lk2g-059 Rhinebeck 2008 Garment Competition

This episode of our video podcast is the last from the 2008 NY State Sheep and Wool Festival.  We review some of the winners in the Garment Competition and enjoy the sites at the festival.

What you’ll see in this episode:

What I am wearing:

Thanks to Diane (Knitmydream) for her interview. Felted Stained Glass Fan Bag by Madeline Langan

Our giveaway of Crystal Palace Mini Mochi is offered by our Sponsor

If you’re submitting for this year’s skein and garment competition be sure to get your entries in before 1pm Friday 10/16!

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114 Responses to lk2g-059 Rhinebeck 2008 Garment Competition

  1. Alejandro says:

    i really have never submitted anything in a garmet competition simply because i think my work is not as good as other peoples work. but i think i might take the plunge and do sock competition or something like that! LOVE the show

  2. same as Alejandro – when I see the beautiful work that is submitted to these shows, I am not sure that my work is equal to it. I did get a 2nd place in a needlework competition for a Hardanger piece some years ago, but that was after many years of stitching. I am also not such a great designer & most shows want an original design. Another great episode! I am looking forward to meeting you next week.

  3. Amy Lamash says:

    I have never submitted anything for competition before, but am willing to give it a go as soon as I finish a project! LOL. I haven’t finished much and actually just recently took knitting back up after a long hiatus.

  4. Angie says:

    I haven’t yet entered anything in a festival or fair competition, but I was at the state fair this year looking at all of the great knitted items and hand spun yarn, and I think I might enter something for next yet!

  5. Steffi says:

    I never submitted for a contest, because here in Germany there are only very few ones 🙁

    Greets, Steffi

  6. MaureenC says:

    I have never submitted anything for competition because I am a fairly new knitter and don’t think anything I have made so far is good enough yet.

  7. Sheri says:

    No, I have never submited anything to be judged. Just have not had the confidence.

  8. Mr. Butler says:

    I haven’t ever submitted anything in a contest because I have never been able to go to any events that held contests lol ^_^

  9. Suana Cox says:

    I never submitted a garment in a contest because I didn’t realize how much I love knitting until I met my friend Karen who introduced me to knitting last year. Now, I’m hooked and searching for fiber events in Ohio where I live. I love to knit and I found your website because of her and am working now to better my skills in knitting. I will eventually enter in a contest since I found that they have an event every year here in Ohio. I found one in Columbus and one in Springfield. I really do enjoy the show especially the Rinebeck episodes and I hope to go in the near future. Thanks again Cat and Eric for sharing your adventure. You guys rock.

  10. trisha says:

    Yes, I have entered a knitted item in a local fair. This was back in the mid-70s when I was looking for something to do. My mom had always crocheted afghans so I decided I’d be different and knit one instead. I chose a complex Aran pattern with several types of cables, baubles, etc. At the time I didn’t know anything about knitting and wasn’t aware that it wasn’t a beginner project. After knitting it I swore I’d never again knit due to frogging back tow after row after dropping numerous stitches. How frustrating! I entered this afghan as well as 2 crocheted ones, and all 3 won ribbons. Not bad for a first attempt. I didn’t knit again until 3 or 4 years ago, and now I’m hooked.

  11. Debbie / DebKnits2 says:

    Not yet. Maybe someday when I’m really creative.

  12. megan says:

    haven’t submitted anything. I’m still a beginner.

  13. Betsy says:

    I haven’t submitted anything for reasons similar to the ones already given. I don’t feel my items are good enough and I’ve only been knitting a couple of years. I’m thinking I may try our county fair next year though.

  14. Susan Hardy says:

    I havent submitted any garments in a fair or show because we dont have anything like that where I live. I have thought about entering competitions in magazines but am frightened of losing my work to the postal system or worse, gets damaged! I want to make a shawl one day for a competition!

  15. Robin Wagner says:

    I have never submitted a item yet. I plan on working on items all year for next October for entry’s in the Tulsa,Oklahoma state fair. My local Knitting group all placed knitted items this year but me:( made me feel like I dropped the ball. Look forward to a great challenge in finding the perfect pieces to enter.

