lk2g-052 A Trip to Texas and More

In this latest episode of our knitting videos, join us as we travel to Austin, Texas for the South By Southwest Conference.

We attended several sessions including Soapbox Spielbergs with Eric Beck from The Indy Mogul Podcast and  Commuknitty with Steven from The Yknit Podcast.

Afterward we stopped at The Knitting Nest.

Also in this episode, CAT takes a trip to Creative Knitworks in Hillsdale, NJ.

Book Review:

What’s on the set:

What am I wearing:

  • Shawl of my own design made with Cotton Ribbon Yarn (I’m still trying to find the name of the yarn!) completed 2002

To watch the SXSW video check it out on Vimeo produced by Eric Beck from The Indy Mogul Podcast

Special Thanks to Potters Craft and Cath from Knitter Scarlet.

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204 Responses to lk2g-052 A Trip to Texas and More

  1. Liz says:

    I like knitting socks 2 at a time on Magic Loop and prefer toe up to top down. I have tried just about every method and what does not work for me is double points.

    Thanks for what you do.

  2. I feel like a broken record, but – Another great episode! Cat, your hair looks great, love the short cut. I prefer toe up on two circ’s, but I’m not locked in. I am in 3 sock clubs and I just do what they tell me to do! I really liked the shop reviews. See you on 7/25.
    CaroleNJ / SloKnitR

  3. Betsy says:

    Love these episodes. I just started knitting socks and have made 4 pairs in the past month. I’ve only used double points from the cuff down but would love to learn the circular toe up method. I just haven’t found anyone to teach me yet.

  4. Carolyn says:

    So far I have only made cuff down socks. I have a feeling, though, that once I try toe-up I will like the customizing available with that approach. Argh!! I just need more hours in my day!!

  5. Will says:

    Ooh, pick me, pick me! I’m one of the people who have only knit cuff-down socks…I’m a happy two-at-a-timer, though, and I’d love to add the toe-up approach. Being a fairly tall guy, I have the not-sure-if-I-have-enough-yarn phobia.

  6. MaureenC says:

    I have just recently learned how to knit socks from the top down. I would love to learn how to knit socks from the toe up.

  7. cheaky27 says:

    i prefer to knit my socks from the top down, one at a time, on dpns.
    i’m planning on learning magic loop next!

  8. toe up. that way i can try them on as i

  9. Beth says:

    I’m pretty new to sock knitting, but so far prefer toe up on two circulars.

  10. Stacy says:

    I have recently changed my favorite method to toe up. I was really stuck in doing socks in a traditional way but the fit was never great. I finally decided to try a pair toe up and the toe was just the most wonderful thing I have ever worn.

    Great show I always get so excited the I see that the is another episode up on Itunes.

  11. Christy says:

    So far I have only knit socks from the cuff down. I did just discover the magic loop and love it. My next pair will be toe up.
    Love the show.

  12. Cindy McB says:

    I guess I am partial to cuff down socks, that is the type of sock I tried first and have sort of stuck with it out of familiarness, (is that a word?) I have only knit one sock so far toe up, but I can definitely see the advantages. I love to knit socks in either direction.

    P.S. Had to quote the line above:

    “Great show I always get so excited the I see that the is another episode up on Itunes.”

    I feel the same way.


  13. Barbara Thorp (Dragonflower) says:

    I knit top down socks and love using the two circ method over 5 dpn’s

  14. Susan Hardy says:

    Hi CAT, I have mastered knitting socks on the two circular needles which I find easier but have not had a go at knitting from the toe up. Is it quicker or easier!

  15. Charlynn Gimenez says:

    I absolutely love your show and watch and rewatch each episode while waiting anxiously for the next upcoming adventure. I’ve learned so much here and I really appreciate the time and effort you and Eric put into them. Your trips to fairs all over the east coast make me miss the east with all it’s country fairs and appreciation to things past and rural.

    I just started knitting socks and have so far tried dpns cuff down and Magic Loop 2 at a time. My next challenge is toe up so your review of Wendy Johnson’s book was great. I’ve also been drooling over pretty stitch markers and would love to add them to my notions collection!

    Again, thanks for all you do for us… and happy knitting!

  16. Marie-Louise says:

    Oh, the knitting nest looks real nice! And it’s nice to hear about both sock books, I have the Cookie A one on order because I love those complicated stitch patterns.
    The kimoni you’re knitting looks amazing, the color is just to die for. I might have to order that book to try and knit a kimono for myself once.
    As to socks:
    I usually look for the size and type of sock I want to make. If I make socks for someone with a larger shoe size I find it easier to make them toe up, so that I’ll never run out of yarn, but when I want to make socks for myself and want to incorporate stitch patterns, I find it easier to make them top down. It also depends on yarn as some brands have less yards than others.
    So basicly, if I doubt whether I would have enough yarn, I go toe up, otherwise top down.

  17. Megan says:

    I knit socks cuff down. Lots of socks 😉

    I did take a class on toe up and LOVED the Turkish cast on but the wrap and turn thing was a quite intense!

    Love the show.

  18. Sue says:

    I knit socks top down, but would like to learn to knit from the toe up.

  19. LisaM says:

    I’ve done both, but I haven’t made up my mind yet which I prefer.LOL Toe-up allows me to try on as I go and maximize my yarn usage. But so far the short row heels I’ve tried on toe-up socks have been a little snug when I’m putting them on. Cuff-down seems to have more patterns available, but it’s more difficult to try on midway (on dpns) and I’m always concerned I may run short of yarn, so I don’t usually graft the toes until I have both socks finished. Both are fun!

  20. Louise says:

    Hi Cat-
    Another great show!
    I think I prefer cuff down, only because I haven’t done many toe-up. I’ll need to try another pair.

  21. Karen says:

    My favorite way to knit socks is from the top down on double pointed needles. I have only knit a few pair from the toe up and really should try a few more.
    I totally enjoyed this episode. The yarn shop reviews were excellent.

  22. I never finished a pair of socks when I knitted top down on double pointed needles, after the first sock I was bored making the second one. but now I recently learnt how to knit 2 socks at the same time toe up on a circular needle I love knitting socks again.
    so Toe up, is my favorite way to knit socks

  23. Marcy says:

    My favorite method for socks is toe-up on double points, and I do them both at the same time. I have two sets of double points, and I work a few rows on one, and a then a few rows on the second one. I use yarn markers to keep track.

  24. I’m a toe-up gal, using Magic Loop, preferably 2 at a time. I don’t want to graft toes and I want to make sure I have enough yarn to do both socks the exact same length, plus DPNs are just too easy to lose or break.

    I bought Sock Innovations for the inspiration and may even try cuff-down some day.

  25. Adrienne says:

    I love knitting socks toe up but that wasn’t always the case. It was a progression from knitting one sock cuff down to knitting 2 socks on 2 circulars to knitting one sock toe up to knitting 2 socks toe up with the magic loop which is my favorite way to knit socks.. (^_^)

  26. Betsey Fowler says:

    Cat, I really love you podcast and wait patiently for the next episode. I have knit 2 pairs of socks, both from the cuff down. One had a really strange run in them after the second washing that I am afraid to repair. Oh well. I guess I will have to knit another pair.


