In this latest episode of our Knitting Web Series, join us for the first part of our very special interview with Debbie Bliss the classic author, knitwear and yarn designer.
I have to say this is my all time fangirl interview as I’ve been a fan of Debbie’s designs for decades and it was her books which kept me knitting when knitting wasn’t popular.
What’s on the set:
- The Knitter’s Year: 52 Make-in-a-Week Projects-Quick Gifts and Seasonal Knits
- Design It, Knit It: Secrets from the Designer’s Studio
What I am wearing:
- During Interview: Ishbel shawlette by Ysolda knitted with Tili Thomas Beaded Plie American Beauty
- In the chair: Heartstrings Morning Surf Scarf, in my handspun superwash merino in Dinosaur Colorway from Spunky Eclectic
Special thanks to Debbie Bliss and Jeff Denecke of Knitting Fever distributor of Debbie Bliss yarns
Join us if your going to be at the NYS Sheep in Wool festival! We’re meeting 3pm Saturday October 16th, 2010 at the picnic tables in front of building A. Stop by and say “hi” we’d love to meet you!
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Hi Guys,
That was a big surprise! I never knew what Debbie looked like and she puts herself over as very polite. Its great that you interviewed a ‘brit’ this time.
Anyway, I cannot for the life of me, remember how many items I have knitted over the past year. There are projects that I have made and not even photographed for my ‘projects’ page. I do wonder sometimes how many hours I have put in with my crafts each year!
Great episode.
Very interesting interview! What I have knitted over the past year:
– 1 sweater for me
– five pairs of socks
– two adult hats
– 3 baby sweaters
– 2.5 blankets for charity
– 6 baby hats
– two cowls
– 1 pair of booties
– one bib
– one hooded scarf
I think that’s it – I’m usually too anxious to get on to the next project to properly document and photograph the project I’ve just finished – so there may be more I’ve forgotten about!
Wow – I went back to my Ravelry page and I’ve completed 29 projects this year so far!!! Mind you they’re lots of little items (dishcloths, socks, etc) but that’s still quite a bit (and never-mind the 9+ projects still in progress!!)
What a wonderful interview. I’m looking forward to part 2
Great Interview. I’ve made a vest and cardigan for me, a dinosaur cardigan for my 3 year old grandson, a hat, two pairs of felted clogs, a scarf and a market bag. Keep up the good work. Myra
Fantastic interview!
2 hats, 1 blanket, 1 purse, 2 scarves and currently knitting a pair of drawstring pants for my 5 month old!
BTW, my two boys (4 & 2) love to watch your podcast with me. They always mimic your intro, “Hi. I’m Cat. . .)
I love your video cast, and I love the fact that Eric’s involved. Great teamwork. Nothing can beat visuals. Yeah for you two!
I’ve knit 43 items this year so far (don’t ask me how many projects are OTN!!) – most of them are shawlettes. I’ve been on a kick with them since they’re so much fun to knit. I’m going to ride out the wave then do some sweaters for which I have both the yarn and patterns.
I love Debbie’s thought about going to smaller sweater sizes for a better fit.
Perhaps the question should be how many projects have I started and not finished. My finished items include 8 squares to send to Soweto to be made into blankets for the AIDS orphans, a shawl for my friend in Paris (that only needs the beads added), and numerous washcloths made in cotton chenille. Currently working on a preemie blanket. If I don’t win the book (The Knitter’s Year), I’m going to buy it. It’s exactly the kind of projects I love to make and can finish. I loved the interview and I love her work. Thanks so much.
Thanks for the great interview! So far this year I have knit 2 pairs of baby booties, 1 Aran baby sweater, The Surrounded baby blanket, Saxony Socks, a few pairs of plain socks, and hopefully by Christmas I’ll have finished the Autumn Rose sweater for my daughter.
Great interview. I was so surprised to put a face with the name (and brand) Debbie Bliss. I had to look back through into Rav to count my projects…16 in all…not bad while having a very active 22 month old. Thank you again for another informative interview!
Thank you for the fascinating interview with Debbie Bliss!
As for what I’ve knitted so far this year,
my needles have been so busy, it’s difficult to remember everything I’ve knitted!
That I can recall:
3 pair socks (and another 2 pair are in progress)
2 pair of booties
8 scarves
just finished a baby sweater
What I have made so far this year.
