In this latest episode of our video series we chat with with the fabulous young Scottish designer Ysolda Teague. She tells us how she got started in designing knitting patterns and shows us some current and future designs.
For all designs shown during this episodes be sure to check out Ysolda’s pattern page or her Ravelry Page.
What I am wearing:
- During the interview: Ishbel shawlette by Ysolda knitted with Tili Thomas Beaded Plie American Beauty
- In the chair: Lacy Baktus in Blue Heron Rayon Metallic
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Hi, that was very interesting. I loved the jacket Ysolda was wearing. You can see from the way she glows when she talks about designing, that she is a true knitting addict. I found the episode very inspiring. Oh my god, she made Bob in a week, thats fast. Thanks guys.
Hi, Cat and Eric! This episode was AMAZING, I can’t wait until I get my hands on one of her designs! I really loved the fairytale-inspired look she gave her designs.
I also loved the blue shawl you wore, Cat. It made you look elegant!
Thank you, and I hope you have a nice midsummer, I know I will after seeing this.
Wow~ just amazing! She is such a gifted knitter, and so are you Cat~ when are YOU going to design your own knitting book~ HHHHMMMM???? LOL!
Thanks so much as always {and Eric too!} for your awesome video work and interviews, I’m sorry I missed the last live cast, I finaly got a webcam so hopefuly next time I’ll join in, fleecy huggys and happy knitting!
I so love that she designs for plus sizes. As a plus size gal I look all the time for plus patterns. I will check her out for sure. Lovely Designs.
Thanks for this episode. Ysolda has great patterns. I love that she is also a seamstress, so uses dressmaking in her patterns as well. And she’s so casual about her talent!
Great Show. Thanks for introducing me to Ysolda. She seems so approachable and fun. Missed the bloopers. Gonna check out Ysolda’s website and ravelry site. Thanks for the great work you both do.
No bloopers this time because the interview was so good. We didn’t want to cut anything more out than we already did. We’re trying to keep the shows under 10 minutes and 58 seconds so we can eventually post all our episodes on YouTube and they have a time limit.
Hi Cat!
This is actually my one of my favortie episodes. Thank you for introducing me to Ysolda and her fab designs. I have been knitting for the past handlful of years and I have yet to knit myself something. 2011 is the year. I fell in love with Ysolda’s Amelia pattern she is wearing in the interview. I’ve been looking but just can’t seem to find it anywhere?! I am dying to get my hands on it and purchase the yarn for ME in the new year!
Thanks again for your show!