  27. KSee says:

    I’ve only knit cuff down on circulars. Learned with two, now only do magic loop. Wendy lives not two far from me ans I hope to see her one day at Knit Happens in Alexandria VA. I will try toe up one day but am so comfortable doing cuff down that I have been putting off a new learning curve. If I should be picked I will be making a pair!

    I was wondering where you two have been. Keep the videos coming. Great work Eric.

  28. Elisa says:

    I’m a cuff down girl using DPN’s. I did make one pair of toe up but I hated how they turned out. Could have been the yarn (mostly cotton) or the gauge, I’m not sure. I guess I’ll just have to keep on practicing!

  29. Valeska says:

    I prefer knitting socks 2 at a time from the toe up on one circular needle using the Silver Sock Class method.

  30. Steffi says:

    I used to knit knit my socks cuff down, but recently I discovered the joy of toe-ups! I am trying different cotton yarns for socks, and it is a lot easier to find the right stitch numbers when knitting toe-up.

    Greets, Steffi
    (stebo79 on ravelry)

  31. Robin says:

    I have only made socks cuff down,because I have not found a great book to show me the toe up method with clear instructions and great pictures.I have been told that I will love toe up since I would not have to Kitchener the toe anymore which I hate, lol. Love your show and find it so helpful on a lot of new projects I have started. Keep up the fantastic work on such a happy uplifting show. Best wishes Robin.

  32. trish says:

    I love your video format – so much nicer to have a visual as opposed to just listening to a podcast. Thanks for your and Eric’s efforts. I prefer toe up since it’s easy to try the socks on and because there’s so seaming – yeah! Circulars over DPNs any day!

  33. Whitnee says:

    Thank you so much for another wonderful episode! I really love knitting toe up socks, but I usually knit cuff down. I haven’t tried 2 at a time on Magic Loop, but maybe I will try that for the next socks that I knit. I do like 2 on 2 circs, but I prefer to do just one at a time. Socks in general make me happy!

  34. Kathy says:

    I enjoyed this episode. I have yet to actually finish a sock but as a beginner, I chose toe-up so that I could fit it as I go.

  35. Myra aka jonah711 says:

    Hi like knitting socks from the toe up. Love the latest episode. Thanks for all the hard work.

  36. Freddie says:

    Another winner, love to see the new approaches used in each episode. Love your hair cut. Looks sharp, sazzy. Green, what can I say my most favorite colors, Green, Purple, Pink. Just can’t go wrong with those colors.

  37. Roz Jones says:

    I like cuff down.

    Because i have yet find the instructions for the heel for toe up. (episode hint, Cat)


  38. Kitt says:

    I’m still trying to work out my first sock, but the thought of doing them toes up, magic loop has a lot of appeal!

  39. Lynnie says:

    Yay! I just love the podcast. 🙂 Personally I like to do my socks cuff-down on magic loops… sometimes two at a time, sometimes not. I actually haven’t tried toe-up socks, they have been sounding more and more like fun though!

  40. Sarah K says:

    I prefer cuff down socks which I knit on dpns. However, lace patterns in socks at the “joins” between the dpns have a tendency to ladder on me, so for those I prefer circular needles. By the way, have you seen the newish 8 in. circulars?

    Great show! I love the variety of things you covered.

  41. Leah says:

    I prefer to make socks cuff down, only because my last 2 tries of the toe-up method ended in botched and tangled messes. I enjoy using dpns rather than circulars simply for the fact that I find it more historical. Don’t get me wrong, circs are great, but I like that connection I feel with all the knitters of the past when I juggle all those dpns!

    Great show, I really look forward to what you cover and enjoy the bloopers as well.

  42. Gaz Gary Hawkins says:

    I like toe up socks either DPN or two at a time on two circs

    I am waiting on a sock loom to arrive from the USA to try knitting them on that.
    (yep, not only a male knitting but a male knitter from the UK no less LOL)


  43. kat says:

    I like cuff down socks on dpns. dpns just make it looks so important!

  44. Melissa D says:

    well to tell you the truth, i haven’t tried knitting socks yet
    but when i do try it…. I’d prefer to knit cuff up!

  45. Anna says:

    Love the episode! Well I’m much more comfortable knitting socks from the cuff down, but I have done a toe up pair and they seem really efficient.

  46. Sue Hanson says:

    Toe up…I think. They’re next on my project list.

  47. Judy says:

    I am a Toe up gal. I made a pair for everyone in my immediate yet huge family and by huge I mean many with big feet! LOL I had the toe up book in my hand yesterday and thought I would ask you what you thought of it first – now I know. you read my mind again. Love your show and am looking at my budget so I can donate soon.

  48. elijah says:

    I like knitting sock from the toe up its just easer for me and im only 12 and i started knitting whine i was 4 year old.

  49. PLThumper says:

    I love Toe-Up!!!

    Thanks for your wonderful Video podcast! The first thing I watch as I am loading my MP3 player… Your both awesome!!

  50. Rebecca M says:

    As always, wonderful episode! Can hardly wait for each installment, and often wish they were longer. They’re fun, informative. 🙂
    I like knitting socks cuff down, on dpns.

  51. R. M. Ferreira says:

    I enjoy knitting TOE up on two circular knitting needles I find that the best simply because you can decide how long of a sock you really want to make and if you want to change colors on the cuff you can on a seconds notice unlike cuff down, toe up gives you options and flexibility to make changes ;). Whether you want a long fun sock or short and simple sock I think Toe up is the best but that’s just me. I love watching you talk able everything you knit. And I absolutely love the how-to, most recently when you showed how to dye yarn I was in awe as to how easy it really is. I am so grateful that you have a video pod cast I wish there were more people out there like you since knitting and crocheting is so visual it helps. Thanks Cat I’ll be seeing you soon 😉

  52. Dora Levitt says:

    Hi Cat~ you and hubby are too funny! {the hatchet throwing scene! LOL!}
    I’m new to making socks, and started with doing the cuff down method, but I would love to learn the toe up method as well, maybe that would be easier to learn, but winning that book and stitch markers would sure be a great help!
    Thanks for all the hard work and great videos, they always brighten my day, fleecy huggys~ Dora 🙂

  53. Cynthia says:

    Great episode! My preference is toe up – that’s because I have lots of hand dyed sock yarns and hate to waste an inch. By knitting toe up I can make sure I use as much of the yarn as possible. Knitting socks on 5 double-points is my favorite method but if I’m using 2 50 gm skeins rather than 1 100 gm skein of sock yarn I’ll usually do 2 at a time on circulars. I also love both of the sock books – in fact I’m participating in Ravelry KALs for both.

  54. Donna B says:

    So far I’ve only knitted socks cuff down. I tried a toe-up pattern once and never got past the learning curve… otherwise known as the heel.

