This latest episode of our video podcast is the EPIC conclusion of our yarny trip to Alaska. For this episode we stop in Glacier Bay, Skagway, Juneau, and Ketchikan.
Yarn Shops visited:
- Skeins Fine Yarns – Juneau
- Mission Arts and Fibers – Ketchikan
- The Point – Ketchikan
What I am wearing:
- In Alaska – on ship in Juneau – Icelandic Lopi sweater Number 4 from Ístex Lopi No. 23 knitted in Lopi in colors B 0051 White, MC – 0008 Lt. Denim, C 0098 Cadet Blue, A 009 Med. Denim
- In Alaska – in Ketchikan – Heartstrings Morning Surf Scarf, hy handspun superwash merino in Dinosaur Colorway from Spunky Eclectic
- In Alaska – on the glacier – Felted Cloche knitted with Crystal Palace Iceland and Tilly Scarf made with Crystal Palace Fjord Print from A Fine Fleece: Knitting with Handspun Yarns
- In the chair – Nachaq knitted with Qiviut. English Translation is on Ravelry
The music in this episode
- Echoes of Solitude by Alexandre Falcao found at MusicAlley
Special thanks to Cheri Pyles from Mission Arts and Fibers and The Point in Ketchikan
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One of my most funny moments wehen I was knitting was when my mother found out that I liked knitting more than she thought.
On my first visit to Madison Wi. to see my daughter at the U.W. I headed out, on foot, to find a yarn shop that was said to be “just 10 blocks from the stadium”. Well, a trot to the yarn shop, like on a game day, was not what it turned out to be because it was nearly 90 degrees, the shop was much MORE than 10 block since I started from downtown & then of corse I had to WALK BACK.
The funny part was, I could have drove & Parked right in Front of the shop.
But It was well worth the trouble. A nice shop!!
The funniest knitting memory has to be at my poor Grandmother’s expense.
My Grandmother taught me to knit when I was little and I picked it up again in High School.
So during one visit up north (a 10 hour drive up CA) to see her, I was knitting on a simple scarf for myself. It wasn’t till we got to her house that I was starting to second guess the width of the scarf and that I it was about 4 sts too many. I was almost out of yarn by the time my Grandmother went for her afternoon rest in her bedroom. It was then I decided I wanted to unravel the whole scarf and start again with 4 less sts. When my Grandmother came out, she was SHOCKED at what I ‘had done’ and how could I do that, when it was almost done. To me, it was no big deal, but to my Grandmother, it was tragic.
I fondly look back at that moment in how hilarious her reaction was and that how far I have come and am still that nit-picky about un-raveling projects that I just don’t think are ‘just right’.
Some of my funny knitting moments are when my twin 2 year olds take my needles and click them together and tell me they are “knitting.”
One of my funny knitting moment was at my work office. I decided to knit during the lunch pause and I was the first knitter in the history of the company
My collegues began to laugh and tricks me a litle bit…. I get some stupid jokes as usual…. Nobody dare to knit with me even if I guessed some collegues of mine looked at me with envy.
Untill one the…. this day…. The big boss of the company came and saw me …. And he found this a great idee! He confessed he was knitting too when he was joung….
Imagine the faces of my collegues this day…
Untill then, I have more knitters who dare to knit with me at lunch!
Hi CAT & Eric! Epi. 66 was awesome! I got to travel to Alaska with you! And the quiviut smokering turned out beautifully. Ok, so, my funniest knitting moment was when I was just getting started on learning how to knit. My sisters Deb & Kat had gifted me knitting lessons and supplies. I headed out for my first lesson, ready to come back with my knit goods, sure that I would pick it up in a cinch. When I got to the store, I learned that my knitting instructor would not be there. Why? Because her husband had whisked her away on a surprise romantic getaway! Ok, so teach me how to knit or escape with her hubs?! Easy decision! The next time I tried to meet up with her, there was another unusual circumstance that prevented her from coming to teach. It was not to be. I ended up taking my knitting to work. My boss taught me to cast on and another colleague taught me how to knit. I’ve since knit a scarf for my friend Kristen which she wore on her trip to Alaska in 2009. (And I’m glad that you cleared up that the Fabulous Felines yarns were inspired by cat coloring vs. made out of cat fur….ewww.)