  16. knitannepurl says:

    I have never entered a knitted item of mine because I have never been to a knitting/fiber festival.

  17. Yes, I have entered for several years in our Siskiyou County Fair (here in Northern Califoria). Many people in our local fiber arts groups love to see what other people have creativly done. Everyone enjoys seeing the gallery of items no matter what the skill level of the artist. Our spinning group demonstrates most days at the fair. My goal is to enter something at the Black Sheep Gathering. I am working on a takli handspun lace shawl from a Corriedale fleece I purchased at Black Sheep Gathering. I would love to be able to enter it in 2010! Whee~! LOVE the Rhinebeck Episodes!!!

  18. Yarnsnthreads says:

    I have submitted several things over the years. I really wish more people would enter items. Last year one of my knitting students entered a vest that we made in class and she won over mine. Which I think is wonderful. So Please when a contest comes up at a local fair or fiber event enter you may be surprised and win!

  19. Tommy Smith says:

    I haven’t submitted a garment in a contest. I haven’t made time in my knitting to make garments. The closest I’ve come is a scarf for my mom. I guess you could call a scarf a garment. And in the competition for making my mom happy… I got a blue ribbon!!!

  20. I have never submitted bceause 1st. I do not know how. SECOND! I’m not that good. I have been knitting for a year and 3 months. I wonder if I qualify for a beginners entry..thingy…..hope so 🙂

  21. Heather N says:

    Oh my gosh! This question is perfect! My Grandmother had convinced me to enter items this year, after seeing how much and how well I had been knitting.

    So I just recently entered my knitted items into our local County fair this past August!

    Turns out I did rather well.

    I entered 5 knitted items and earned 4 ribbons. One 2nd Place and 3 Honorable Mentions! I cannot wait to think up more wonderful knitted items for this next years fair, entering them is so easy.

  22. KayP says:

    I entered two items in the Iowa State Fair this summer. Years ago I had entered tatted items in the fair, but I didn’t think my knitting was good enough for the fair. Then last spring there was a discussion in the Iowa Ravelers group about the fair cutting back on some of the knitting classes, because there wasn’t enough interest! So I entered and my Petunia the Pig won second prize in the toy class!

  23. Sarah K says:

    I vaguely considered entering the Tennessee Valley Fair held here in Knoxville this year. I’m not sure I made a conscious decision not to enter. Time just got away from me. As it turned out, it rained nearly every day of the fair, so maybe this was a good year not to enter. Perhaps next year I’ll have the courage to try for the first time.

  24. Margie S says:

    I’m just learning to knit and only made a few garter stitch scarves and a couple socks with lots of mistakes. I’m not ready to enter competition just yet. But some day…

  25. Guru Nam Kaur says:

    I haven’t ever entered anything. Recently, I’ve been knitting exclusively for my first grandson and everything gets sent off to him as soon as it’s finished. I’d like to try sometime.

  26. Robin Fremer says:

    I have never entered my knitting into a competition. I tend to knit loosely and am more interested in the process of having fun knitting than in perfection of product. Most of my knitted items are made for others-either my children or my friends. I also knit for charitable projects.

  27. Phaye Geiger says:

    I have never submitted anything to a competition. I don’t feel confident enough to submit my knitting into any competion. I just enjoy it…..

  28. Lizbeth Davern says:

    I’ve never submitted anything. I’ve been knitting for 5 years but i still feel like i’m learning. I don’t create my own designs, i use other’s patterns so i don’t feel like i’m creative enough to be in the same league as those who submit such clever and beautiful orignal knitted or spun items.

  29. Raul Flores says:

    I never submitted anything.I have been knitting for almost 3 years I feel that I need to learn more. But i have made something to my family.Like scarf and hat. Sometime I try to craete my own designs but there not go to presented in a commpetition or giving to somebody.

  30. Stacy Steube says:

    Sadly, I haven’t submitted a piece to any competitions. There aren’t any festivals around where I live. 🙁 so sad. I do want to be in a competition though.