  55. Dez says:

    i love knitting socks from the toe up, i learned on my own using a free pattern i downloaded and struggled till i got it just right. the heals are a bit tricking for me still, but i keep making them to get better at it. =)

  56. MimiD says:

    Toe up (two at a time magic loop). I was knitting on a pair of toe-up socks when I watched this episode.

  57. Stephanie C says:

    I always knit my socks cuff down, but recently started knitting a pair toe-up. I am definitely liking the toe-up socks so far, but I might still like cuff down the best. Either way, I love knitting my socks with DPNs! 🙂

  58. LaNelle F says:

    I have as yet to knit socks from the toe-up, but I feel that it is the best way to knit socks. Mainly for the reason that if you run low on yarn, all you have to do is bind-off before you run-out. The reason I have as yet to knit socks from the toe-up is because I’m still learning how to knit socks from the cuff down, and I feel that I should finish this lesson before I begin another.

  59. Stacy Steube says:

    I have only knit one pair of socks, they were toe down and I them to be quite easy to follow. I’ve been looking at toe down socks and thinking about giving them a try. Your podcasts are very helpful. Thanks for making them.

  60. Denyse says:

    Hi Kat!
    Another fantastic episode! 🙂 I prefer to knit my socks toe up on either 2 circs or 4 dpn’s.

  61. Lizz says:

    Love your show! I like toe-up, 2 at a time Magic Loop.

  62. Carol says:

    Loved the Austin references! I much prefer cuff down, though the more toe-ups I knit the more I like them.

  63. Amelia says:

    Hi there!

    This is Amelia from Spain. Thanks a lot for your show! I finally understood toe-up knitting socks from one of your podcasts and now that’s the way I like to knit them (so I do not run out of yarn for the second sock :-))

    Greetings from Sunny Madrid 🙂


  64. Michael R says:

    Hey Cat, I love your podcasts and wait semipatiently for the next episode. I prefer to knit socks from the top down, one at a time, as that’s the way I learned. Keep up the great work!

  65. Heather says:

    I am still new at the sock knitting *you guys are right it is addicting* but I enjoy the cuff down. Im thinking of trying the two toe up magic loop however, maybe I will have a matching set finally :). Thank you for taking us to see all the fun guys ive enjoyed every single moment. You guys crack me up.


  66. Rebecca says:

    I prefer cuff down magic loop. I do want to try toe up though.

  67. Steven says:

    I prefer cuff down as well. I have not yet tried toe-up. I have been considering picking up Wendy’s book as a motivation to get me started.

  68. Missy says:

    My first pair was a cuff down, on double points. They came out slightly different sizes and I had so much yarn left over. Now I use the magic loop method to keep both socks the same size and use toe-up to use all the yarn. After much trial and error, I have perfected the toe cast on, but I still have not figured out the perfect heel yet…

  69. Ishie says:

    I can only make my socks toe up and on magic loop- its the only way that makes sense to me.

  70. KathyD says:

    I prefer cuff down knitting
    dpn, 2 circs or magic loop – love them all.

    Love your podcasts – love the out takes, too 🙂
    Thanks for the great work, both of you!!!

  71. Nancy says:

    I recently learned how to do Wendy Johnsons’ toe up socks with the wrap and turn method. I like this method the best because I could use my dpns all the way and did not have to use circs.

  72. ContinentalKim says:

    I can’t say that I could pick a favorite method of knitting socks. I really like the fact that when I do socks from the toe up I don’t have to worry if I will have enough yarn. On the other hand, I think it is far simpler to do a heel flap and turn when I knit from the toe down.

    There are just so many great patterns out there, I pick one that I like and follow whichever way it was written. As for technique, I prefer the magic loop or my new Hiya Hiya 9″ circs. With magic loop, once you get a method that works for you in regards to moving the needles around, the socks will seem to fly off of the needles. As for the 9″ circs, they work great for most yarns that have a bit of elasticity, but something like silk blends can be a bit of a challenge.

  73. Kathy says:

    I have yet to finish a sock. I started making a pair about 5 months ago, but I was working on DPN’s size 2 from the cuff down. I was getting so board and making so many mistakes I gave up. I really want to try making a pair again. Everyone says they are addictive. I have just got to find a way that is right for me. I keep hearing that it is easier to do them toe up so if they do not fit you can fix that problem as you knit. Makes sense to me. I have been researching on the web the magic loop method and have watched your video, but I think I need to invest in a book first. I am afraid I would get too confused with 2 needles so I am wanting to try to find a way to do one pair (2 socks at a time) on one circular needle toe up. Has anyone tried this method? I am a fairly new knitter (about 3.5 years) and want to learn so much I feel overwhelmed. I really want to conquer this. I had made it my goal for this year, but no luck yet.

    Cat, I love the shows, keep up the great work.

  74. Heather says:

    Hi Cat. I love the podcast. I love making socks toe up using the magic loop method. DPN’s scare me and I don’t have to worry about second sock syndrome because I can work on both socks at once. I also have thick calves so making them toe up means I can try them on as I go. You can’t get any better then that. Keep up the great work.

  75. Pamela says:

    Toe-up, two at a time with the magic loop method. That way I use all my yarn and finish both socks. Thanks!

  76. Yesenia says:

    Hey Cat,
    I just love your shows! I just turned 18 but have been knitting for years now. I finished my first pair of socks (toddler size) a couple months ago cuff down and I loved it! I felt so accomplished and the project kept my attention. However, I saw your show for the toe up socks and I definitely want to try the circ method! I already bought some tie-dyed cotton yarn!
    unfortunately, I just started college at UGA and I have not picked up my needles in like two weeks! So I cope by watching your show when I should be writing that paper!
    Thanks so much for your time and effort on the show!

  77. Kimberly says:

    I prefer toe up, because it is easier for me to add stitches. Some how it is easier for me to understand. So far I have two sock book, both started at the toe, I guess I am just comfortable with that.

  78. MJ says:

    I knit my socks toe-up two at a time on dpn’s 🙂

  79. Gerry Hartsoe says:

    I love socks and knit both ways, but prefer top down. I have a small foot size and so I don’t worry about running out of yarn. I use the left overs for small flowers or ornaments for Christmas.

  80. I love to knit toe-up socks, Queen Kahuna style, via magic loop.

  81. dawn macfall says:

    Hi Cat –

    Unfortunately, I have only knit socks from the cuff down. I’m waiting for a class to be offerred at my LYS on toe up socks. I think the toe up concept rocks and I believe that once I learn the technique, it will be my method of choice.

    On a side note – your podcasts are a favorite pastime while on the computer. You and Eric make a great team.


  82. Betty Ann says:

    Toe up is the only way to go with a turkish cast on! Knit on!

    Betty Ann

  83. Alison says:

    Hi Cat. I love the podcasts. They are informative and always great fun. I am a new knitter, so the tips and tutorial shows are always a great help. I have tried socks yet, still a little scared. Based on earlier shows, I kind of think cuff down seems easier… but not sure I am ready for that challenge just yet.