My funniest knitting moment was when we were teaching our Guide (girl scout) unit here in england to knit.
A few weeks after, we asked them to bring in what they had done.
One girl turned around and said she had had to un ravel all of her knitting – because she dropped her first stitich in the row!
I guess I’d have to say when I sit at my desk at work and knit on my lunch hour. We don’t have a lounge or employee break room, so I just sit at my desk. When people come in to see the chairman, I’m the first person they see. I get a lot of really funny looks, but also a lot of “what are you making” and “wow, I didn’t know you could knit”.
One of my many funny moments was waking up one morning and reaching for my yarn project in my bag which was by the bed after late night stitching to find it missing. I think where is my hat project, oh my goodness I look up to see with his head through my circular needles running down the hallway my stitching project around the belly of my siamese cat and the ball of yarn banging along after him and me in my pjs chasing him yelling to stop. When was the last time anyone heard a cat sit on command. I should of taken a picture of me chasing him up the cat tower.
I need some of the feline yarn to make him his own sweater. LOL
Thank you for a wonderful website and videos love them all
One of my funniest moments (although at the time I failed to see the humor in it) was years ago when I was in high school. I was one of very few knitters my age at that time. Mohair sweaters were very popular then, and I was knitting one for myself in blue and green vertical stripes with cables up each stripe. You can imagine all the balls of yarn attached to that knitting project! I went out on a date and left my knitting on the arm of the couch. We had a new puppy and when I came home from my date, I walked into the living room and there was the puppy, covered in green and blue fluff and shreds of my former sweater all over the room. He looked like I caught him in the final act of destruction! Needless to say, I never saw the completed sweater through, but the memory is there!
My funniest knitting moment has to be when i decided to knit my own Clapoti. The first time I seen Cat’s clapoti I was like wow that is soooo cool. But I wanted a smaller scarf size because big shawls dont look good on guys..(well at least not me). I thought hey this is simple, I seen they had noro sock yarn at my favorite yarn shop. Well not as simple as I thought. The smaller yarn was knitting nicely but im a super tight knitter and it was I doubled it. I was loosing one of the two strands left and right but finally got the hang of it. I completed the sections up to the first dropped stitch and couldnt do it. Every fiber of my being was telling me dont drop the stitch. Every project up to this point dropping the stitch was a bad thing, a disaster. So after 5 mins. of sweating and cursing I dropped the stitch and was ok. My mom was so impressed and loved what I did. Matter of fact everywhere we went she told people “hey look at his calliope.” of course I corrected her but she still calls it a calliope.
I was knitting with some crochet friends at a church fellowship, when my pastor passed by and dimed us the “knitpickers” of the church.
My funniest knitting moment taht I can think of was My family and I had taken a trip to a local apple orchard and I had brought some knitting along. I was sitting on a hillside knitting when someone saw me knitting and said, “now a days you have to go to and old folks home to see that!” I said really?
So I am a Chiropractic student and was at a business module this weekend. At this module, the speaker asked the group what activities we do. I spoke up and said knitting. Maybe it was one of those things where you had to be there to think it was funny, but this extremely intelligent, DC said, knitting, so what do people do when they knit in a group setting? I said they knit and talk. Then the DC continues on to say, so you sit and knit together and talk and I’m sure some men knit too, while knitting these afghans for people, etc. I’m probably missing some other things that were said, but it was so funny, because that’s not really what happens. I mean, yes, people can get together and knit afghans together, but that just seems the “old person” stereotype. In addition, it was funny how the I’m sure men knit too phrase was thrown in there. I probably threw the guy a curve ball by saying knitting and I’m sure he wasn’t expecting an answer as such (he was probably expecting something like playing baseball or whatnot), which is why the funny response. Maybe I just got a chuckle out of it at the time due to being so tired, who knows?