  31. Samantha says:

    I started knitting right before we left the states and haven’t had the chance to enter into a competition. Now that we are back in the states I might give it a go since I’m seriously planning on going to Rhinebeck in 2010, but if I even come close to winning anything I think I’ll have a coronary from the shock.

  32. Patricia says:

    Many many years ago I think I submitted my first knitted item (a long stocking cap in wide purple and white stripes with a large tassel at the end) in our local agricultural fair. It was a 4-H project and most of us did submit our stuff. I do not believe I won any prizes. The fair is still going on so perhaps your question has inspired me to submit something next fall. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that my knitted items don’t usually stay around long enough to even photograph, let alone put them into a fair….

  33. Julie says:

    I have never submitted anything because I put too much pressure on myself, which takes the pleasure away for me. I realized this when I was weaving something for a contest. I imagine I would have the same feeling for a knitting contest!

  34. Beth Rudowske says:

    I have never submitted any knitted items to a competition because I have only recently dared to knit anything more challenging than a scarf or houseslippers. I knit these simple items as a child, but stopped knitting before college to focus on school and jobs. Now with my child in college, I’ve started knitting again, joined a group, read books, picked up circulars, made lace, tackled a sweater and am contemplating socks. I might be ready to enter a competition now.

  35. Deborah Kelroy says:

    I have never submitted any knitted items to a competition as I consider myself only an advanced beginner or intermediate knitter. I have only started to knit again after a long stretch of time was spent raising my family and working. It was my hope to learn more from the Let’s Knit 2gether podcast.

  36. Rebecca says:

    I submitted three items this year at our local county fair. I wasn’t expecting to win anything, since I did it for fun. I got first place for my Baby Surprise Jacket in the kids category, second place for a hat and no win for my hemlock ring in the blanket category. It was really fun and expect to do it again next year. Thanks for a wonderful podcast. Rhinebeck sure does look like an amazing festival.

  37. Liz says:

    I’ve never submitted a project ever because there is no way my knitting comes even close to the beautiful items that are submitted.

  38. I’ve never submitted a project before because I’m so busy and can’t attend any of the fiber festivals. I am a college student and am completing my English/Education degree and just can’t find the time to knit as much as I’d like, especially competition projects. It is a dream of mine to submit something one day though!

  39. Silja says:

    I have only entered my knitted products in online competitions where you only show pics etc.
    I have never submitted a product it self in an RL competition just because we dont have any fairs or such in the area I live. The knitting and spinning community in Norway is nothing like in the US, and there is no tradition for big fairs og festivals that are fiber related in this country, at least not as I know or have heard of.

  40. Babeth says:

    Nope, have never submitted or entered, but I only began knitting in January. And I really only have been to a few events this year, and even realized that one could do this… maybe over the winter I’ll be inspired, although, as a beginner, I’m very self-conscious and not very meticulous. I do love looking at all of the wonderful items and yarns of the others who do enter, though!
    P.S. Love the “show”… and the Rhinebeck episodes… very inspirational to get my butt there someday soon! (Or at least, visit more local events, too!) You guys are great 🙂
    _Babeth (in Pittsburgh, PA)

  41. No, I haven’t submitted a project for a contest yet, as there just aren’t any near me, here in north central Florida. I’d love to win that gorgeous yarn, though!

  42. Janet says:

    I have submitted a project for an online contest. I knitted a pair of socks for a crazy sock contest and I won first place. I haven’t done as well at the competitions of my local guild.

  43. Susanbar says:

    I have never submitted anything, mostly because I consider myself to be a new knitter and still learning. But also I have never been to any festival like Rhinebeck. That is why I really appreciate your video reports from the festivals you go to—-it gives so many of us who can’t get there a taste of what they are like. Thanks so much for the show!

  44. madonnaearth says:

    I was going to submit a sock pattern to the XRX sock competition last year, but I couldn’t come up with a suitable design. Being very new to knitting, I also lost my nerve because I didn’t know where to begin to write up a pattern.