7 stocking hats for soldiers
2 baby afghans (one of which was crocheted)
4 potholders
Practice socks for two at a time
I loved the interview with Debbie Bliss. It is so nice to be able to put pictures and video with names. Keep up the good work.
I have completed six knitting projects this year so far.
Another great episode. I have knitted 16 projects so far this year.
5 sweaters (1 is not on my rav page)
4 socks
4 scarves/shawls
2 hats
1 fingerless mits
Thanks for the interview. I always like hearing designers talk about their work. It gives an added perspective to their designs.
I know I’ve only finished one scarf this year. I really enjoyed knitting it but it has a lot of cast on and bind off bits so it went a little slow. I’m starting a bag now.
Debbie Bliss is such a fine designer. Very nice interview; I liked her.
I’ve knit 24, according to my Ravelry projects. Although there are a few UFOs here and there, heh-heh.
Thank you for your videocast. It’s a joy, especially the bloopers. You and Eric are just charming!
I have just taken up the needles and can only knit up to this point. I have knit 2 small blankets for my Shih Tzu, Isabella, and my Yorkshire Terrier, Ozzy. Both dogs love their blankets and snuggle beneath them each night.
Great interview, CAT and Eric. I cannot wait to see the Rhinebeck 2010 footage!
So far this year I have completed seventeen knitting projects. I think, there may be more floating around in there.
This year –
10 pair socks
1 scarf
3 shawl-ettes
1 pincushion
1 Elijah-toy elephant
2 pair fingerless mitts
2 preemie hats
1 tank top
1 baby sweater and
1 baby blanket
LOVE the podcast! Thanks!!!
Very nice interview!
So far this year I have completed 12 projects with 2 more that almost finished.
I enjoy all of your podcasts and this interview in particular because it was nice to see a knitwear designer pay so much attention to fit (as opposed to just colors or pretty stitch patterns in a garment).
I don’t get much knitting time so I haven’t completed a lot this year, but here’s my 2010 list so far:
2 hats
1 sleeveless cotton summer top
1 pair of fingerless gloves
1 child’s vest
almost 1 scarf
I hope to finish 1 sweater by the end of this year, too!
I just started knitting and crocheting in June of this year and have crocheted 2 baby blankets, 7 baby bibs, 1 crocheted dog, 6 bowling pin penguins, my first scarf, crocheted penguin, and currently working on a shawl. Thanks for your videocasts, I learn alot.
I loved the interview and the answers to your questions.
Projects this year so far:
18 pairs of baby socks (charity)
17 baby sweater & hat sets (charity)
8 crocheted burial buntings (charity)
116 baby hats for the local hospital
24 hats for Indian Reservation (charity)
16 hats for local teen shelter
3 prayer shawls (charity)
1 scarf & mitten set (Christmas gift)
28 dishcloths (at least-not sure of exact number)
6 pair of womens slippers (gifts)
4 crocheted baby blankets for church friends
2 knitted baby blankets (gifts)
5 queen size crocheted wedding blankets
9 crocheted doilies
3 pairs of socks (gifts)
1 cardigan for me!
I’m halfway done with a cardigan for my mother-in-law for Christmas and I have a pair of socks and baby hat as WIP’s.
Whew! No wonder I’m tired! I didn’t realize how many projects I have completed this year. Sometimes I feel I don’t get much accomplished every day, but this list has changed my mind. Thanks for making me “own up” to my addiction!
So far this year,
1 vest for me
5 dishclothhs for gifts
4 preemie hats for hospital
2 baby blankets for hospital
1 cowl for MIL
7 squares for Warm Up America
1 scarf
and I currently have 1 square, 1 cardigan and a pair of fingerless mitts in progress.
Thanks for the great podcast! You guys are great together, and the outtakes are a riot!!
So far, I’ve finished 13 projects, mainly shawls.
Thanks for the great interview. Debbie is a delightful person.
GREAT episode! (They always are.)
Per your episode request: I have knit nine projects so far this year, of which I am most grateful. I just started knitting again in 2010 after having given it up as a young girl.
I am VERY happy to be back into the swing again! Last year, I was diagnosed with gluten-intolerance, and knitting has kept me sane. I also rediscovered how much I love knitting. I am now quite addicted to it.
Best wishes,
Hi CAT and Eric,
I LOVE your video podcast and never miss a show. The Debbie Bliss episode is great!