I learned to knit a couple years ago at 49 yrs old. Knitters were telling me all the places/opportunities to take projects. I was going to a club to listen to the band a friend was in and took the scarf I was working on- first lace project. Knit and listen to live music, perfect. It ended up being rather dark in the club but resourceful mom that I am I had a small flashlight in my purse. I moved to a table in back and using my little light, knit, swaying to the music.
My funniest knitting moment was when I mistakingly agreed to make my 95 year old mother-in-law a vest she requested which wouldn’t have been so bad if I had stuck to the original yarn designated on the pattern. Instead granny liked the fuzzy eyelash yarn in black no less so after months of fighting, ripping and tears I managed to finish my first ever vest. The funny part is that when it was finished and she had tried it on she looked like a hairy caveman. She being the sweet lady she is oohed and awed over it anyhow and declared she would wear it pridefully. I on the other hand vowed never again to make a vest in anything furry…..ever again!
I was teaching a student lace knitting in a cafe and she was having a rough time getting it. She said “mine doesn’t look like yours.” very softly. I asked her to repeat what she had said and she exclaimed “my holes are to big!!!” Well everybody’s mind went to the gutter and we laughed until we cried.
I love the videos!!! Thanx Cat and Eric.
My funniest knitting moment happened a few years ago. A friend of mine had decided to knit a bathing suit for her daughter who was 6 at the time. One day she called me, and asked if we could meet because she needed help. We met downtown in a cafe. She pulled the bottom part of the bathing suit out her bag. The bathing suit was so large it could have fit a giant! She looked at me very seriously, and said ” Do you think my gauge is off?!”
Thanks Cat for another great video! I love your cowl. Happy Knitting!
I loved this episode! I’ve been to Alaska and loved getting to see the glaciers–this episode made me want to go back so badly!
Funniest knitting moment…probably would have to be the time it got eerily quiet (I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old) and I walked into the living room to find my sweater-in-progress ripped off the needles, my yarn in tangles, and one son frogging my project…sigh. i think i would have preferred a sticky food mess to sorting out that disaster!
thanks for the chance to win the book!
I loved traveling with you to Alaska! That cruise is definitely on my list of places I would like to go. My funniest knitting moment, (although I have many), was probably last April when visiting our son in Japan. We were on the bullet train and no seats were available for the first 45 minutes of our trip. So I just propped myself up in the join between cars and stood there knitting on my sock! I got some very strange looks because you don’t see much knitting in Japan and especially not swaying around curves, standing up on the bullet train. I did finish the socks for my son before we came home and I have some great pictures of the entire episode.
one day i was sitting at the bus stop knitting , when a few men walked by and said she looks like some ones grand ma, well me being the sexy sistah i am i begain to yell at them about the beauty of the new crafty community, and the coolness of the Kinitta Movement. Well they turned around and said were talking about her. and to my suprise there was and much older lady waiting for the bus beside me ……….oh well at least i gave a couple of boys a crafty education .
My favorite most funny moment was when I couldn’t finish the sweater I worked so hard on for my new son-in-law so decided to make a christmas sweater ornament with an IOU on it. He opened the gift with the funniest look on his face and we all had a great laugh. When I finally finished it for some reason my rushing it made one sleeve almost 3 inchs longer than the other! He thought it was funny, I mean I have been knitting for over 30 years how could I have made such a silly mistake? I did finally make him a beautiful sweater that he finally wore this Christmas. I don’t think they will ever let me live it down though.
My funniest knitting moment was when I realized I twisted all of my stitches! This was after knitting scarves, socks and a sweater!
My funniest knitting moment was when I entered a room to find my three year old son with my in progress sock. “Look mommy, I’m knitting”. Tangeled yarn and dropped stitches were the result. I resisted the urge to call out “back away from the sock and no one will get hurt” It was my funniest moment and my scariest as well.