  84. Susan says:

    I prefer toe-up for socks as that way I can tailor the length to suit both me and the amount of yarn I have left! I tend to knit two at a time but on two separate sets of needles – either two sets of 5 dpn’s or two circulars with one sock on each, magic loop style. I work a toe on each, then the foot of each, then gussets, etc, until they are both done (hopefully) at the same time.

    Cat, what is the shawl you are wearing in the Texas photographs? Is it the Heartland Lace? It looks lovely!

  85. Maureen says:

    I prefer to knit socks from the cuff down. I’m kind of a lazy knitter, so knitting from the toe up just seems like too much work for the same result. Also, I prefer the stretchy-ness of the cast on for the cuff instead of the tightness of the cast off edge.

    Thanks for all the great information. I especially love to see footage of the yarn festivals that I can’t go to myself.

  86. Dottie says:

    Hi Cat,
    I just love these podcasts. I knit socks cuff down on DPN’s and feel comfortable with this method. I have no second sock syndrome as I cast on for the 2nd right after completing #2. I have tried learning the cast on for toe up and it is just not for me I guess.

  87. Bev Love says:

    I knit socks cuff down on two circular needles. I like to try them on as I knit the foot. I also like the way the kitchnered toe looks.

  88. I have been following your podcasts and have enjoyed every one, especially the ones on Maryland sheep festival. I hope to go one day but until then you have taken me there a few times,I replay them and always find something new to see.
    I have knit socks for many years and have tried many ways including using a sock knitting machine, my default in hand knitting is on 4 double points with a basic 1 x 1 to 3 x 1 rib from the cuff down. I always have a pair on the go which I keep in the car, if there is a hold up out comes the knitting, it is amazing how much can get done in small snatches.
    My finishing on toe up socks are always a challenge and normally have to do them twice.
    I was also pleased to see you have a pair of the mini combs my husband makes.
    Looking forward to the next one.

  89. Coral H. says:

    I usually knit socks from the cuff down, and while I probably shouldn’t, I still try them on as I go. I also prefer dpns to circs (at least for socks) because they tend to be faster and less clumsy to me.

  90. Evelyn says:

    This is my first time watching your video podcast and I think it’s just fabulous! I will be back to watch some of the past shows.

    My favorite method of knitting socks is toe-up, but the ending bind-off is often less than satisfying. I use magic loop if I’m knitting on the go, but I also still love my bamboo dpns.

  91. Rina says:

    I prefer cuff down, and mostly I like to knit on dpns. However I do knit on magic loop and 2 circs. I tried 2 socks at once but never again. I am too technical when it comes to how many rows needed to be knitted and stuff.

    thanks Cat for the wonderful videos as always.

  92. Felecia Johnson says:

    Hello Kat and Eric,

    I prefer to knit my socks from the toe up. Usually, I knit 2 sock at a time on 2 sets of double points, but for the first time, I am knitting 2 at a time on 2 circular needles! You, Kat, are the one who inspired me to try this, so wish me luck!

    Felecia J.

  93. Tinna says:

    Hi Kat,

    I though the book-head scene was very cute~
    My favorite way to knit socks is both at once on 2 sets of DPN’s from the cuff down~
    Thanks for the amazing video podcast!

  94. borreberte says:

    I knitt cuff down.
    I`m santa and all gets woolsocks.
    most is for my sisters kids and then the rest of my family.

  95. Dianne Moore says:

    I have only made cuffs downbut I suspecct that toe up will be my favorite way once I learn how. I love my homemade socks as they keep my old toes toasty warm.

  96. Fadenmiri says:

    Two years ago I restated knitting socks because I stopped smoking. My mojo this time was: A ball of sock yarn costs only a little more than a pack of cigaretts and I will get even warm feet. I like to knit my socks on double points cuff down, but I would like try to knit them the other way.

    Thank you for all the great shows!

  97. MarlaJo says:

    I’ve knit socks from the toe up on a long circular and I’ve knit socks from the cuff down on double points. I like both ways and will use one or the other method depending on what strikes me when I start the socks. If I had to choose I would pick cuff down.

  98. Nadja says:

    I prefer making socks cuff down. I can still try them on as I go along since I mostly knit socks on two circs now and I am just more comfortable with cuff down socks. Also I like grafting. 🙂

    With toe up socks I have to be careful not to make the bind off too tight. Also for some reason on toe ups the foot tends to get just a little bit too long for me. I haven’t figured out why that happens yet or when to stop knitting the pattern so that doesn’t happen. I’ll have to experiment a little more, I guess.

  99. Beth Sokoloff says:

    I make cuff down on the magic loop method, but as soon as I’m done with this pair I’m in the middle of, I’m going to make toe up and know that that will be the thing for me.

    I look forward to your podcasts.

  100. Right now, I like knitting toe-up on dpn’s. However, I’ll probably change my mind later, since I go back and forth between toe-up and top-down. It all depends on my mood.

  101. Maria says:

    Hi Cat and all!

    As always, loved your show and the fact that you visit different yarn stores whenever you travel. It is a great way to show off and support local shops.

    I used to do mostly top down on DPNs one at a time, but started with 2 at a time using 2 circs. I am loving this technique.

    I guess I will have to start doing toe up as well, as I like trying new techniques and the fact that it is easier to control the quantity of yarn and ending up with no leftovers is really an advantage.

    Cheers from Toronto

    Maria Naveiro

  102. Marnie says:

    Toe Up is the way for me!

    I learned the toe up method because I wanted my finicky daughter to try on the entire foot and heel of the sock before I finished the cuff. It’s an easier way for me to bounce between an anklet, mid-calf or knee length sock. I also love the smooth inside shape of the toe.

    Your show is simply wonderful!

  103. taliat says:

    my favourite way to knit socks is toe up,on 5 wooden dpn’s.
    i like this method because i hate grafting.
    i love to try the sock on every few rows,
    and i find it calming to know that i can stop knitting at any point and have a whole sock!

  104. Lucinda says:

    My favorite way to knit socks is Magic Loop from the cuff. I like toe up, too, but if I just start a pair, I’ll do it cuff down automatically, so that must be my favorite. I enjoyed the show. Thanks for the contest.

  105. Kelly Wilcoxson says:

    I love knitting socks toe up. It doesn’t matter if I use DPNs or circulars.
    I am glad I caught this episode. Now I have another reason to go visit my Brother in Law and his lovely wife in Austin…lol. And fortunately, Austin is only about 90 mins away from me.
    By the way, I’ve put the episodes about toe up socks and binding off toe up socks on my mp3 player when Hubby and I went a trip. And yes, they came in very handy. So I plan to leave them on my player. I might need them again.

  106. Rachel says:

    Toe up is better for me. I was there, at the knitting nest in Austin, that same weekend!! Your podcast is so entertaining.

  107. Kate says:

    Toe up socks 90% of the time.

