In this latest episode of our web video series we return to the 2009 New York State Sheep and Wool festival in Rhinebeck. In this episode we review the garment competition winners.
You’ll see beautiful knitted socks, shawls and sweaters, woven items, felted items and even braided rugs.
Book Review:
What I am wearing:
- In Rhinebeck: Icelandic Lopi sweater Number 4 from Ístex Lopi No. 23 knitted in Lopi in colors B 0051 White, MC – 0008 Lt. Denim, C 0098 Cadet Blue, A 009 Med. Denim
- In the chair: Gedifra Lordana Boucle Jacket knitted with Lordana Boucle yarn. Finished March 2010
- In the chair: Meret by Woolly Wormhead
What’s on the set:
- Orange Legend yarn by Briar Rose Fibers
- Cherry Tree Hill SuperSock yarn in Sugar Maple Colorway (Contest ends on April 30th)
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I think the two that are unfinished are the leaf lace shawl and the Jaeger Enva/Ja cardigan project that you had to make your own chart for. I may have just missed them, but I think those are the only ones left undone.
Great show!
I think the finished ones are the Noro silk Garden clapotis and the Karabella feather and fan top, I know that you are working on the Icarus shawl now so I hope you can add that to the finished list soon
after the afghan. the other two projects you finished were the karabella feather and fan top and the clapotis wrap ( which you wore in episode 21!)
the Clapotis and feather/fan top… And, I can’t wait to see the Icarus shawl that was in the illusion knitting episode! Love your podcasts, website and ideas!!
The other projects you finished after the afghan were the clapotis with Noro silk garden and the Karabell feather and fan top. I can’t wait to see the Icarus shawl! It looks like it will come out nice.
I’m pretty sure the projects you finished were the karabella feather and fan top and the clapotis wrap. Can’t wait for the next episode!
If I remember correctly you have finished the clapotis wrap and karbella feather and fan top. Love this show! Keep up the great work guys. I look forward to every episode!
i know i know the clapotis i love noro yarn and also the karbella feather and fan top but i think i remenber because i love saying feather and fan
The two projects you finished since the UFO episode are the clapotis and the karabella feather and fan top. Awesome show!
“Besides the afghan…What other projects have I finished since then?”
(1)Clapotis wrap hibernating since winter 2006/completed! And you got to wear it when you won that red ribbon – congrats!
(2) Karabella Feather and Fan Top hibernating since fall 2006/completed! You look gorgeous overall in that episode!
(3)Leaf Lace Shawl hibernating on and off since 2004/not yet…I’d love to see you in it this fall 2010!
(4)Jaeger Enva Lace Cardigan hibernating since 2002/not yet…If you need someone to knit this for so you can feel motivated to complete it, I volunteer!
(5)Icarus Shawl hibernating since 2006/still working on it and eric teased you about it on camera
You started me on my knitting path. I just want to say how much I love your videos! They inspired me to do more challenging knitted items. I’m going on 17 and want to learn as much as I can. The UFOs that I do believe you completed is the Clapotis wrap hibernating since winter of 2006. You were wearing the wrap on episodes 22, 23, 30, 31 of the “Rinebeck 2007”, and part of 61 “Alaska is for knitters Fairbanks”. The other UFO finished is the Karabella Feather and Fan top, hibernating since fall 2006. It was shown completed on episode 40 “Isn’t it called Fair Isle Knitting?” Again love you video’s!
Enjoyed joining the Live Chat today. I just finished reviewing lk2g-020 Knitting With Holes – Lace Charts Let’s Knit2gether. I’m searching for an easy lace pattern to begin. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks to both you and eric.
Wanted to say that I just love your show:) Amazing!
I think the projects you finished are the clapotis wrap,karbella feather and fan top. It got me to finished some of my UFO’s:]
Clapotis wrap and karbella feather and fan top.
I believe you have completed the feather and fan sweater and the clapotis.
If I’ve followed everything right, you’ve finished the clapotis and the karbella feather and fan top! Yay for completing thing
In my search, I found that you had finished the afghan, making it smaller for a baby blanket (episode 18). Then you finished the Clapotis (episode 61) and lastly you finished the Karabella feather and fan top (in 2006) shown in episode 40. You mentioned the Icarus shawl again recently in episode 71….how’s that going?….
Other than the (baby) afghan, you’ve finished the Clapotis wrap and Karbella feather and fan top.
The only ones I could find were the feather and fan top and the Clapotis shawl. I think you should finish the gray lace cardigan but make it short sleeve so you could wear it under your suits to work. You did mention finishing the Icarus Shawl but I have not seen it done so its probably still in process.
I find your shows very interesting.
Thank you all for your comments and the winner of the yarn is Monica Rees!