    This year, the plan is to submit a shawl design in the Cherry Tree Hill competition. I’m still afraid that I won’t be able to design the colorwork in a manner that suits the design, but I’m trying to work out how I’ll do that. If I can chart the design properly, that’s about 75% of the battle. The other 25% is knitting it in time to qualify. I am still scared about failing at it like last year. Plus there’s the “What if it’s ugly and nobody likes it?” syndrome. It’s already not the shawl I originally planned due to the colorways I picked out.

  45. Andrea says:

    I have not even thought of submitting something. I am really not good enough yet. But I am still improving.

  46. Maureen Janda says:

    I’m a fairly recent knitter, and a very new spinner, and I’m not yet ready for prime time. I’ve never been to a fiber festival, but they look so much fun that I’m anxious to go to one as soon as I get my back in shape. I live in the middle of Orange County California, where there is so much of everything, but no fiber festivals or fairs, so no knit competitions.

  47. TripletMom says:

    I have never submitted anything. The biggest reason is not attending any type of event where I could. I would love to enter a finished lace piece someday.

  48. Jennifer Lefaver says:

    I have never submitted a completed knitted item but have seriously thought about it! I guess I thought you had to be a superspecial knitter of some sort to do that kind of thing? I just made an awesome scarf with my own combo of novelty yarns: a really awesome dark metallic purple yarn and a beautiful trellis yarn in shiney fall colors, using a drop stitch pattern and adding some embellishments. I gave it to my mother n law for her last birthday and she really liked it. I probably should have submitted that one! : )

  49. I’ve not submitted anything yet. I’m still fairly new to knitting (and I only loom knit) but more importantly, until a few months ago I lived in London, UK. The few competitions I knew of there were national and I was not to that standard! Now that I live in the US I might enter something someday. I would if I had a county fair but I live in my state capitol so I think we just have the state fair here and I’m still too shy for that. But there’s always next time! 🙂

  50. Elicia says:

    I have never submitted any knitting projects to a competition because I’m just learning this year how to knit 🙂 I’m loving it and hope to one day feel confident enough to enter in a competition.

  51. Betsy says:

    I have only submitted 2 items to competitions in all of my years knitting, just for the heck of it. When I was a teenager I entered a cardigan knit for my mom in the local county fair and it won 2nd place. Then a couple of years ago I submitted a pair of Thai-style wrap pants to a competition here in Osaka for handmade crafts–that time I took first place!
    Not bad if I do say so myself 😉

  52. Erik Bohlin says:

    I am a male knitter, a counselor, who just took it up about 2 months ago. I can’t believe how fun, relaxing and stress reducing knitting is. I have made two hats, one scarf and my first pair of socks. I know that I will get better with time, even though I look at the what I knitted and am amazed at how well it looks. I also am amazed that one can fix some mistakes without ripping it all out. I say all this to say, eventually, I might submit something for competition. I am sure it is a matter of time. I love this program. Keep up the good video work. I do videos myself for my counseling practice and yours are very good quality.

    Erik Bohlin

  53. Kimberly B. says:

    Hi Cat! What beautiful yarn that is! I must confess that I have never entered anything in a show or competition I guess because I’m not sure my knitting is anything special, and I’ve never designed anything myself. But I’ve learned how to modify patterns by adding shaping or making things longer or shorter to fit me better, so I think it’s just a matter of time!

  54. Debra C says:

    No I’ve never submitted any of my work in a competition. I’ve never felt it was good enough until recently. I’m really enjoying knitting lace and am seriously considering entering in the future. Love the show!!!!

  55. Jean says:

    I’ve never submitted to a competition before because I’ve never really thought about it. Hmmm…I guess I’ll have to think about it. On the other hand, I read somewhere on Ravelry about someone who put their knitted socks in a local fair competition and someone stole her socks. Bummer…maybe I won’t think about doing it after all.

    Jean in Maine (Rav ID)

  56. Shannon says:

    I have never submitted anything into a competition. I guess I never considered it before! lol

    God Bless,

  57. Paula says:

    Hi Cat I am going to Rhinebeck this year I am so excited! it’s going to be my first rhinebeck experience. I am taking a bus from brooklyn at 6am in the morning. it will be a really intense day.