  108. JungleJanie says:

    I like knitting socks toe up on DPNs – looks more like a sock quick and looks so much more complicated with the DPNs than it actually is! LOL I haven’t done many socks so far but definitely have the toe-up preference. I’ve been focusing on gathering, deseeding and spinning cotton in order to do socks and other things for the time being. I want to knit long socks/stockings to thigh-high and the over-the-knee sorts, so the toe-up seems better suited for that as well. Seems it’d be easier to shape them and try ’em on as I go with toe-up.

    Love your podcasts BTW. 🙂 It’s nice to watch the events and places you go over there. I don’t get as much of a chance to go to those sorts of things from here, living on an island and all. It gives me ideas of places to go and things to do when I do make it over on the Mainland and all. 🙂

  109. Gretchen says:

    Toe up. You can keep knitting until you run out of yarn.

  110. Jane George says:

    Love your shows, and you always look so fashionable, the shawl you wore in the Texas episode is gorgeous. Hate to admit it, but I am still intimidated by socks, our weekly group is going to have a sock learning month in the Fall, hope I can pick it up then.

  111. Erin Sellers says:

    I love knitting socks from the cuff down. I’ve made socks both ways but have just come to love the cuff down method the most. Thank you for your podcast! As a relatively new knitter, you have taught me a lot!

  112. Debbie says:

    Great episode! I Love Knitting from the Toe up, I got it at a friends suggestion a few weeks ago, and it has helped me embrace the idea of toe up socks! Great episode Cat!

  113. Veronica says:

    Cat I luv, luv, luv your podcast! I think it’s well worthy of becoming a tv series (I’ve thought this since day 1). Call me a traditionalist or just a plain old square but my favorite way of knitting socks is top down using good old wooden dpns! I think one of the reasons that I prefer dpns is because I’m a self taught knitter and felt it was such an amazing accomplishment when I finally learn to use them correctly. I like top down beacause I get so excited when I approach the gusset and heel turn — like I’m heading toward home. Just a great feeling.

  114. Joyce says:

    Awesome new video, and I’m laughing at how you got 3 books! Anyway, my favorite way to knit socks is toe up using magic loop, because somehow, I feel like I’m making more progress when I see part of the foot rather than just a long tube as the cuff. Keep up the amazing podcasts, luv’em!

  115. StephieJo says:

    This was a fun episode – I recently started watching, and just caught up! I’ve only knit one pair of socks so far, cuff down on dpns. My next pair will be toe-up magic loop pair. Wish me luck!

  116. Tracy Hite says:

    I’ve tried a few methods and found I prefer working top down on metal dpns. Tiny wood needles always feel like they’re going to break, metal may bend but it’s not likely to snap. Working top down allows me to adjust easier for a custom fit – I start a size larger for the cuff and the first part of the leg so I have plenty of room, and I extend the gusset decreases longer than average to go down from big legs & ankles to a (relatively) smaller foot.

  117. Tonja Brice says:

    I started my first pair of socks last year and they are 2 at a time, toe to cuff on 2 circular needles. While the heel (short rows) was somewhat challenging, this method looks like it will be my preferred method. Primarily because my feet are not shaped like most people and this methods seems like it will allow me to build a sock closer to my actual foot measurements. I like the fact that I don’t have to worry about running out of yarn!

  118. Asia says:

    I do socks (or at least practice ones and similar small diameter circular projects like mitts) cuff-down on DPNs. My circulars are only 16″ and so I’m not yet equipped to tackle magic loop or two-at-a-time on two circs methods.

  119. Sarah S. says:

    My favorite way to knit socks is cuff down, but I’ve wanted to learn how to do them from the toe up as well. I use 4 wooden dpns (just love my brittanys!)although I agree that the small sized needles feel as if they might break. In fact, I have broken needles, but not that often.

  120. Terry Wesley says:

    I love to knit socks toe up because I don’t like to kirchner stitch. I use the magic loop method, since I find I just don’t have the ability to use dpns. The funny thing is I don’t even wear socks, but I love making them and giving them to my family and friends. I love your shows, keep up the good work.

  121. Julie says:

    I knit cuff down socks but would like to learn to knit toe up so that I can tackle Wendy Johnson’s beautiful sock patterns. Sadly, I am unable to knit these days but am very anxious to start back up again so I can knit beautiful socks again! Socks are the one thing I always have on my needles. Thanks for comparing the two books; your podcasts are always so much fun!

  122. tinebeest says:

    I have knit socks in all possible formats (toe-up, top down, 2 on 2 circs, magic loop, dpns), then I came across Colin’s Sock KAL on yahoo, and my sock knitting has never been the same…

    I wonder if anybody else here has tried the Anderson Heel Toe Up Basic Sock- it is on ravelry as a pattern, but you get all the files via the yahoo knit-along group (sign up here: I prefer this toe-up method with a *beautiful* heel construction when designing my own socks, because it gives you complete freedom to knit the perfectly fitting sock with any yarn, any needle size. Please check it out!

  123. Dorothy says:

    I like to knit cuff down with dpn’s. Whenever I start a new pair of socks, I feel any tension I was feeling with another project, lessen.

  124. Jessicaknits says:

    I prefer toe up on 2 circulars. One sock at a time. Short row heels.

    But sometimes I like an old fashion double pointed needle pair of socks…. 🙂

    Thanks for a great videocast.

  125. Hi Cat, letsknit2gether from Brazil. I prefer to knit socks in toe-up. Best wishes

  126. Marianne Wong says:

    Thanks for another great show!

    My preferred method for sock knitting is from the cuff down as this is the only method I have tried so far. I am looking forward to trying toe up socks in the near future. Luckily, you have already put out a lovely show demonstrating how to get started!

    Marianne Wong

  127. Kathy says:

    Just found your website tonight while looking for into on the toe up method. Wow! I have bookmarked it and will return. I am a fairly new sock knitter with only cuff down experience. Toe up will be my next pair after I watch your cast on demo a few more times. Thanks.

  128. Trisha in GA says:

    I am most comfortable with top down but I have been playing with toe up. Right now I have one of cookie A’s socks on the needle.

  129. Dori says:

    Cuff down, but I have 4 pair of socks ON THE NEEDLES because I haven’t grafted the toes.
    Maybe toe up would be best for me….

  130. Kristine says:

    Thanks for another great episode – you are the first video podcast that I’ve added to my iTunes, so thanks for introducing me to these!

    I enjoy knitting toe-up 2 at a time on 2 circs the most. This lets me make the socks as long as I want to, and also can change things easily and know I’m changing them the same way on both socks because of doing 2 at a time!

  131. Alex says:

    I really enjoyed the episode and as for my favorite way to knit socks it would be from the cuff down using 4 dpns. The reason for this is that I have never tried any other method and would love to win the book so I could try from the toe up.

    Thanks for doing the podcast Cat and Eric, I always look forward to them.

    Tamile on Ravelry

  132. Rebekah says:

    hhmm… I would have to say cuff down on DPNs 🙂 But I have never tried toe up…sooo winning this book would be great. 🙂 Yay for give aways!

