In this latest episode of our video podcast we continue our journey to Alaska with a stop in Anchorage for a visit at the Oomingmak Cooperative.
While there we find out more about qiviut, muskox and the Inuit knitters who create the lovely lace qiviut items.
What I am wearing/knitting:
- In Alaska – Nachaq knitted with Qiviut
- In Alaska – Heartstrings Morning Surf Scarf, hy handspun superwash merino in Dinosaur Colorway from Spunky Eclectic
- In the chair – Ishbel shawlette by Ysolda knitted with Tili Thomas Beaded Plie American Beauty
Special thanks to Torgeir Robertson.
For more information about qiviut and the Inuit knitters check out:
Arctic Lace: Knitting Projects and Stories Inspired by Alaska’s Native Knitters by Donna Druchunas
Check out for substituting yarns
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That was so interesting guys, the qivuit looks so ‘special’. You are so lucky to go places and see the products from start to finish. Thanks again! Happy Christmas to you both.
That qiviut/silk blend looked so cozy!!
Happy Holidays!
Thank you SO much for doing such an extensive profile of Oomingmak. I visited Alaska last year and the cooperative was closed on the day I was in Anchorage. But I did manage to buy some qivuit in Ketchikan. The interview at the cooperative was fascinating. I also read “Arctic Lace” which was a great intro to the culture of knitting in Alaska.
Also, thanks for telling everyone about Yarndex. I’ve been using Yarndex for years and just love it. It helps tremendously for substituting yarns, and for getting good color card views.
Happy Holidays, three times to you both, too!
Very Interesting!!!! Did you finish your qiviut crowl?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few years ago my husband bought me an ounce of qivuit fibre that he ordered from LARS. I haven’t spun it up yet but every now and then I like to give it a fondle.
This was so great you guys! I’m so glad you did this, even though you were on vacation! I loved hearing about this fiber and the process and I’m glad to hear how they pay back the knitters to keep the tradition alive.
Thank you so much for sharing for those who can’t make it to those wonderful places
How interesting. I had never heard of qiviut before your first Alaska podcast. I was interested to find out more — and here it is. And the cooperative that produces the scarves was fascinating. Thanks!
What a great episode as usual!!!! Thanks Cat…. I wil vote for your streamies, of course.
You remember your episode on knitting machines?
At the end you propose us several links to buy one.
I’ve try to buy the cheapest on but unfortunatly, I never get any answer…. Although I gave my credit card number and agree to pay shipping fees even if higher…
Would you agree to take contact with them for me?
I try to call also but without results… But maybe the difference in hour is the cause……
Thanks anyway and a big hugs from Milouson!