My funniest moment knitting was when my sisters babyboy found my gift for him (he was 3 years, 5 day later) “look what I got!”……the gift was a little late that year.
GORGEOUS smoke ring — and it looked even more fabulous when you pulled it up as a “hood” in the episode. Alaska certainly looks amazing.
Funniest knitting moment — not really sure I have one, except I won’t ever forget trying to finish up from the top down Zimmerman style sweaters for nieces and nephews while walking around Disneyland and going on the “It’s a small world” ride — the operator wondered if I thought I was making something for one of their “dolls”
The funniest knitting moment was not-so-funny when it happened. I wanted to cry… and almost did! I was on a road trip and had tucked away my knitting bag in the trunk of my car. As we were on the highway, we saw the trunk fly open. We took the nearest exit to pull over and close the trunk. That is when I discovered my knitting bag had flown out of the car on the highway, during rush hour! I had several projects on the needles and of course my favourite magazines, interchangeable needles, and other needles, accessories and yarn! One of my projects I had brought along was a sweater I had started over a second time. I was very saddened that I had lost it now. After close to two hours of going back on our tracks (I was determined to find my things), I was left with no knitting bag in sight! Needless to say, now when I close the trunk, I always, always check to make sure it is closed PROPERLY!
My fiance’s mother taught me to knit over this past Christmas, and gave me some nappy old orange yarn to practice on.
At this point, I should mention that I’m a guy.
So, there I am, on the airplane, flying back to Texas. I’m a big guy, bald, goatee, in my winter cowboy hat, boots, big leather duster, and a mean ole scowl on my face (my I’m=trying-to-figure-this-out face), happily knitting away in an isle seat with bright, day-glow orange yarn. I could tell that people wanted to comment, or ask questions, but I was too intent on getting even stitches on a square swatch, and Elizabeth (the wife-to-be) said I looked quite intimidating. Finally, the flight attendant, another guy, broke the ice and asked what I was working on. Without missing a beat, I said, a bit too loudly, “A thong!” … hilarity ensued.
One of my funniest knitting moments occured in Mesquite, Nevada which is 75 miles East of Las Vegas. I was knitting a pair of socks as we drove from Vegas on our way home to Salt Lake City, Utah. We decided to eat breakfast in Mesquite at a Casino. I tucked my knitting into my purse so I could knit while waiting to be served. I had walked all the way through the casino and was nearing the cafe when a man shouted of me saying, ” Lady your yarn is dragging behind you”. He had picked up my ball of yarn which was trailing after me for at least 50 yards. He had been winding it up as I was walking along but couldn’t quite catch up with me. We all got a good laugh.
Back in college, I took a class trip to the Soviet Union and other eastern block countries — in the dead of winter. Of course, I took my knitting and happened to be working with Icelandic wool. One of the other students on the trip, Maryanne, would CONSTANTLY complain about her nose being cold. So… I got out my double points and, as a joke, knit her a nose warmer; like a mini cloche hat with strings on either side to tie around the back of her head. And, of course, I did it from fuchsia colored yarn. Frankly, I did it just to show her how ridiculous she was being with her constant complaining. But the joke was on me. She wore that thing on her nose the entire rest of the trip!
The funniest moment that comes to mind for me is from my husband. (He always makes me laugh!
Anyway, I have been knitting little caps to give to the hospital here in Ketchikan, AK for the newborn babies. My husband was traveling to Juneau and a friend of ours was expecting a new baby boy any day and he was hoping to be there with the family when she delivered. I had initially given him one of the knit caps for another family that he was suppose to see, but since he never got around to seeing family (A) he asked,”Do you think it would be ok to give this hat to family (B)?” I’m not sure if he intentionally didn’t meet up with family (A) or not. I told him to give it to the first baby he saw! Just pass it on! 
