In this latest episode of our video podcast, we go on a knitting adventure in NYC to visit the Lion Brand Studios and the Knit1Magazine premiere.
Join us as we walk through the new Lion Brand store in NYC with Patty, Liz and Zontee. Stop by and visit the store if you’re in the area.
Listen to CATs interview on the Yarncraft Podcast which we recorded during this visit.
At The Point in NYC, we had the chance to participate in the premiere of the Knit1 Magazine Fall/Winter issue.
Special thanks to the Rockland Knitters, Spin City Spinners and my friends from work for helping out with making caps for the Save The Children Knit 1 Save 1 campaign.
Our next LIVE show is January 31st at 6pm Eastern. Join us for a virtual Show and Tell and to chat about your latest projects!
We’re having a contest this month to win a beautiful skein of Blue Moon Fiber Arts Seduction Sock yarn in the Spring Fling Colorway. Just leave a comment here to tell us which demo topic you’d like us to produce first and be eligible to win this great skein of yarn! It looks like this colorway has been discontinued so sign up quick for your chance to win! We’ll be naming the winner here on February 14th!
The options are:
- Binding off Toe up Socks
- Fair Isle (actually Stranded) Knitting
- Knitting Dishcloths
What’s on the set/what am I wearing:
- Katia Florida Top made with the yarn in the pattern. Completed 2004
- Blue Moon Fiber Arts Seduction Sock yarn in Spring Fling Colorway
Edited 2/14 – The winner of the yarn is: Karen in Maine! We’ll be emailing you to get the address for where to send this lovely yarn
I’d love to see a demo on fair isle knitting. Your new hairdo is great, by the way !!!
I would love to learn more about Fair Isle Knitting. I’ve never quite understood how it works.
That was a really fun episode. I loved seeing the Lion Brand Studio. As for the demo topics, I vote for Fair Isle too. One of my knitting goals for 2009 is to get over my fear of Fair Isle and colorwork!!
Another neat episode. I’d like to see a demo on binding off toe-up socks. I seem to be stuck on EZ’s sewn bind-off.
I really love your webcast. This was an especially fun episode. I’m interested in the demo for binding off toe-up socks. Thanks.
Another good episode. I guess I will have to make that lace hoodie! I’d like to see some bind-offs for toe-ups.
I would be excited to see binding off toe-up socks. I just started doing them myself and haven’t yet had to bind off and am hoping I do it right when I get there! (But know ALL the topics sound interesting! I just knew I had to choose one! Hopefully all of them air at some point!)
Your shows are great, thanks so much for putting your effort into creating them! They’re definitely rays of sunshine on these bitter winter (sunless) days in Michigan!
Hi Cat! Even though I’ve seen/listened to podcasts discussing Fair Isle, I’d love to see another. That’s one technique I have yet to try!
I would like to see Fair Isle (actually Stranded) Knitting. I just started researching this type of knitting. I think I would like to try it. Thanks for all you do I really enjoy your podcast.
Please do: Binding off Toe up Socks. I just can’t seem to get a sock to either fit over my heel or the sock just doesn’t stay up because the BO is too loose. HELP!
loved your podcast. and i would love to see Fair Isle.
greetings from the netherlands
I’d like to see you do some Fair Isle Knitting in one of the next episodes – including cutting!
Greets from germany,
Fair Isle (Stranded knitting) please. Always good to see and to try a variety of techniques. Thanks!
I think Fair Isle Knitting would be a good one to start with, followed by the others of course!
Love your podcast.
I love your new haircut! I’d love to see Fair Isle in one of your upcoming episodes.
My toe-up socks are also a struggle to get over my heel, so I vote for binding off socks, but the Fair Isle topic is a VERY close second! Either way, I can hardly wait!
I”d like to see the bind off for the toe up socks.
I would love to learn more about Fair Isle please! Thanks
I vote for Fair Isle knitting!
I would like to see a Fair Isle knitting demo. Love your latest podcast. I went to the Lion Brand store too! They have all the colors. I also heared the podcast that you are on. Thanks foe help with the socks. I’m trying to learn how to make them. I still struggling but I’m getting there.