    I have not enter competitions for knitwear.. but my knit pieces did end up on the runway once or twice. I am not really a great pattern knitter and I do more collages with pieces of simple knits and crochets. I would love to hear more about knitting competitions out there.

    see you very soon!

  58. Debbie (fiberiend) says:

    I haven’t submitted anything but I NOW have inspiration because of your video podcast!
    The OFFF (Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival) will be a good place for me to start next year because it is close to me….but just being able to experience Rhinebeck through you has me so excited about everything related to fiber!

  59. Missy K says:

    I have not submitted anything because I always find out about the contest too late. Also, I can knit well, but my finishing techniques leave a lot to be desired. I just might win if the judges promise not to look at the inside of my seams!

  60. Kate D (Teddyluvr) says:

    Hello. I have not submitted any of my FO’s for any competitions. This is due to I mostly just do dishclothes. I do them to practice stitches and I work in a call center so they are easy to work on while on the phones & between calls. Unless there is a competition for dishclothes that I’m unaware of, then I’ll just have to be patient…. I love LK2G. I get it on my iPod and listen to the episodes multiple times. Cat, thank you for all you do. This is the only way I get to experience the sheep and wool festivals on the east coast. I live in Idaho. Not much around here as far as fiber festivals. I would love to have one though….

  61. Denise says:

    I’ve never submitted anything for competition because I haven’t seen any knitting competitions yet. I love all the winners in the 2008 Rhinebeck, beautiful work everyone.

  62. Sarah H. (lavendarlime) says:

    I’ve always wanted to submit to a fair or festival, but every time I think of it, and look up the details, I’ve always JUST missed the deadline! Maybe next year 😉

  63. Leslie M says:

    I just entered my first knit competition this past September! It was a large local county fair. I Submitted Revontuli with beads and it won 1st place! What a way to get inspired – incredible competition and so many beautiful things people knitted.

  64. Tanu says:

    I’ve never submitted anything to a garment competition – mostly because everything i’ve knit so far has been either a gift or for some functional use (therefore in use before any competition). However, i am knitting my first lace shawl right now, if it turns out good, i will consider submitting something next year.

    Love that mochi yarn – what colorway is it?

  65. Raul Flores says:

    Some of the time that I try to do something new I make a mistake and I need to undo every thing I do and start over that why I never make something for a competition.

  66. Kitt says:

    I’ve never submitted anything, because most of the stuff I’ve knitted has been for gifts!

  67. Susanna says:

    I submitted my Drop-Dead Gorgeous Shawl To the library teens art competition. I got the viewer’s choice award!

  68. Nancy says:

    I’ve submitted items to the county fair years ago, when I was in 4-H. Then I lived outside the US for a number of years. I’m just getting back into life in the US now and would like to submit my knit and crochet items again. But I do have some fear of what others will say of my work. Am I normal???

  69. Rebecca says:

    I entered knitted (and spun) items in the local county fair for more than 11 years.
    Also, in the local school district’s yearly agricultural fair.
    Have won so many ribbons, I’ve lost count.

  70. Tallguy says:

    Oh,yes, i have submitted some items into local competitions. The prizes are quite low, the entry seems overly complicated, and it always comes when I don’t have anything to put in! I may do it again, but not this year.

  71. Carol C says:

    No, I’ve never entered any of my knitting in a competition. People are always telling me that I should enter something into the county fair. I keep thinking about it but every year when the county fair comes I forget about it until the actual fair and then it’s too late. Maybe next year.

  72. WackyLisa says:

    Hi, I once submitted a photo of a scarf to something at my LYS on a whim but nothing more ambitious than that.
    I doubt I ever will. I knit very plain things and I don’t usually make it if I don’t need it so sending something off just doesn’t make sense.

  73. Laura says:

    Yes, my needlefelted Winter Gnome won first place at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival this year.

  74. Teresa says:

    I haven’t ever submitted anything ever. I would love to be good enough to be able to but it would be so stressful. Everything I make is so personal for me that to have it judged would be brutal!

    Can’t wait to see this year’s New York Sheep and Wool Festival episodes. Hope you had great fun today!