One of my funnest knitting moments was a few years back. I teach knitting classes just about every week and most even one I know knows that I teach so its not uncomon that I get asked to help with a fix or something. So one Sunday at church a gal came to me to ask for help while we were sitting in the first service. She was wearing 4 inch heels that day and every time she needed help she would walk to the back where I was sitting manning a infomation table. She would then click her heels as she walked back. Well during the break betwen services the minister came back and asked what was going on. So I told him I was helping her with her knitting. He then asked if I taught knitting and I said yes. he asked if I taught men to knit and I said I had and do. He asked if he would teach him. I said sure but it would have to be another time as I think everyone would notice if he kept walking to the back to get help.
Amazing trip!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.
I was knitting a hat in the round when after about knitting half of it realized I’d twisted the yarn when joining on the first round. Believe me it’s something I check every carefully now. At the time it sure wasn’t funny.
Hello! Great episode, Cat. I really need to go to Alaska myself!! Here’s one of my funniest knitting moments: I taught my 6-year old nephew, Patrick, how to knit one afternoon this past Christmas holiday. He really caught on quickly and we worked through about 12 rows of a chunky scarf. I told him to keep working on it by himself. The next day, I stopped over. He had worked about 5 inches, but as expected, there were a few holes, a few dropped stitches, a few accidental yarnovers, etc. So, I told him that now that he had gotten in some good practice, we were going to “frog” it (I explained what that meant) and start over. As I knew he’d probably not be too happy with it, I also explained that you’re not a REAL knitter until after you’ve had to rip something out and start all over!!! So, we did that, with no tears. My sister called me the next day to tell me that later on that night, Patrick was working on his scarf again and his older brother was teasing him because Aunt Marny had ripped it out and made him start over. Patrick very bravely said, “Aunt Marny says you’re not a REAL knitter until you’ve had to rip something out and start over. So, I’m a REAL knitter now!” So darling!!!! He finished that scarf and has made another one for one of his younger cousins. He’s quite the talented 6 year old!!
What a lovely trip you had! We went to Alaska on our honeymoon in 2006. We also rode the white pass scenic railway. I’m so glad you had so much fun! I just wish I was into knitting when I went. The yarn shops you visited look so wonderful.
My funniest knitting moment happened when I wore my first ever hand knit sweater to a dinner meeting. I was so proud of my accomplishment. The sweater was knit from a kit from Mostly Merino. It was my first attempt at fair isle knitting, and the yarn absolutely glowed and had a beautiful halo. Well, the waitress delivered my glass of pinot noir and spilled it all over the sweater and me! She apologized profusely, and I simply said to not worry about it. I blotted the sweater with a napkin, and upon returning home, I filled the washing machine with cold water and a shot of Eucalan. My sweater soaked overnight and emerged without a trace of wine. Wool is a wonderful thing!
One of my funniest knitting moments was actually going to go buy yarn. I was so excited to go buy yarn fro a new project that when I was parking the car I didn’t really pay attention to what I was doing and accidently hit a thin pole.
Now everytime I look at my car I have a reminder that yarn is not THAT important although looking back I can say that the yarn was worth it.
I really enjoyed your trip! Thanks for sharing! The views were so beautiful and so very different from what a lot of us get to see out our windows.
Funny knitting: well honestly I can’t think of much…but it does always amuse me when someone bounces over to me when I’m knitting in public and announces to all and sundry, in a very sure voice…Oh look! She’s crocheting! What’s with that anyway? Do crocheters get asked if they’re knitting? I know it happens to all of us at one time or another — I do the one stick vs. two stick thing, to explain the diff.
Very nice to visit your lovely video site after my non-knitting-workday; thanks for such good content & videography! Well, I too, like to carry knitting to avoid the dreaded waiting-for-whatever…even stoplights, as we have lots of ’em here and you only catch the red ones, of course. One day, while sitting in a double turn lane,I heard a very polite horn sound and just looked over in mild curiosity. Another driver was holding up her knitting and kind of laughing! A nice shared moment, since I had never “met” anyone who knitted at stoplights. Glad to know I am not the only one
My funniest moment: I was working on a sweater with dropped sleeves and a seamed front and back. As a result each piece was in 2 parts, 2 parts to a sleeve, 2 parts to a front and back etc. I had knit the lower sleeves, and lower front and back. My Mother in Law asked me about my progress and I said, “I’m half way done, I just have to knit the front, back and sleeves.” The look on her face was priceless and we laughed at the truthful but miscommunicating response I gave.
