In this episode of our Video podcast, I share my secret of how I spin faster! I make lots of yummy yarn and show what I’ve become now that I spin faster.
Our Book Review today:The Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning
Special Thanks:
- Milouson from Belgium for pics of ribbon scarves
- Cynthia for pics of her felted bags
On the set:
- Spinning with Raspberry Colonial Top
- Fricke Spinner which you can find at Woodland Woolworks
What am I wearing:
- Diagonal Lace Scarf knitted with my homespun 2ply fingering yarn from Cherry Tree Hill Pastels Potluck Roving
Hello Cat,
I was looking forward to this second spinning part and thought it was about how to use a spinning wheel…but this electric spinning machine is even better. Thank you for producing another fantastic video podcast! I am thrilled…
Hi Cat. I just recently discovered your site and I LOVE it. I’m one of those people who need to see it being done. Your spinning episodes, in particular, are of great help since I recently decided I wanted to learn how to spin with a drop spindle.
Oh my. Just in time for the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival!
Please keep up the great work.
Dear Cat, thank you for another great episode- I just love getting to know more about spinning and felting and thanks to your show I fell a little less intimidated!
Keep up the great work and thank you so much!
Nadine in Germany
Dear Kat, I am thrilled to see you are having spinning!! I just don’t have an ipod, i use my desktop. When i click the quicktime I only get audio , no pic, when i click windows media, that is when I have to click every other second to keep you going.I am however having a real problem viewing them. I have to rehit the play button literally every other second… Can you tell that I really really want to see you spin?? LOL! Nothing like being a fiber addict!
I also wanted to say from what I have seen you have done a very professional job and I hope you will post your videos on Youtube too!
I can watch the videos there ( including my paltry ones on predrafted roving and getting a single ply from hand spindle to yarn winder!) see
many blessings,grace in VT
You need to install the latest version of QuickTime. If you are on a windows machine (which I assume you are since you’re watching the windows media version) go here:
…and follow the install instructions. You will then be able to just click on the player and watch our show right on the website.
As far as your windows media problem, it sounds like you have a slow internet connection. Try right clicking on the Windows Media link, Save Target As, and save the file completely on your computer before you try playing it. It should run fine then.
Your podcast is brilliant, and thoroughly inspiring. Please keep posting them.
Loved it! I got a wheel for Christmas after using a drop spindle for about 2 years so it was fun to see your two episodes. Funny, my first spinning book was Spin to Knit and I’ve had Alden Amos book ordered at Amazon for aobut 2 months now. I guess they are having a hard time getting it in so my order keeps getting pushed back. Big bummer now that you recommended it. All the better when it finally does come. Thanks again for a wonderful show!!
Dear Eric and Cat, I just did what you said and NOW i can watch Cat Spin and Knit without any online stopping of the feed. I am so thrilled and very grateful, these are so awesome.
Cat, would love to see you create a video on hand carding or anything on fiber preparation and also more on sock knitting! BTW Love your stash and the electronic spinner is amazing!!
Now on to watch ALL the videos you both have so wonderfully created for yet another encore! I so wish you had a TV show… on daily!!
Blessings, grace
Cat I love your show. so inspiring. Toooooo inspiring! Now I want to spin, like I don’t have enough to do already. Ha! I had asked about drop spindle spinning at the LYS but they only have wheel classes and there is no way I can afford that any time soon. So thank-you for giving me a visual. This is the second time I have watched the spinning shows, this time back to back, and I am planning my shopping schedule for fiber and Bosworth spindle. We’ll see how it goes. I really like the look of that table-top one but learning on drop first seems more organic, more off an experiance.
again, thanks. If you ever learn how to prepare fiber I would like to see that. I have a brother-in-law with two sheep and he had offered me their fleece, i just have to get it off them. How does that happen?
ps: in case you haven’t seen it check out my blog for a knit snow sculpture featured at Winterlude in Ottawa.
Hi Cat, I found your podcast on iTunes and I LOVE it. I notice that your podcast episodes are for more advanced knitters. I have just begun to knit not too long ago and only know how the to the knit stitch, I even have some trouble switching back and forth from knitting and the purling stitch. Can you please do one ep going over how to do that and an demo on how to drop and add a stitch or how to knit wider as or skinner? I love to knit more, but reading the instruction doesn’t really help me. So if you can do a beginner ep. it would be super helpful!
I am loving your podcasts! And I think you’ve convinced me to get an electric spinner. For awhile I’ve been saying that I don’t have space for a wheel, but seeing how you are able to sit with the spinner at your side, rather than facing it head-on like one is forced to do with a double-treadle wheel, well, I think that would definitely work for me, and the current layout in my small space. Hooray!