Love the show! I would love to see a fair isle demo. Keep up the great work
I am all for the fair isle demo.
Hi! Love this video podcast! I’d love to see binding off toe up socks! I”m about to do my own pair.
I’d love to see fair isle.
I’d like to see the toe-up socks bind-off. If you’re also doing the other two I’d like the Fair Isle and then the dishcloth video
The binding off toe up socks sounds like a great demo episode!
I’d love to see:
Toe up socks – heal and cast off
Fair isle demo
Ooh, Fair Isle please.
looks like you have a multitude of “fair isle” requests, but I’m
voting for the toe up sock bind off!!
great episode, as usual! Thanks!
I’d love to see Fair Isle – mine never comes out right!
Fair Isle ….. I love your new hairdo. Very attractive on you.
I’d love to see the fair isle knitting demonstration.
Thank you!
My vote is for Fair Isle demo.
Another great episode as always!I loved seeing the Lion Brand studio & hope to talk my husband into a train trip down to the city sometime. For the demo I would really like to see Fair Isle first but all were something to look forward to!
My of would be the bind-off of a toe up sock with a very close second being the Fair Isle knitting…..both would be great in the future
I would like to see Fair Isle knitting first, although I am considering knitting dishcloths for wedding favors, so I look forward to seeing that episode too!
I would love to learn more of Binding off Toe up Socks –
Great episode!
Fair Isle (stranded) knitting. I’ve always been fascinated with it, and have it on my “to do” list to learn this year.
I would love to see fair isle knitting in a podcast.
I’d like to see Binding off Toe Up Socks, please. Mine always end up too tight!
Thanks Cat and Eric.
1. Fair Isle, please
2. bind off toe
3. No dish towel/rag/cloth.
Fair Isle tutorial, plz! I am lovin’ the new ‘do, Cat! Keep up the great work! =D
Please demo Fair Isle knitting.
Hi, Cat!
My vote is for the toe-up sock bind off first. Then I’d like to see fair isle knitting, and I personally don’t do the washcloths, so no vote for that.
I would love to learn fair isle. I can’t wait to see more video’s from Rhinebeck.
Hey, Cat, I’d love to see the toe-up socks bind-off video first, and would really love it if you plan on showing a few alternative bind-offs. I think that something else that would be great is to show some different heel options.
Love your show — keep on keeping on!
Cat, thanks for another cool episode – both the Lion Brand store (drool) and the cool Knit1 premiere – must go check out the magazine, knew nothing about it! Thanks! If you could do Fair Isle, that’d be wonderful. Love it but can’t seem to get the knack of it.
I am still afraid of Fair Isle (actually Stranded) Knitting. I would love to see your instructions, because you always make it sound so easy. I feel like I could try it then. I still refer to your socks podcast for tips.
I would love to see fair isle knitting please. I love love love your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fair Isle all the way!! There are no good videos out there on this topic and I hope to one day knit myself a fair isle sweater! Also, Cat, I am LOVING that new hair on you, girl!
I can’t decide! Toe up socks are driving me nuts because I have holes in the increases in the toes.
I’m currently working on a Fair Isle Hemp For Knitting bag that is driving me nuts. I’m having tension problems so seeing how you do Fair Isle might help me.
Then there’s the ever useful dishcloth. Which pattern to use? What yarns? oh the choices! (yes, I’m being sarcastic, but even the lowly dishcloth has a use)
No matter what you pick, I’ll be happy. I know I’ll learn from anything you demonstrate.
I think that a Fair Isle demo would be amazing,though i have to admit I have not yet tried a toe-up sock so that may be more useful for other people as I have no idea how difficult it is. In any case I vote Fair Isle ^_^
I would really like to see dinding off toe up socks.
I would love to see the binding off of the toe up socks. I am working on my second pair of socks now and I’m sure in the relative future I’m going to want to take on toe up and I’m going to need to know how to finish them. LOL!