I haven’t been knitting long enough to have a funny moment. Currently I’m halfheartedly laughing over a project that I was about 2/3 done with. The funny part? I’ve decided I don’t like the color…. HaHA Time to Frog!
*Loved* the podcast! I want to go to Alaska after watching it!
Funniest knitting moment–the coals in the woodburning stove looked just right, and we had the marshmellows but no roasting sticks. Then I recalled the old metal knitting needles an elderly friend passed on to us recently–finally found a good use for them as marshmellow roasting sticks!!!
Hi Cat and Eric,
My favorite part of your show are the end bloopers…I LOVE them! You are both so real.
Just last evening, while I was engrossed in organizing my knitting pattern binder and hubby was equally engrossed in reading the headlines on the computer, he asked me, “What’s REP?” In a flash, I quipped, “Repeat”. He said, “Nope…it’s Representative.”
“Oh, yeah…that, too.”
I don’t know if this is the funniest but it just happened this past weekend at a conference for teachers and is still fresh in my mind. I brought my knitting to knit while listening to the different workshops and during one of the longer sessions, I noticed this bigger burly man across the table from me looking at me and my knitting and making a bit of a ‘funny’ face. After the workshop he came up to me and I was expecting him to be sport teacher with some snide remark about his grandmother knitting and how it wasn’t appropriate, but instead he looked at me and said, “Oh you’re the knitter sitting across from me, what you’re doing looks so peaceful, I really wish I could knit too.”
When my son was in second grade, I took him to the office of a testing psychologist to have an evaluation done (the school was saying he had ADD and we disagreed, but wanted a more definitive diagnosis of his needs). While my son was in the testing area, I sat in the waiting room and knitted. I forget what I was making at the time but I attracted a crowd of little kids who were all standing around me, watching the needles move … they all had the same look on their faces that you see on the faces of kids at the zoo. I was shocked (inside) that _none_ of them had ever seen anyone knit. I had a sad laugh with my son later about the whole thing — I kind of felt like a science experiment on display.
I don’t know if I’ve had my funniest knitting moment, but I’ve had a lot of fun moments stitching. I’ve been knitting for a little over a 1 1/2 years now, and am still working on my first sweater and my first afghan. I’ve made some lovely (albeit simple) shawls, several beautiful scarves and tons of dishrags. So many dishrags in fact that my husband can no longer find the kids….
It was nearing Christmas, and I was in a rush to finish all my projects for friends and family! I had been knitting many different items, but most of my friends received hats. Seeing as it was very difficult to find knitting time between classes, homework, and work, I decided I would knit these items in front of the people I was knitting them for because those were the people I spent my extra time with. No one had any idea I was knitting for them. I always said, “Oh, this hat is for my cousin in New York.” Everyone believed me.
I had randomly decided to knit a hat for my long-time boyfriend. He rarely asks for knit items, but this winter he had been complaining about his cold ears and head. I decided to knit him a wool cap resembling a knit navy cap from the World War II era. One night, we were watching a movie together and he asked what I was working on. I simply said, “A hat.” “For who?” he continued. I stumbled on my words, and replied with something like, “Uh, it’s for, for, for, um, the hat is for… me?” We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Obviously, I became to cocky in my abilities to get away with knitting gifts in front of the receiver, and finally failed. He knew the hat was for him, and after a good laugh, he tried it on and it fit wonderfully!
I thought it was funny as I sat and knit with my mom and she kept falling asleep. Her needles poised as if freeze framed and then when she woke up a minute later her needles were back to clicking away. It kept happening and she laughed about it too.