  75. Karen says:

    Hi Kat, I’ve really enjoyed your episodes. And this last with submissions to the knitted garment competition was quite something. The level of competition was much higher than at the state fair I submitted to a few years ago. I had just gone back to knitting after a few years of counted cross stitch submissions, and I actually won a ribbon for the man’s pullover. It was a simple knit, but I had added short rows to the back shoulder area for a perfect fit for my weight-lifter son. I haven’t submitted since, but may again someday.

  76. I entered three pieces in a local county fair as a teenager, the summer before I headed off to college (1985). Two were knitted, a big scarecrow doll and a Barbie skating dress, and the other was a thread crochet Barbie wedding gown. I didn’t have any luck with the scarecrow but both Barbie dresses took ribbons in the Teen Open knit & crochet categories.

    The knitted skating dress was two pieces, a long-sleeve body suit and a short skirt with elastic in the waist, and I added roller skates by sewing tiny bead wheels to the bottoms of little Barbie socks. That one won Second Place.

    The wedding gown really surprised me by taking a blue ribbon! It was a whole bridal set, crocheted with doily thread and a tiny steel hook, with a hat, bouquet, and even a tiny garter on her thigh.

  77. Nicole says:

    Have fun at Rhinebeck this today and tomorrow. 🙂 I’ve submitted lots of knitting items in a local fair throughout the years, although most of my submissions have been in the open category since I am now too old to be a 4-H member.

  78. Ann says:

    My mother taught me to knit 51 years ago when I was 5 years old. Being proud of her work and her skill, over the years she entered many of her hand knits and crocheted items in competition and won many ribbons. Twenty six years ago she was stricken with viral encephalitis and has been unable to knit or crochet ever since. Although I am very proud of my knitting, I do not enter my work in competitions. I prefer instead to have my mother continue to be the only person in our family to have won awards for the crafts that she so loved and sorely misses because her hands no longer function. She is content with her memories of beautiful hand knits with lovely winning ribbons pinned to them. I remember the anticipation as we entered the display room hoping to see a winner among her submissions. I shared her joy and the pride she experienced in the winning. That is enough for me.

  79. Kristie says:

    I’m too big a coward to enter any garment competition although I enjoy seeing what others have made on your episodes from Rhinebeck. Some of the things are just amazing, which is another reason why I probably will never enter a competition.

  80. Amelia says:

    Hi there!

    I have never entered any garment competition for two reasons. The first and most important one is because I do not think my work is good enough comparing with the great projects you show in your “field trips” :-). Secondly, I do not know any competition here in Spain… I am moving to Chile in a week… I might try to find some local competition there 🙂

    Your podcast is really great!


  81. MartiSue says:

    I entered a toddler’s ensemble (cardigan, shorts, and beret) that I made for my son in a local competition. I also submitted a photo of him wearing it for Easter of that year. I won!! And I was told that the photo was the deciding factor, as it was obviously “wearable!” (He looked so cute…of course, he’s 14 now and won’t wear a sweater to save his life!)

  82. Deb Giuffre says:

    I have never entered any of my handknits into a competition. I’ve never really considered it. My grandmother was ten times better than me and she never entered any either. However, I have been thinking of entering something, but what? Well, I’m finishing up a Mitered Square Blanket from “Mason Dixon Knits.” My goal was to have no square be the same and I have only 24 squares to go. I just might enter this in our local fair next August. My work is just as good as the other entries. Why not????

  83. Lisa Smith says:

    I have never submitted anything in a competition. My work is not up to that level yet!

    Thanks for both of your work on the podcasts!

  84. Kate says:

    I have never submitted anything to a contest because I’m too critical of my own work.

  85. Susan K says:

    I never entered any of my work in a competition because I think it is not competition quality yet. I was flattered by my aunt who is a knitter and after I showed her in progress 2 socks at a time on 2 needles said “these are good enough for the Syndey Easter Show”. High praise coming from a knitter/spinner for over 70 years! Love the show.

  86. Angela says:

    I have never entered any knitted object in a competition because I don’t know of any around where I am living. I don’t know if I would feel any of my stuff was as fancy as any of the things you have shown in the competitions. Most of my stuff is simply to see if I could do it and than I try something new.

