-Eye beading needles, the best invention since, er, probably beading. I even have some Bead Soup in my stash. Not sure about the Kreinik but I know where to get it . . . Keep up the good work!
I loved this episode – my knit nite group is doing a demo this month on the same thing! How exciting to be able to bring some knowledge and a project that everyone can do!
I just love your v-cast, and think it’s really really well done and extremely informative
Please keep up the great work, and I look forward to each of your episodes.
Live everyone else…LOVE, LOVE this episode! I’ve been wanting to do some knitting with beads but have not yet gotten around to it, but after watching you do it I see beaded sock designs! Sounds like fun!
Thanks for your episodes, I learn something new on just about every one!
Happy Valentine’s Day, it’s right around the corner!
Wow we really loved your Bead episode. We watched it while dyeing silk today. Jan is making beads and buttons with glass and I have a wonderful shawl knit by Myrna Stallman made with my beaded yarn for Deb Macomber’s new “A Good Yarn Shop book. I spin the beads into the yarn so the beads are all ready placed for the adventurous knitter. Thanks for the book review! Trish Andersen, Tanglewood Fiber Creations
Really enjoy your show! I was inspired to do the two socks on two needles. I just took the socks off needles. I can’t believe it only took me two weeks to finish both socks. Usually it takes about, well, 6 months – I get second sock syndrome. But you have cured that. Yes, my bead stash is as large as my knitting stash. However, it is easier to hide. I really enjoy your videocast. I came over from Lime & Violet. Thanks Miss Lime and Cat!
Thank you sooo much for this great topic! I have recently tried combining my love of knitting and my love of beads and your pod cast has given me a great boost! KC
Hi, love the bead episode! Each show just keeps getting better and better. I am amazed at your video editing skills.
I’m a new knitter and having trouble figuring out some things from books. Are you planning any “remedial” episodes? For example, I’d love to see demos of a whole host of different ways to cast on.
Happy Knitting!
Hi Cat,
I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your video cast and can’t wait for each new episode to come out. You’re extremely informative and you always inspire me to try new things. I already have a bead stash that closely rivals my yarn stash and now, I can have a go at combining the two!
I also particularly enjoyed the episodes where you visited both Stitches East and the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival. As I’m “across the pond” in the UK, your videos made me feel like I was there myself.
Thanks so much and keep the episodes coming.
I love this episode and I ordered the bead soup bracelet kit from earth faire and cannot wait to get it. How ever I am also looking for the pattern for the beaded bag using the lurex shimmer yarn and size 8 seed beads can anyone help me out!! PLEASE
Thanks for the feedback on the show. I think you’ll be thrilled with the bead soup bracelet. I just ordered the Bead Stew bracelet myself.
As far as the lurex shimmer bag. It was my own design. I can’t recall the exact number of stitches, however, this is essentially the pattern.
Rowan Lurex Shimmer – Bronze
400-500 size 8 pearl seed beads
Size US 2-3 needles
String about 100 beads at a time. When you come to the end of a row and are nearing the end of the beads, clip the yarn about 2-3″ and string 100 more beads. Putting too many beads at one time on the yarn will cause it to fray and weaken.
Start with casting on about 50 stitches on US size 2-3
Knit 2 rows plain.
Row 3: K1, (slip a bead, k2)repeat until last stitch, K1
Row 4: K all stitches
Row 5: K2, (slip a bead, k2)
Row 5: K all stitches
Repeat rows 3-6 until the work is approximately 6″
Repeat beading pattern and at the same time decrease 1 stitch each side on the beaded rows until approx. 10 stitches remain or desired length.
K2 rows plain.
Bind off all stitches.
Fold the purse in 3rds and sew side seam.
You should probably line the bag and place cardboard between the lining and the bag. In my example, I still haven’t done that yet.
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I started a bracelet!! I’m following the directions you set out in the vidcast – but next time I will opt for more interesting beads! I could not find anything but stretchy thread in our local craft store. So I opted to use the thread that I used to crochet lace. Here is a link to my works in progress:
Thank you for teaching me something new!!
Thanks for the vidcasts. I got caught up on all of the episodes while waiting in an airport earlier this week. What a great way to pass the time and learn something as well.
You asked for feedback from listeners who have made items using the techniques that you described–here are a couple.
I was introduced to knitting with beads last year at Stitches West and purchased an April Scarf kit from Swallowhill Creations. Stringing the beads wasn’t as bad as I thought and they included a dental floss threader to do the job. What a great idea. Here’s the finished scarf:
After finishing the scarf I took on a more ambitious project, the Juliet Pullover from Interweave Knits Summer 2004 in Habu linen and 45 gms of 8/0 hex beads. This sweater took many many more beads than the scarf and like you, I preferred using the big eye needle. Here are photos of the finished sweater, which I absolutely love!
Have a great day!
This is a great video on beaded knitting. I tell people that it is really easy but they see the beauty and beleive it has to be hard. You show them it is not. Thanks.
Hi…I love your podcast. Have a question about the beaded knitting…you show putting the beads on a long string of yarn and wrapping it around a towel. The next scene, you are knitting the beads into the bracelet. How do you get the beads on the same string as what you are knitting? I missed how that was done…Do you string the beads on a separate piece of yarn? I’m unclear on this. THANKS!
Oh no! My rss feeder was not updating you so I’m trying to catch up now. Fabulous videocast today-I’m definitely going to knit a beaded bracelet-you did a great job. As always. Now I have to get back to watching, I can’t believe I’ve missed three episodes! Hugs from Berlin.
I am so enjoying your videos!! I look forward to each and every one. I hope to try a beaded bracelet soon and I am certain I will replay the video several times to make sure I have the hang of it
Thank you so much for what you do and for sharing your talents and your graciousness with all of us.
I actually had the same question as Sonsarae. I must have missed something.
I love your videos! They are absolutely wonderful!!
Cat: Thanks for the time that you spend putting your video podcast together – I love listening to knitting podcasts and finding one that I could watch was an added bonus!
I was especially interested in the beaded bracelet podcast but I feel I have to tell you about the experience I had with the bracelet kit. I ordered two kits through the website that you recommended and was terribly disappointed in the contents of the kit. The beads were the same as I could find at a dime store as were the toggles. The result will be on par with a gaudy childlike bracelet. I will be going to my local bead store for a quality bead selection and an unusual clasp before I try the technique you demonstrated.
This isn’t meant to be a “dis” but rather a helpful suggestion to folks wanting to spend the time and money on this project. We all want to enjoy the end result of our efforts!
Thanks for your videocast.
Pingback: One Hour Knitted Bracelet «
hello my are you.Thank you.This is a great video on beaded knitting.I tell people that it is really easy but they see the blog is baby knitting anb baby crochet.a very good.Thank you my friend.
Hi Very thoughful post post. I love it when people like yourself take this much time to deliver WONDERFUL content!
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Bob R.
Great post guys. Love your work.
Keep it up !
thanks ilove you full!
Another great informative post…
thanks you very much!!!!
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