The funniest moment I have was my very first “project” for knitting. Well, it wasn’t a project, it was a practice piece (a scarf) to learn the knit stitch. I got some red yarn. I had learned to cast on and knit from I kept adding stitches unintentionally to the end because my working yarn was not down and back but over and front, creating an extra stitch each time. So the “scarf” looked more like an Egyptian Pharaoh’s mantle or collar. It was a perfect half circle. I said to my wife,”I think something is wrong here.” She, trying to be encouraging was trying to hold back the laughing, but she couldn’t. She put it around her neck which made us laugh more. I have since learned to knit “in the straight.” I saved it for posterity.
As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco I work with a small group of women in a cooperative who knit, and as a result, I have recently learned the skill myself.
My first creation was a pair of fingerless mittens because it’s quite cold here and I thought they’d be a nice, small, first project.
Sheep are everywhere here, and as a result, cheap (but scratchy) wool is easily available. So I settled on some thick and bulky natural white wool yarn and got to work with some help from the ladies.
It took me a while to get the hang of how to hold the needles properly, but in a couple of days they where done and I proudly showed the women my creation. Fatima promptly tried them on, made a fist and pretended to be a boxer! Yeah, she was right, they did look pretty rugged. Actually, because of the color, they kind of look like casts!
Oh well, I can see that this is just the begging…I already know crochet but in the past I was intimidated by the coordination of the two needles, but always wanted to learn because to the versatility of knit fabric. Now there’s nothing that can stop me… inchalleh (God willing)!
During the BIG TEN I worked downtown in indianapolis and we were VERY busy…And becasue of the 200,000 extra people we had in the city parking was a BITCH! So instead of parking at work and shelling out $20+ dollars a day I had my roomie take me to work.
I get in around 1:00pm and start my day. Around 7 a call comes in and its for me but since im in the middle of a store full of crazy shoppers I had them take a message…It turned out to be the roomie…
I call him back and he tells me he is going to be going out of town around 9 and would be back later and if I could find a place to crash tonight since he is going to have “company” when he got home…
Okay so after my freaking out in the break room…thank god for out endless supply of coffee, tea, and chocolate my friend told me she had to go out my way and it wouldnt be a problem getting me home…*insert deep breathe here*
So after I get home around 10:30 the house is still empty so I gathered my stuff and when into my room downstairs and started knitting.
Around 12 I hear people come into the house. I stay in my little room minding my own.
1am they are gone again…which tells me they are out drinking…
they get back around 3:30 and hang out in the living room…again im in my little room minding my own.
5:00 gets here and the roomie comes down and is like Krystofer you’re here! GREAT could you do me a favor…
Keep in mind im still up from work and just lounging knitting away.
Sure I tell him what do you want. He tells me that the company needs to go home and if I could go with them since he wasnt able to drive back. Sure I can do that I reply, forgeting that he lives 65 miles away in Richmond. I get dressed and grab a sock that I started to I have something to work on in the car ride up there.we got there, Company got out and I took the wheel for the car ride home *another hour and some drive back to our house*
We pull into the drive way and I get out of the car. Walk to the drivers side passenger door and see something caught in it. After closer inspection i see its string….a VERY familar color too I might add…
I followed it to where it ended outside the car, and there 4 feet behind the car was my sock…
I thought it was safe in the car when I got out but i guess I got out, it fell ouy, I closed the door on the ball in the car and my dear sock was left to dangle on the highway being dragged 65 miles at 90 MPH…
thank god it was at night and noone was able to see me dragging my knitting.
But after crying to my dear friend Mathew he reminded me that even Masters of the univers like up sometimes have to leave our socks out to dry…
I’m going to wait abit before I knit inthe back seat again
Thank you all for your hilarious stories! Eric and I have been laughing for the past few weeks at all your stories. If you get a chance, go back and read everyone’s great stories.
And now, The winner of the Mason-Dixon Knitting book is JD!