  87. Rachel says:

    I have never entered anything in a competition for a several reasons. I didn’t think I could make anything well enough to place, let alone win. I also had no reason to enter, there was no prize great enough to encourage me to try. In addition I do not have easy access to festivals or fairs, I have only been to one, which was two years ago.

  88. Deanne says:

    I’ve never submitted my knitted work in a competition, and after seeing this episode, I probably never will! I don’t think of myself as a competitive person, so the idea of competing has no appeal. Thanks for bringing Rhinebeck to those of us who can’t be there. I am looking forward to the 2009 episodes.

  89. Ptinutz says:

    I have never submitted anything for competition for two reason, I am a new knitter, just 2 years, so I always follow pattern, nothing creative and it does not have such comptetition in Switzerland.

  90. Serenityslr says:

    I submit knitted, crocheted, sewn, etc. items and garments to the Wyoming State Fair every year. My family really enjoys seeing all of the hand made items and finding out how our work compares to that of other people. I actually submitted the very first scarf I ever made and won first place, after that I was hooked. I have finally found something in which I excel so my challenge every year is to learn new techniques to create more elaborate items every year. This year I will be spinning for the very first time. I expect to enter my first hand spun in the fair just to see how it will compare to other beginners. I also entered a hat designing competition and did very well for my first design.

  91. Theatrical Knitter113 says:

    I have never submitted anything to competition. I am WAY too afraid! Everything I see in competition is so beautiful! I would rather admire from afar.

  92. Pioneer Spinster says:

    Under pressure from my spinning guild, I entered a hand spun, knitted blessing dress for an infant. I wasn’t really sure what would happened, but I was quite surprised when the article not only won first place, but also to a sweepstakes ribbon. I quess I need to enter things more often.

  93. Lynnie says:

    I was going to enter some mittens in a competition from Berocco, but did not quite finish them on time. I wish I could blame something other than my own overestimation of how fast I could knit something! It took me a while before I realized that I was just making it less enjoyable for myself by trying to cram in at the last minute… after letting go, I felt much better and went back to knitting on my own terms!

  94. Ruth says:

    I’ve never submitted anything for several reasons. First, I knit for pleasure, so I don’t want to make work out of it. Second, I’d have to work to find out where to submit it, and last, although I’ve been very proud of some of the things I have knitted, I always think that if someone turned it over and saw how it was finished…it might not fare so well.

  95. Monique says:

    I actually did submit a knit item to our annual fair – many years ago. It was a backless, black angora dress blended with an “oilslick” filament thread. It was an original design and I beaded the shoulderpads (we’re talking the 80’s here LOL) on the dress in matching “oilslick” beads. While I was creating it I even found a pair of black satin shoes that had the exact same beads on it that I had used. I won 1st AND a gentleman called asking if he could buy the dress for $1,000!!!! I declined as I explained to him that it was 6 months of my life I’d never get back LOL.

  96. Sue Sivado says:

    I’ve never entered a knitted item for competition but have always wanted to. I think you’ve inspired me to go forward with it. Thank you!

  97. kat says:

    I’ve never submitted a knit item for a competition. I don’t know much about current competitions, and I’m shy 🙂 I should give it a try some time though

  98. Jennifer C. says:

    I taught myself to knit about 5 years ago. It’s progressed slowly but I’m finally started with some more advanced patterns. Now that I’m not just knitting simple scarfs & hats, I might actually consider entering a contest. I just need to find some contests in Texas now.

  99. Laura says:

    Have never entered anything in a contest because I just haven’t really had the time
    Love your show Cat!

  100. ThriftyKnitter says:

    Ok, I’ll admit that most nights I will sit
    And pick up my needles and proceed to knit
    But Oh My, if you’re asking for me to submit
    I fear I just cannot, no cannot permit
    That my work, which is good but not perfect or fit
    To be seen by a person who has to judge it.
    So NO, I have NEVER will NEVER submit!