  133. heather says:

    Hi Cat!

    Great episode. That first yarn store looked fantastic. So cozy!

    I like knitting socks from the cuff down, but that might just be because that was the way I was taught. I’ve tried toe up, but I have a hard time getting the right foot length that way (it’s usually too loose).

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  134. Susan Q says:

    I finally knit my first toe-up sock this year (using the magic loop technique) and found that I definitely prefer knitting cuff-down (also magic loop–unless I am paranoid I will run out of yarn). I decided that I would rather do the kitchener stitch once on a sock versus increasing multiple times (not my favorite thing to do) for the toe.

    I did refer to your video podcast on stretchy cast-offs for toe-up socks so my first toe-up sock has a nice, stretchy cuff.

    I actually have both books and plenty of stitch markers (I make my own), but I just wanted to put in my two cents and to let you know I love seeing new episodes.

  135. Marce says:

    Hi Cat & Eric!
    Loved this episode as usual. Like me Cat, you know some good “souvenir” yarn when you see it 🙂 You also mentioned the Kathmandu yarn, making that the second time I’ve heard about that yarn this week. I’m pretty sure a purchase of some of that is in my very near future.

    To answer the question you posed – my favorite way to knit socks is toe up. There is something very satisfying about using up every bit of yarn in this method. In fact, I think I’ll cast on another pair very soon so I can get better at this technique.

    Hope you’re having a great week – see you on the Live show soon!

    Marce (BrownBerry on Ravelry)

  136. Kimberly B. says:

    Hi there! Terrific show as always! I have only completed two pairs of socks, and they were both cuff down, but I’d love to learn toe up, because then I could make the socks as long as I had yarn for. I like long socks!

  137. Jackie P. says:

    I knit (usually) from the cuff down on socks and use dpns. I’m trying to learn Magic Loop and a way to knit toe-up without getting unsightly holes where the increases are.

  138. Nancy Chesik says:

    Top down. I love the program. Keep up the good work!


  139. Jean says:

    I like knitting socks cuff down on 9″ Hiya Hiya Circs or on DPNs. I haven’t tried toe-up ones yet but will very soon. Thanks for the give-away.

    Jean in Maine

  140. Tamara in Tennessee says:

    I like to knit socks from the cuff down – magic loop. I tried to up, but it didn’t work for me. Great job on the programs, Cat and Eric. Keep up the great work.

  141. Cat-

    As a college student whose feet are always cold, I love to knit intricate, detailed socks, and a few plain socks to knit during those long lectures. I’m a self-taught knitter and started knitting socks about three years ago when I started college. I found that sock yarn is a great way to spend as little or as much money as you’d like. As a student with a budget, I found this to be the best way to have a little fun with yarn. I have knit several cuff-down socks, and a handful of toe-up socks. I think both have their benefits. I like cuff down because of the stretchy cuff (which can be difficult to achieve through toe-up socks), and I like how the heel, heel flap, and gusset are worked in a cuff-down. Although toe-up socks are great for trying on while you’re knitting. I’ve knit more cuff-down patterns than toe-up, but I honestly don’t really have a preference (most of the time) on how i knit my socks. I must admit, I strictly use double-pointed needles for socks. I refuse to use two circulars or the magic loop method. That I have a preference on.

    Thanks and I look forward to more episodes!

  142. Toe up for sure on two circs. Don’t know why they just fit better for some reason!?:o)
    p.s. wish you could do more shows I just love your stuff!

  143. Amanda says:

    Hi all. I love my double points and have always knit from the top down. However, I really would like to enter the world of toe up socks. Its all about learning new skills, right!

  144. Laura says:

    Love your out takes, so funny! I like to knit on two circs from the cuff down. I have yet to try magic loop but its on the to do list for sure.

  145. Kristie Rann says:

    On itunes there’s no place to leave a comment. Since that’s where I usually watch LK2G, I usually forget to go to your website to leave a comment. I’ve enjoyed all of your videos. However this last one I watched for the first time right before going to bed. Your hatchet scene with Eric gave me a weird dream. Ha! Ha! I’ll have to remember to wait until the next day to watch your future videos! I prefer knitting toe up socks the magic loop method. I can customize them as well as knowing exactly how long I can make them without running out of yarn. Thanks CAT & Eric for all your hard work. I’m already looking forward to your next video.

  146. Phyllis from Sonoma says:

    You and Eric are awesome for doing these vidcasts for us. They really are enjoyable and many times funny. I love the outtakes.
    I like to knit socks toe up but have only done 2 pair toe up.

  147. guido says:

    Hey guys….

    first, to answer the question… My fav way to knit socks is to let others do it for me. I am not a sock knitter… yet…

    Anyhow… I was watching the show and wanted to share a little feedbcak, for what’s it’s worth.

    I felt that the show covered a great many topics, which is good and bad… Because you covered so much it seemed to be a great amount of info, but the segments felt really small and made me feel like I might have missed something from one segment to the next… so I guess for me it felt like there was too much going on … but that may just be me.

    also… I loved that little pan trick from SXSW… it’s a great effect and i have to wonder if you cat was a little too excited about watching the video at vimeo over.. and over.. again.. too much… Eric, watch your back 😉

  148. Chppie says:

    I’m a cuff down one at a time on double points sock knitter. I have one started on two circles but can’t get into the rhythm of them. I like the idea of toe up since I don’t waste yarn but starting seems so fiddly.

  149. Alyssa says:

    Congrats on the mention in The Knitter, I really like that magazine!

    My favorite way to knit socks is toe-up. I knit my first pair recently and I’m a convert. I also love a short row heel since I don’t have to pick up the gusset stitches (I hate that).

  150. Margie says:

    Right now my favorite way of knitting socks is top down on 4 DPNs. Why? Because I’m knitting my first sock ever and it’s the only way I know how…so far. Thanks!

  151. Rosie says:

    I like knitting socks using Magic Loop one at a time! I think I prefer knitting from the cuff down, because I always bind off too tight when I knit from the toe up!

  152. Sonja S says:

    Hi Cat. Just learned about your wonderful site after hearing last years podcast on YarnCraft. Thanks so much for the great resources. I am so excited to say that I learned to knit socks (finally!) in January and am making my third pair with a fourth pair ready to go. I love it. Currently, I have only knit socks from the cuff down on dpns.

  153. Wilma says:

    Well Cat for now it is cuff down. Since I still have yet to experience second sock syndrome -I have tried toe up and get stuck at the heel –cuff down heels don’t seem to work-to date no toe ups have been finished just frogged -I did think of trying tube socks toe up –then no heel is needed – but that book sure looks like it would help so if I am a winner great and if not it is to the book stor for sure. Thanks for all the info you share.

  154. Deb says:

    I love to know with the magic loop. I find it the easiest and quickest method of knitting socks. I have knitted two socks on one long circular needle and occasionally go back to 4 needle, but I always go back to the magic loop.