Cat — Faire Isle Please. Love your show. I wish I could do more toward the fund. I will try. Scott B. a guy knitter in Little Rock.
I’d love to see Binding off Toe up Socks, because before, you taught us how to bind on toe up socks. I really love the blooper clips at the end of your podcasts!
Hi Cat! My daughter and I are so excited whenever we see you have a new video podcast up! I’d love to see all three subjects you mentioned, but binding off toe up socks would come first in my wishlist. Bless you and that crazy camera guy!
I would like to see either the toe-up sock bind-off or the fair-isle knitting. Thanks for showing your visit to the Lion Brand Studio. It was fun seeing pictures of Zontee and Liz from the Yarncraft podcasts – it’s nice to put a face to a voice. Thanks for all your work.
ps. Your top is really pretty, Cat.
I’d love to see the Binding off toe up socks tutorial. I could even put it to use, if I win the yarn!
I would love the binding off of toe up socks. thanks for a great show.
Hi Cat & Eric, I would like to see how others do the fair isle style of knitting. I have nearly finished a cardigan with fairisle in for my husband and am proud that I tackled it but wherever you look, there is not enough demo’s done on fair isle because it is an advanced technique.
Love Susan,
My vote goes to Fair Isle! I love your hair, and love your podcast. I would like to support your fundraising, so if it’s okay with you I’d like to run a contest with my listeners and customers. I have been thinking that if folks donate to you and let me know, I can add them to a drawing for either stash yarn or hand-dyed yarn… I can still work out the details.
I would prefer to see the fairaisle knitting in an episode. It would be a new skill for me.
Since I am nearly at the point in which I need to bind off my first ever pair of socks, that just happen to be toe-up, that would be my first vote. If you are ranking suggestions, my second vote would be for the fair-isle, since my second pair of socks (cuff-down) are going to be fair-isle and I’m almost to the point of having to start reading the chart. But either one would be good. Thanks for asking!
I like all three options for a demo but since I can only choose one, I would choose “Binding off Toe up Socks”
I really like your podcast videos. Being a visual learner it makes it alot easier to see what is being talked about. Keep up the GREAT work!
~Becky (aka Knittergirl39 on Ravelry)
I would prefer a show on fair isle/stranded knitting. Thanks for putting out another ep…things got slim podcastwise since the holidays!
I really want to see how you bind off toe up socks.
I’d love to see fair isle then binding off toe ups and then dishcloths.
I would like to vote for the binding off toe-up socks. I’ve made a couple of pairs of toe-ups and I’m too much of a tight knitter to not have the binding off lose. I’ve use multiple ways to try to get it lose and nothing is working Help!
Michelle aka meicheL1006 (ravelry)
Hi CAT & Eric!
I’ll vote for Binding off Toe up Socks because I know I’ll never try fair isle knitting. That’s too scary for a beginner like myself. My second choice would, of course, be dishcloths.
I’d vote for binding off toe-up socks. I just started a pair watching your cast-on video. I love your shows! My second choice would also be dishcloths.
Hey Cat, i’m so bad about posting comments but i can’t pass up the chance to win some Blue Moon! I would love to see something on Fair Isle knitting.
Thanks, see you at the spinner’s group in a few weeks.
Fair Isle Knitting…definitely.
Although binding off toe-up socks is a VERY close second.
I’m so excited to have found your video podcast. Off to subscribe via iTunes…!
I would *love* to see a show on fair isle knitting.
Fair Isle Knitting! Great new haircut!
Fair Isle knitting please!
Binding off Toe up Socks would be my choice. I love toe-up socks but I hate trying to figure out how to make a stretchy bindoff!
I would love to see fair isle. I can’t seem to learn enough to make me confidant in trying larger projects, or be convinced that I am doing it right.
Am i the only one who would like to see a show on knitting dish cloths? They are a great knitting project that can be easily carried around and worked on in your spare time. If you don’t do a show on them could you at least post info on your site about them with some patterns maybe? Go Dish Cloths!
i would love to see the toe up bind off
i’m about to start my first toe up sock so the timing is perfect!