I have completed 41 projects this year. Sounds like a lot until I tell you that 30 of them were face/dish cloths. I love to knit pictures on them with combinations of knit and purl – and I get to try out all the great kinds of cotton yarn! I also knit 2 lace shawls, 2 pair socks on circular needles, 1 pair toeless socks ( for flip flops!), 4 scarves ( 2 with beads – 2 lace), 1 baby hat and 1 pair merino wool mittens.
Keep up the good work – Hopefully I’ll get to meet you in Rhinebeck!
Best Wishes,
16 projects and counting in 2010! This was the year I got into socks!
I don’t have a hard number, since I get into a groove with, say, dishcloths and knit up a bunch. My latest knit was fingerless gloves. Looking at my Ravelry, tells me around 48. Thanks for the webcast, you are very helpful in so many ways.
Maybe 16 to 20 projects completed this year — neck warmers, shawls, scarves, hand bags, hats. I knit or crochet every day!
I <3 Lets Knit2gether!
I have done 24 projects this year. I am pretty surprised by that number~
I even did a few crochet projects too! So far a productive year of knitting/crocheting!
Some puter buttons are baaaddd!!! i don’t know how i did it but i just erased what all i wrote — but that’s not your problem!
anyway, in watching this interview, ms. bliss is right!!! i do knit big for me!! never thought of flaring out before now. i’ll have to try!
but i digress! projects i’ve FINISHED: 5 pairs of sox, 3 hats, 2 dishcloths, a pair of fingerless gloves with the mitten part, and double knit potholder.
UFOs: clapotis, two hats, two pairs of sox, and a sweater i’m thinking of changing cuz of this interview!
the live show was fun! interesting to hear how you two got started. as long as you’ve been doing this, eric should be able to spin, knit, and felt his own scarf by now!!!
keep up the good work.
enjoy rhineback!
I don’t know the exact number of knitting projects I’ve done this past year, but I usually finish about three projects a month. So I’m going to guess it’s about 36 altogether.
BTW, LOVE that color and stitch pattern of the shawl you were wearing in the Debbie Bliss interview!
26 projects so far…i think. p.s. love your videos.thanx:o)
18 projects, 8 of them shawls!
I only finished 8 projects this year because I had a lazy phase during the first half of the year. I got back into knittin in July and I finished 6 of my 8 projects since then – 5 shawls and 1 pair of socks
I have done about 20 projects And right now I am trying to finish all my ufo’s for the hoidays
It was so nice to see and hear Debbie Bliss for the first time! Thanks for another great show.
It’s been a year of preemie hats for me. Maybe 10 a month = 90. Summer tops & baby sweaters are all I can think of. So maybe 96 pieces so far this year. …and the Christmas rush begins.
Enjoyed the interview with Debbie Bliss. Love her stuff!
I have knit about 35 items this year so far. I had 3 babies that I knitted up quote a bit for. Now I’m mostly knitting for me!
I absolutely love Debbie Bliss. I love love love her yarn, I’ve made so many baby things with her baby cashmario, too many to name. I have more books by her than anyone else. Her designs are simply elegant. I have made at least 20 projects this year and the year isn’t over yet. I’m working on all my christmas knitting right now, and a bridal shawl. I just found out my friends daughter is going to have twins so I can’t wait to finish the projects I have going on now so I can start all the gifts I have planned for the twins. Knitting is my sanity, my creativity, and my peace.
Thank you for that interview. I’m a relatively new knitter and had seen Debbie Bliss’s name everywhere, but didn’t know anything about her or her work. Now you’ve made me want to seek out her designs and her yarn.
I think I have completed about six projects this year:
a purse for me
hat for my husband
fingerless mitts for me
hat and scarf for Dad
cowl for Mom
fingerless mitts for my sister
And all year long I’ve been working on a huge afghan/bedspread that MAY get finished in 2010! This doesn’t include small projects like dishcloths and coasters. I’m currently working on a lace shawl for my sister-in-law, but it’s less than half done.
Thanks for the great show and please enter me in the drawing for the book!
Oh gosh, Wow I really have no idea!
I sell things at our local farmer’s market so most of the stuff that I knit is gone.
Let me see how mch I can remember.
Two purses (One felted)
Numerous dishcloths (I’d say about 30)
At least 6 scarves.