  155. cdnbull says:

    I have knit both toe up and top down socks. I prefer knitting toe up when I am not sure if I will have enough yarn, or if I want to knit to the very last yard. When I have two ball of yarn, I worry less and let the pattern dictate up or down.
    Up or down, I will be knitting on dpns. I have tried Magic Loop, but the little pointy needles suit me best.

  156. Intdsgnr says:

    I have knit socks both ways. I have had greater success with the cuff down method. I have had problems fitting the foot correctly when doing them toe up. They seem to always be to short in the foot length. I would like to try toe up again I probably just need some pinters.
    I also love to knit my socks Magic Loop method. I like the fact that there is less joins between needles.

  157. Claude says:

    I like to knit socks toe up so I can try them on as I go.

  158. Walt says:

    My preference is to knit socks toe up. Thanks for another great episode!

  159. Elizabeth says:

    So I’ve only knit one sock (not pair of, but one actual sock), which I just finished today. It’s a cuff down pattern. I really want to try a toe-up, mostly because I’m not a big fan of grafting. But one project at a time!

  160. Susan Hardy says:

    Hi Cat, I would love to see the Kimono when its finished. I just looked on e-bay for the book and its £13 so am going to treat myself pay day.

  161. michael says:

    hi Cat!
    i knit socks from the cuff down
    but i’m interested in learning from the toe up after spending so much time on Wendy’s blog
    thanks! 🙂

  162. Vanessa says:

    Hey Cat and Eric,
    I wanted to post that I can knit socks either way. But my preference is toe up. Especially when knitting for my hubby. I can get the foot just right and know it’s complete and then do the cuff as long as I have yarn. I eventually want to do knee highs and thigh highs for myself. Does the toe up book have a cool pattern for socks that go up higher on the leg? Keep up the great work.

  163. Alejandro Ponce says:

    First let me say ive never done this before and i am 13 year old boy from southern california that loves to knit and crochet. ive knit alot of socks before. but i took the dive and tried to socks from the toe-up when i saw the podcast. My favorite way to knit socks is from the toe-up. i really dont like using dpns so i use 2 circs.

  164. Sherry says:

    My favorite way to knit socks is from the cuff down. Just bought the book, 2-at-a-time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes and am looking forward to trying some of the patterns. Love your show! Keep up the good work!

  165. Making two socks at a time, “toe up”, on two circular needles really works for me! I get a great fit and when I’m done, I’m done!! I found that the second sock, when working cuff down, seems to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Thanks for creating such interesting videos…along with the great eye candy in each episode.

  166. Alex says:

    I like to knit socks toe up on a magic loop, usually one at a time.

  167. Gail says:

    Hi Cat:

    I’d have to say, right now, as a beginning sock knitter that I’m most comfortable knitting from the top down. Have ambitions in the future to learn the magic loop for sock knitting, and to learn to knit socks from the toe up. Once I tried knitting 2 socks together on 2 circular needles, but became frustrated when I made a mistake and just frogged the whole thing. Oh well, still have a lot to learn.
    Enjoyed this video very much, and envy you for being able to travel around to the different conferences, and yarn shops!

  168. I love this series and hope you continue to entertain and enlighten.
    I tend to knit cuff down. I had one disastrous attempt at toe up…. Maybe with a good book of instructions?

  169. Donna says:

    I am a cuff down sock knitter. But maybe if I won that book I could be converted??

  170. megan says:

    I’m a beginner knitter. The only socks I’ve ever knit were flat socks. Sounds wierd I know, but I found it over at You knit the socks using 2 regular needles. The end product is flat, and then you whip stitch them together.

    I really liked them, but I think I am ready to try knitting socks the way everyone else knits them!

  171. Ruth says:

    I’ve only knit from the top down, but I have tried Judy’s Magic Cast On and am excited about knitting some toe up — two at a time on two circs if I can manage it. I have great challenges motivating myself to get the second sock done.

  172. Mary Brown says:

    I have just recently started knitting socks. I have made one whole pair! I did them on DPNs cuff down. I plan to learn something new with each pair I Knit. I started the second pair with the magic loop method, and my next project will be a pair using that and the 2 socks at a time method. After that it will be Toe up! Of course my stash is growing faster than my finished projects, but I sort of figured that’s how it would go.
    Love the show Cat! Can’t wait to see the next one!

  173. Celeritas says:

    My favourite way of knitting socks is toe up, magic loop on one circ.

  174. Leah says:

    I think I lean towards Cookie A as far as loving to knit top down socks, but I did make my first pair of toe-up socks in February of this last year and they were very fun. I’d love to win Wendy’s book since it would give me a ton of great patterns and construction techniques for toe-up socks.

  175. Lida says:

    Hi I made a mention of you on my blog,as one of my favorite podcasts if you have a minute go check it out, thanks!

  176. Tammy says:

    First, let me say I’ve never even tried knitting socks from the toe up, so I’d really love this book. I do prefer to magic loop my cuff down socks. But, second, I was brought up short by your mention of Hillsdale and Westwood. I grew up in River Vale, a long skinny town tucked in between the two and actually went to high school at Pascack Valley in Hillsdale. What a fun thing, to hear mention of my old stomping grounds on the show!

  177. Angela says:

    I’ve only used double points from the cuff down I have not been able to get my mind around doing it a different way as I have not been knitting socks very long, however I would like to try a toe up method as I always fear running out of yarn before I finish (its only happened one time. love your podcasts and book reviews I recently got a book because of your review of it!

  178. Linda says:

    You asked which way we knit socks … Well I haven’t yet. I’m scared to knit them. Well, not scared, but I don’t know how. Maybe if I had a nice book to teach me ;o)

    I love your podcast. It has inspired me to reach beyond my comfort zone and I am starting my first sweater next week, once the yarn comes in.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful podcast.

  179. Kristal says:

    I am a beginner knitter and haven’t had the courage to knit socks yet…but after seeing this I am slowly thinking about giving it a try. Wish me LUCK 🙂

    I really enjoy your video podcasts. I look at them all the time on Itunes. I really like the shawl you are wearing and your short haircut ROCKS!!!!

  180. I usually go toe up. I started that because I had so much trouble with the toe grafting. Now I can do that, too. I wan’t to add heel flap heels to my toe up repertoire next. I use all different needle techniques, very often on the same pair. Here’s a Ravelry link to a pattern called The Best of Both worlds. It’s from the Six Sox Knitalong group on Yahoo.

  181. Oops! I forgot to say that the pattern is a combination of toe up and cuff down.

  182. I prefer cuff down. This is mostly because that is what I have the most experience with. I may change my opinion one day. I’ve only been knitting for 2 years.

  183. Rebecca says:

    When I knit socks, which is very rarely, I like to do from the cuff down.

  184. Angel Pike says:

    I’ve only knit socks from the cuff down. Haven’t tried toe up socks yet.

  185. Sara says:

    I have started (and stopped) trying to knit socks several times so far — only cuff down — and love using the Paton’s Grace 100% ultra soft mercerized cotton — I think it’s considered a DK-weight yarn. I shall persevere!!