I would love to see fair isle! Great choice of a giveaway yarn,their yarns are beautiful.
I would love to see a demo on Fair Isle…but all are super ideas. I really enjoy the podcast!
I vote for Fair Isle. Something I always find tricky.
Hi Cat! I’d love to see the fair Isle. But all other choices are great too!
Cat –
I love the show… I would love to see an episode on binding off toe up socks!
Cat –
I’d say 1. Fair Isle, 2. Bind off for toe up and 3. Dishcloths.
When you do the Bind off for toe up – I’d actually like to see many variations of bindoff’s to get a better idea of which ones work the best – for any project!
Love your new haircut and thanks for the great podcasts!
I’d love to see a demo on Fair isle!
Thanks for the contest.
I’d love to see fair isle.
Leave the dishcloth! Bring on the bind offs and fair isle! Keep up the great work!
I’d love to see a fair isle demo also.
Please show us Fairisle. This format (video blog) is perfect for showing techniques that an audio podcast just can’t do justice. Thanks Cat
I would also like to cast my vote for Fair Isle! Thanks!
I would like more on fair isle. I completed a two color hat for my husband for our anniversary but I always felt like I was stumbling over my fingers and got the tension too tight on some of the yarn in the back side. I usually knit continental style. Could not adjust to one of the yarns in the right hand.
I learned to knit 2 years ago but only started my first dishcloth 2 nights ago. Wow ~ talk about instant gratification! I need some of that! What fun!! I would enjoy hearing you discuss dishcloths and see the beautiful patterns you have knitted,in addition to learning the best yarns to use.
Love your video podcasts!
Thanks so much!
Great episode!!!! I vote for binding off toe up socks
Hi Cat & Eric,
Please do an episode on binding off Toe up Socks. Fair Isle would be my second choice although dishcloths would be more practical. All the ideas are fine with me. I love your podcasts!
/bangs head against wall!
Sorry about that. 6 Eastern is 3 pm to me and I’m usually out running around getting things done that I never have a chance to do on weekdays.
I missed your live show again! I was at the very first one and now I’ve missed each one after.
I hope it went well and everyone had a great time.
I would love fair isle .
Hi Cat,
I would really love to see something in Fair Isle. I am starting to venture into knitting with multiple colors and would love to see that in a tutorial.
I would love to an episode on casting off toe up socks! Great work on the videocast, I love it!
Hi Cat & Eric,
Really enjoyed your podcast. It was fun to see the new Lion Brand studio-store. I’ve done stranded knitting before but would love to see your next demo on that subject—any tips for keeping even tension would be so appreciated!
Love the podcast. It was fun to see the Lion Brand Studio. Cast off for the toe up socks, I’m ususally a cuff down girl. Do dishcloths really need an episode? Also love all of the Rhinebeck episodes, when in the middle of dark & dreary winter I can get the feel of a fiber event.
Fair Isle, please
It was really nice to watch your show again. As I’m European, *seeing* what goes on over there is so interesting. Please keep up the excellent work!
I would love to see a fair isle demo. This is one technique I can not master.
I vote for fair isle! cos I’m too scared to try it…hehehe
Hi Cat and Eric, I really enjoyed seeing inside the new Lion studio, as well as behind the scenes of the magazine issue. And Cat, your hair looks great!
Hi, I need to learn new ways to bind off toe-up socks. I usually knit socks this way and the cuffs just aren’t great. Thanks!
I would love to see how to bind off toe-up socks. Thanks.
Opening some doors to Fairisle knitting techniques would be such a huge help. Looking forward to this information…….. Thanks!
I would love to see more about fair isle knitting. I never quite understood how to strand the yarn without puckering. I have always been afraid to try actually. I also am interested in the toe up bind off for socks. I love socks and knitting them but i usually do a standard bind off with a larger needle. I’d love to see some other options.
I really would love to know more about fair isle knitting. I learn so much from your podcast. But it is great fun as it is too. Kindest regards, Marion Berkhout.