  101. Heather says:

    No I have not submitted anything in a competition YET!! I do not feel I am good enough to be placed up against some of the beautiful things I have seen in competitions. My knitting has too many mistakes. I have yet to make 1 knitted project without any mistakes. Oh well, one day….maybe. Keep up the great work, I love when a new podcast comes out.

  102. Giny says:

    I have never submitted anything in a competition yet. I think here in the Netherlands there are not that much opportunities (spelled that one wrong for sure!) for entering a contest. In the USA there are so much more fibre festivals etc.

  103. JuliaB says:

    I haven’t entered any of my knitting because my pieces are not good enough. Maybe in a year or two, I will take the plunge.

  104. Darlene says:

    Hey Cat, I love your video podcast…I feel like I am at the festivals with you! I have never entered a knit idea into a festival because I have never had a festival to enter… maybe someday! The yarn at Yarn Market looks so beautiful and to see that the colors show up so nice on the computer…I need to place an order soon!
    Thanks again Cat for all your wonderful videos!
    The bloopers at the end are a hoot!!

    Peace and Blessings
    Darlene in PEI

  105. Nina says:

    Hi Cat,

    Thanks for the Rhinebeck series. I’m hoping someday to actually make it there.

    I have never entered a competition because I am too anxious to wear the stuff I make and I am too slow to finish things.


  106. I have been really enjoying your pod casts. You’re keeping me company while my fingers are busy on this impromptu hat that I have been working on.

    I haven’t entered a competition because everything that I have made thus far has been spoken for. In fact, I am about 6 projects behind on requests. I’m also pretty new and am still trying to figure it all out before I put it all out for the world to judge.

    Thanks again for keeping me company. Its great to knit2gether.

  107. deb says:

    i’ve never submitted anything … mainly b/c i don’t do any reasearch on the shows/festivalsi go to to know that there is a competition and when i do find out, it’s too late.

    Thanks CAT and eric for your podcast. Love it.

  108. Julie says:

    Two years ago I entered knitted wire napkin rings (knitted with copper wire and green glass beads) and two wool scarves in our state fair and won 2nd prize for the napkin rings and honorable mention for the scarves. I did it because in years past, the fair had a lot of crochet entries, and some skeins of handspun yarn, but not enough knitted entries to even give a ribbon to 1st through 4th place in each category! I am not a particularly talented knitter and the scarves I sent were not even my best work, but I entered them anyway. I felt that letting the fair attendees see other needlecrafts besides crochet and quilting and cross stitch was a good idea. The needlecraft competition exhibits are housed in a huge building at this fair and are always artfully displayed. The building gets a lot of traffic over the 10 days of the fair and I wanted people to see knitted items too! I wanted people to say, “Hey I could do that” For all you folks who have commented about your lack of confidence in your skills, please reconsider. Not every fair or festival is a Rhinebeck and I think the judges at my state’s fair would be happy to see a lot of entries, no matter what the quality. There’s no fun in earning a blue ribbon when there is no other competition! And I don’t know about other places, but I won $$$ for my ribbons too!

  109. Linda Suppan says:

    Entered my very first knitted items this year in my local county fair. A pair of socks (blue moon sock yarn, pattern from second Mason Dixion book) and my 25th anniversary shawl, so named because I cast-on on the eve of my 25th wedding anniversary! Shawl was the baby cap shawl from Victorian Lace.

    I won a blue for the socks and a red for the shawl!

    Even more surprising, there was cash for each ribbon! blue $6, red $4…. so $10 grand whopping dollars!!! I considered it a free lunch!

    I was pleasently surprised and pleased!

  110. Raul Flores says:

    I love to try to do a project and use it to a competition

  111. Becky Bair says:

    I haven’t submitted anything in for a contest before. I had thought of submitting it at the county fair but keep forgetting when the time comes to do it.

  112. CAT says:

    Thanks everyone who commented on entering competitions. It was great to hear your reasons for entering and not entering.

    Our winner is Lauren Thompson, LaureateKnits on Ravelry!

  113. Petite Tops · says:

    roller skating is a very enjoying sports and past time too ‘

  114. Hello, I just clicked through from Yahoo and would just like to say I love the site! Keep up the good work 🙂

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