    As always, I truly love your shows. I wish I would win the Lotto so I could donate lots and lots of $$$ 🙂 The bloopers at the end are priceless and always put a smile on my face.

    Thank you for what you do. We love you!!

  186. Dianne says:

    I am a top down girl as I have never sucessfully knit a toe up sock…hmmmm, maybe I need a new book!

    Love the podcast, keep up the good work.

  187. Samantha says:

    Ever since I knit my first pair of socks I have knit them using magic loop from the cuff down (because I love picking up the gussets for the heel). Just recently I learned that toe up is the original historical method for knitting socks and decided to give it a whirl. I found a nice Cookie A. pattern in a recent magazine that is knit from the toe up but it utilizes a short row heel. Right now I have the first half of my first sock awaiting a method for a gusset heel (they fit my foot better and I like having a reinforced heel flap).
    Love your show. I feel like I’m the only knitter on Guam and your show helps me feel reconnected with the knitter world (as soon as I get a chance to come to the states I am going to Rhinebeck….. the hubby has been warned).

  188. Anne-Line says:


    I love your show!

    My favorite way to knit socks is cuff down with dpns!

  189. Monique Groom says:

    Cat – you are such an enabler!!! I am now a sock-a-holic!!

    I have been knitting for 40+ years and have never made socks. I held out all these years due to my lack of ability to get the hang of DPN’s. THEN I saw your episode on knitting 2 socks, toe up on 2 circs. It was all I could do not to pull the emergency break on the train so I could get off and go immediately home (I was on my way into work)!!!

    On my lunchbreak I scoured the net for patterns, types of sock yarns and made quick phone calls to see who had what. Right after work I dashed over to Michael’s and bought some sock yarn. I think I finally stopped that night at about 11pm – hubby had long since given up on me coming up and only one of my two dogs hung out with me.

    I’m on my 3rd pair of socks and have already collected yarn for 8 MORE!!!!!

    Thanks to you I feel so accomplished!!!

  190. vickyd says:

    I prefer 2 at a time toe up and have just gotten hooked on Cat Bordhi’s Riverbed construction. I try to knit 2 at a time as much as possible to avoid the dreded “second sock syndrome”.

  191. aprilshowers says:

    I just listened to your podcast for the first time and really enjoyed it. As for socks, I knit them all kinds of ways so don’t have a favorite. I typically use dpns, knitting from either top or toe, though will periodically knit the sock into a circular a la Magic Loop to try it on as I’m knitting.

  192. Cynthia A says:

    Thanks very much for the contest, Kat. My preferred method for socks is to knit cuff down with a heel flap and round toe. I use two circular needles to knit, and I like to work the two socks separately, but at the same time. By this I mean that I cast on and knit a bit on one sock, then cast on and knit a bit on the other. I keep going like this, heel flap on one, then the other, turn heel on one, then the other, etc. That way I am more likely to knit them both exactly the same, and have them both done at the same time; no sssyndrome 😉

    I recently found a really great round toe-up toe, and a toe-up sock “recipe” with a reversed gusset and heel flap, and I think that I will soon prefer working in that way.

  193. claire says:

    I love socks! from any direction, though currently I’m in a toe up phase again. WendyKnits really got me started on Toe Up, her patterns really fit me well, and I use the basic recipe with other patterns very happily. I don’t have either one of these books.
    Are you going to be at Sock Summit?

  194. michele says:

    I am a sock novice (only 2 pair) but I have a good size stash of sock yarn. I aspire to be super sock rock-star! I better start practicing…

  195. Alix F says:

    Thanks for another great episode. I love seeing yarn shops from around the country!
    And thanks for the contest, too. I prefer toe up, because I love trying the socks on frequently. I’m a fan of Judy’s Magic Cast On, and EZ’s sewn bind off. I’m just finishing a picot hem on a sock, it’s very labor intensive to tack it down by grafting, but I love how neat and smooth it is this way. For heels, I love the spontaneity of the afterthought heel, but prefer the cleaner lines of the short row/hourglass heel.

  196. Nathalie Casey says:

    Another fantastic episode! Cat, just call me old fashion, but I enjoy knitting my socks from the cuff down. I’m up to the challenge of trying toe up… but for now I’ll stick to the tried and true!

  197. CAT says:

    Thanks everyone for your great comments! It sounds like is is nearly even on whether folks will knit their socks toe up or cuff down.

    Our two winners are:
    Susan Hardy


  198. Monica Choffel says:

    I love to knit from the cuff up. Love the look of the decreases on the toe and no holes from the gusset.

  199. Laura Madsen says:

    I’ve only made 1 pair of socks and i did them cuff down.
    So anyway i don’t know witch one i like more because i hav’nt tried them all! 🙂
    P.S. I LOVE your show!!!!!

  200. Linda Suppan says:

    I’m a sock-a-holic. I always have a pair in progress. My grandmother taught me to knit socks, in German, when I lived with her for my junior year of High School in Berlin, Germany. Didn’t knit them again until 4 years ago, when I returned to knitting after a long. long break. There were so many new sock yarns, and the colors – what can I say.

    Learned on double points, from the cuff down of course, and found a web site that taught using two circulars, and from there I self taught, with some web sites, knitting two at once on two circs. Two at once is my favorite way to knit socks, because I suffer greatly from SSS (second sock syndrome) as I hate doing something twice, and getting them the same is persnickity. I now mostly use magic loop, two at once.

    I then learned to knit toe-up. Wonderful method for my husband’s socks because he has BIG feet, and I am always worried I will run out of yarn. So toe-up, two at once is my fav when knitting for him.

    I also recently read the two books you reviewed, and have done one pair of socks out of Cookie A’s book – for my husband… finished with 20 yards of yarn from a large Trekking Natura ball. But they are the best fit I have ever made… and I returned to DPNs! One at a time too.

    I mostly knit on my commute, on a train, and DPNs just are a little fidily… I am always worried the DPNS will come out – but it really never happens. Sometimes a couple of stitches, but thats all.

    So your question – whats my fav way… ALL ways, as long as it is socks for my commute!

    PS, I do knit other things, like lace weight shawls and sweaters, but if it gets too big, or is too complicated, doing while commuting isnt the best.

  201. Chris in Knitvada says:

    Although I appreciate Cookie A.’s recommendations for knitting a sock cuff-down, I’m really a toe-up girl. In my most recent sock experiment, I started at the cuff and found that my in-the-round gauge swatch was completely off. I’m really glad I started at the cuff, but with that information on hand, I knew I could start at the toe if I wanted and have the cuff come out the right width.

  202. Margot C says:

    I do mostly cuff down but would like some pointers on toe up socks. Thanks for the great podcast!

  203. Angie says:

    I prefer toe up, that way I can knit until I run out of yarn if I want the cuff longer (or if I don’t think I’ll have enough for a tall cuff they can end up being short socks).

  204. Maureen says:

    I prefer to knit toe up.

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