As much as I’d love to see all the different techniques for Fair Isle knitting, I’d like to see bind offs for toe up socks more. There are so many different ones and I’d like to see differentiations for them all. Great podcast Kat!
Love your podcasts! I’d like to see bind offs for toe-up socks first. Keep up the great work!
one more vote for binding off toe-up socks. Too tight is the common problem, without a happy resolution…so far :o)
I vote for binding off Toe-up socks, I love the toe-up principle, but can’t seem to get a bind off as stretchy as I’d like.
My vote is for binding off toe up socks. Always looking for another way to finish them off!!
My vote is for binding off toe up socks…I just started to learn toe up and the first one I knit I could barely get over my calf…so the second one is on hold until I learn a new version of bind off.
Fair Isle Merci!
Fair Isle, please. And keep up the great work, I am new to the podcast, but am catching up quickly due to a couple of sick days home with a sore throat!
Love the new do!
Actually I am torn between the toe-up bind-off and the fair isle demos. Either would be good! I have knitted toe-up and was disappointed with the lack of stretch in my bind off, and yet I would like to learn the Fair Isle technique too! The stress of the decision!
I’d love to see you cover straNded knitting.
Thanks, Cat!
Definitely Fair Isle….!
I’d love to see 1st choice) knitted dishcloths, or 2nd choice: binding off Toe up Socks — I’m more or less a beginner, and I can tell I’m in the minority on choices here – =) Thanks!!!
Thanks for the great show. I’d love to see a feature on Fair Isle.
HI I want to see Fair Isle knitting! Thank you for grate show.
Best regards
I would love to see one of fair isle knitting as I tried to try it ones and well not so hot! thanks for another lovely podcast, I am always intersted to see what you are going to talk about or were you got to go.
I vote for Fair Isle Knitting first. Maybe this would give me the little bit of motivation I need to get me started on a pair of fair isle sock / slippers I have been meaning to knit!
Love the initiative of offering a contest this month… Thanks for all your hard work and dedication Cat and Eric!
I love your podcasts….I have also recently fallen in love with fair isles. It is definately on my list of skills to work on. Yarn colors are so beautiful and they are just screaming from my stash to be put together. I am looking to you for that help….PLEASE. Thanks so much
I’d like to see Binding off Toe up Socks. I love your past episode on starting the toes. It was very helpful
I would like to see an episode on binding off toe up socks. (Fair isle is a my second choice!)
I have no clue how to do fair isle and would love to learn. Please post a demo!!! Thanks
the socks!
That’s a dreamy looking shop they have there…
I vote for the fair isle first… also very interested in the binding off of socks but I can wait for that one!!
Fair Isle is one of my knitting goals for this year… So another vote for a Fair Isle demo!
I’d love to see Fair Isle!
Love the Video Cast!
Again a lovely episode, the pictures from the Lion Brand studio were real fun to watch, I wish I could do my house like that
I would love to see fair isle knitting for the next episode as it’s one of the more difficult techniques in knitting.
Looks like such an inviting store-I hope to be able to visit on the next trip to NYC
ohhh! that yarn is soo pretty! binding off socks please
Another great episode! Thanks for putting on a terrific show!
I would love to see an episode on knitted dishcloths (and facecloths). I never really fully appreciated these items until someone in my knitting circle decided to knit some as Christmas gifts. Her cloths were far and away so much better than anything you could buy in a store.
Fair isle, please!
Love the show and your hair looks fab! 
I really enjoyed your podcast! The lionbrand studio has made me want to take the 2hr train ride to NYC some day!
I’d really like to see more about toe up sock bind offs. I’ve tried 3 different ones and am not happy with how the ones I’ve done claim to be strechy but are really not.
Look forwards to seeing your next podcast!
I’d like to see the bind off for toe up socks.
I am looking forward to watching tutorials for binding off toe-up socks and for fair ilse–but if I had to pick on to go FIRST, I’d vote for fair isle!
And I agree that your new haircut is quite flattering.
I loved the videos on NY, I have a sister living in Brooklyn and am planning a road trip to Lion Brand because of your video, my vote is for the fair isle tutorial. Love the new look!
