In this latest episode of our podcast we demonstrate steeking! Watch as we walk through crochet steeking and the cutting!
For more info on this technique, check out Eunny Jang’s Blog
What I am wearing:
- Icelandic Lopi sweater Number 4 from Ístex Lopi No. 23 knitted in Lopi in colors B 0051 White, MC – 0008 Lt. Denim, C 0098 Cadet Blue, A 009 Med. Denim
What’s on the set:
My knitting is on display at the New City Library in New York State.
Our Knit-a-long can be found on the Let’sKnit2gether Ravelers group where we’re knitting squares for Afghans For Afghans
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Your sweater is just beautiful! My heart was pounding while you cut your steek. Thanks so much for showing us how it’s done.
It was like watching a surgery. I am glad the sweater survived and there was no major cutting of an artery. The sweater is beautiful. Great colors and it looks warm.
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! And the sweater also looks great on you.
gorgeous sweater!!! And this technique is amasing!!!
thanks Cat to share that with us!
Greetings from belgium
I’ve never steeked but you made it look very comfortable – couldn’t tell if the scotch was because you were nervous about cutting, or because you were cutting with a camera in your ear – lol
Lovely sweater …. I’m glad all worked out.
I think that I’d need a scotch (or two) before atempting a steek myself.
How awesome!! This was a well-done tutorial!
Beautiful! Steeking has always intimidated me but you make it look easy.
wow what a nice sweater! I need to try steeking sometime to get over my fear of cutting knitted sweaters. That’s amazing you are exhibition your work best of luck Cat!
Dear Kat:
Thanks for the demo on steeking. I never wanted to try it but after seeing your video, maybe I’ll give it a try. I got the book The Sweater Workshop so I hope that will help.
I laughed out loud when you took a sip of scotch at the end—that’s exactly what I would have wanted after such a nerve-wrecking thing as cutting into your knitting!!! The sweater is gorgeous and the tutorial VERY helpful, as always. Thank you for all that you and Eric do. I am always happy and excited when I see that you have posted another video. You encourage me to try more adventurous knitting than I would otherwise dare on my own.
the cutting stitch by stitch was so wonderful to “see” — thanks so much! And only knitters would understand about the “sip” needed at the end LOL
But BIG congratulations on getting your work displayed — more exposure to our wonderful craft (and your examples are stunning).
Very enjoyable watching your videos! Brings a smile to my face every time. I was a little nervous when I saw you cutting your sweater. I have heard of this, but didn’t know there was a name for it and never saw it in action. Don’t think I am ready for this yet! Maybe one day!
Great tutorial. Thanks!
Mmmmm…That’s good scotch…LOL LOVE IT!
Hi Cat!
I’ve try your technique and it works great!
Have a look at my website to see the result.
Hi Cat!
I just watch your u-tube on “lace patterns”. Like you I need more of a visual aid. I am work on a project, that I want to place “YO” aound each letter as a outline.
Could U Help Me
BEST closing line EVER!