In this episode of our video series, we return to the 2009 New York State Sheep and Wool festival in Rhinebeck, where we chatted with knitting designer Kristen Rengren. Kristen tells us a bit about collecting and knitting vintage patterns and also how she chose from the thousands of vintage patterns, which ones to put into this book.
The book she talks about:
What I am wearing:
- In Rhinebeck: Icelandic Lopi sweater Number 4 from Ístex Lopi No. 23 knitted in Lopi in colors B 0051 White, MC – 0008 Lt. Denim, C 0098 Cadet Blue, A 009 Med. Denim
- In the chair: FiddlesticksKnitting Whisper Scarf in Cherry Tree Hill Suri Alpaca in Peacock colorway on size US 2 needles. Completed Spring 2004.
What’s on the set:
- Cascade 220 in 4192 Soft Pink and 9456 Sapphire Heather
- Let’s Knit Mag
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That was very interesting to hear about the vintage patterns. Some of the ladies at my craft club have brought some in before and they are so delicate. Thank you for your ‘thank you’ on your show, it made my day.
I was wondering, do you get to keep the wood from the tree for the winter?
Dear CAT & Eric – Glad that y’all are safe and sound and that the stash is unharmed! Watching the tree cutters was way cool.Looking fwd to casting on some retroknits.
Thanks, again, for such a great show. Best – Erica, Casselberry, FL
I’ve always wanted to try a vintage pattern, but I haven’t found one I like yet.
Glad to hear that everyone (including the stash) was not harmed when the reee fell on your house. After watching the tree cutters I though I heard a window break and my first thought was “THEY DID NOT JUST BREAK A WINDOW!!!” But then I realized that it wasn’t my house… *many deep breaths and heart racing minutes later* I am still glad to hear that you are all fine. I absolutely loved tha vintage knitting interview it was simply awesome!!
I ment tree not reee lol!!!
Wow that was a giant tree. Glad your stash and house are fine. I also have some lovely vintage patterns. My mom gave me a giant old book. It was published in 1947. It has a little bit of everything from that era. I’ll have to take a look at it again.. (^_^)
Thanks as always for a great show, CAT and Eric. My husband and I were living in Hattiesburg Mississippi in August 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and a tree fell on our house as Katrina blew through town. Your video brought back many memories! I’m glad you have a strong house and that you and your stash are fine.
Thank you for posting episodes so frequently. I trully enjoy them.
Yikes. That’s a huge tree. I’m glad you and your house are fine. And of course its good your stash was also unharmed!!
WOW! That tree was jynormous and your house was lucky as you and your hubby! I ironically recieved the vintage patterns book the day bfore frm Amazon so it was nice to hear the author speak about it. I really love your tutorial segments on all things knitted and wish for more if you could? I did notice you had intended to do one except for the mishap with the tree. You do such good shots on technic and give such clear instruction i only wish for more. Anyhow good luck to your house ( which seems to have taken minor damage thank goodness). And will be awaiting for your next post. Thanks to you and your husband again!
The Let’s Knit magazine is sold at Barnes and Noble in Austin,TX area. I assumed it was sold at all locations. They have several knitting and sewing magazine from the UK.
After this episode all I can think about is how many cords of wood were in that huge tree! wow!