Nice episode. I wasn’t able to get to the studio during my last trip to NYC so this was a great way to see what I’m missing! As for the demo vote…definitely Fair Isle please.
Fair Isle Knitting would be so nice to see in your next podcast. I love your shows they are inspiring! Thank you! You look great with the new haircut.
Binding off toe-up socks would be great.
I love your podcast and always look forward to the new episodes. I would love to see Binding off Toe up Socks.
I’m all for Binding off Toe up Socks. My feet can get so cold during the winter.
Hey Cat,
Love the new do! Very sophisticated.
I’d like to see a demo on Fair Isle… it’s been a while since I’ve watched any of your demos and I always found them informative and fun.
With regards to raising more money for the site… have you considered Raffles? You could sell “tickets” at $1 or $2 each and give nice yarn as a prize (which you may also be able to get donated by a supplier as it would be free advertising). The winner would end up having paid only a few dollars whilst you could raise much more.
Best Wishes, Rich
I would love to see all three! I just bought your book about socks so I would choose that if I have to but all of them would be nice. Thanks for the shows.
I just found your podcast yesterday and I love it already. I’m a brand new knitter and am appreciative of any free knitting instruction I can get my hands on. I’m itching to make a pair of socks, so I’d like to see Binding off toe up socks. But to be honest, I’m sure I’ll like all 3 episodes. Best wishes.
I’d love to see binding off toe up socks – I love learning new variations on such a simple thing as a sock!
I vote for the binding off of toe up socks first. I would also love to see an episode on steeking. Or maybe slip stitch patterns, or a how to do good yarn substitutions. There’s a lot I’d love to see. Keep up the informative wonderful work.
I vote for binding off toe-up socks.
Binding off Toe up Socks please!
My vote is for the sock bind-off!
Fair Isle and toe finishing are more technical and exciting sounding but I have dishcloth dilemma. I’ve been knitting dish cloths this past year and now I have all these partial skeins left. I’d like to learn some good, sturdy joins for cotton so I can use up these bits of yarn.
Hi Cat! Definitely would love to see some fair isle demos! Thanks!
Love the new haircut. I would like to see a bind-off for toe up socks. I always knit them this way because I can just keep knitting until I run out of yarn and that is how long they will be. My bind-offs are not always as stretchy as I would like. thanks
I would love to learn more about fair isle knitting! I’m a beginner and your show always inspires me to my next projects! In fact I’m going out today to get some wire and beads to make jewelry!
Your podcasts are always wonderful. I wish I lived closer to New York. I would love to learn more about Fair Isle knitting – Thank you!
Just watched this episode today and wanted to put my vote in for fair isle! I might be too late though. Oh well.
I would love to learn the toe up bind off first (followed by Fair Isle) I love your video podcasts and your new haircut is great!
Oh wow … I would love to see an episode on binding-off toe-up socks … but an episode on fair-isle socks would be great too – well any fair isle in the round really.
but you knwo me, its all about socks — so BO the TUs.
Wow so many comments to chose from? however will you pick just one winner?
Did anyone else get tinglies looking at all that yarn on the wall??
As usual, a great episode Cat! Personally, I’d love to see a demo of Fair Isle. Thanks for all you do!
PS I love your hair!
I loved this episode and want to thank you for putting out all of these wonderful videos for us! I was re-visiting them today when I remembered that I haven’t left a comment yet! I would love to see either the toe-up bind off or the fair isle. I know I’ve seen a lot of cute fair isle kits lately, but I’m always afraid to try them. Maybe you can help me build the courage?
Oooh! Fair Isle Knitting!!
I would like to see the toe-up socks bind-off… And heel turning options for toe-up socks. I always have to do the heel a couple times for the when/how to turn it!
I love the podcast, thanks for doing it!
The winner of the yarn is: Karen in Maine! We’ll be emailing you to get the address for where to send this lovely yarn!
Hi Cat! I’d like to vote for the episode of Binding off Toe up Socks first!!