At least 20 hats.
A sweater.
3 pairs of fingerless gloves.
Tons of little items.
I think there’s more but that’s all I can think of at the moment.
fabulous interview — you could “see” the wheels working in her brain when she was describing her shaping ideas.
How many projects have I knit? Finished? Maybe 5 … but MANY more are on the needles waiting LOL
15 hats (for charity) 13 crocheted, 2 knit (my 4-3-2-1-1 hat pattern on ravelry)
3 pairs of socks-from my eBook
2 tringular shawls, stephen west designs
1 circular shawl-the queen anne’s lace (charity)
2 pairs of fingerless gloves (charity)
1 mens thong
1 mens jock strap-hehe, funny story behind that
1 reversable scarf-my own design-coming soon to ravelry
2 mobius scarves (charity)
3 dishclothes
1 oven pad
1 trivet -crocheted
4 bean bags (hackey sacks) (tunisian crochet)
1 cable sampler for my club
1 drumstick bag…
yeah…it was a good year, i made $136 for my charity and some new kitchen essentials for the camp cook.
3 bags
1.5 pairs of socks
1 scarf
one hat
lots of projects started but not yet finished
Oh my gosh. How many projects this year? I’m not sure. If I were better at putting everything up on Ravelry I’d have a uch better idea. Probably I’ve knit about 8 pair of socks, a couple of sweaters, a baby blanket, and various other accessories. Thanks for the great show.
Hi! I haven’t done very many projects with knitting this year, but I want to say that your podcast is really inspirational! It has given me the desire to try new things and also helped me to want to finish ufo’s that have been around for too long. I have many many projects planned for the holiday season as well as for the next year
Keep up the awesome work! Loved your shawl that you were wearing for the interview, gorgeous!!!!!
I like that interview debbie explain how she do her work and how she thinks about the shape of a person for be comfortable with garment. Well a have knit for the past years:
10 adult hat
4 scarf
3 baby hat
1 lilte purse for my baby cousin
I’m a big fan of Debbie’s books and would love to win her new one. I have knit 5 projects so far this year. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Great show, glad I found you. I have only finished 4 projects this year (3 more in the works) however, I work at a fabric store and sew shop samples. I consider knitting my treat when my “work” is done. Ah! First I have to spin the yarn. I’m making a cardigan for my husband out of Mallard colored hand spun merino.
I would love to win Debbie’s new book. Perhaps I would be more productive with smaller projects.
Thanks again for a fun, informative show.
I have completed 18 projects this year. I’m not disappointed with that number. Thanks for all you do and keep up the great work!
Wonderful interview.
I think I have completed:
2 scarves
10 baby hats
1 sock (hahaha)
1 Childbirth Education Doll and an outfit for the doll
1 knitted pizza
1 knitted triple layer cake
Not bad for a mom of 4 under the age of four
So far this year I have finished 15 projects and I currently have 5 more on the needles.
Some of them only have just a little bit more to go until they become FOs. I am really hoping to bang out a couple of sweaters before the year is out.
Wonderful interview. I love hearing how designers got started knitting and designing.
Projects this year, lets see. My Ravelry project page isn’t accurate because I don’t keep track of charity knits there.
Socks – 2
Baby hat – 1
Preemie hats – 10
Shawls – 3
Adult hats – 2
Helmet liners – 1
Baby Blanket – 3
Wow! Thanks for asking. If I hadn’t sat down to list it here I never would have imagined that I accomplished so much this year!
So far this year I have knit 42 projects, 29 of them beeing shawls.
I have knit hats: 5 and shawls: 4 this year. Enjoy the podcast thanks
I have knit 31 projects so far in 2010. I just completed the 10 shawls in 2010 challenge.
I don’t exactly know the number of things I have knit this year, but I am guessing 5. That is completed projects.
I have no idea how many I’ve knit so far this year. I’m horrible at documenting my projects on Ravelry so I can’t even check there!
I’ll try to stop by and see you at Rhinebeck. Love your videocasts!
Loved the interview. Debbie Bliss is one of my favorite designers, I love her classic flair.
I have been working on a commission project all year, along with a wool mill and local machine knitter. We are making 19 garments out of a local wool grower’s wool! Yeow! It has been a long year! Other than that, I have completed 5 shawls, made an Aran sweater for my grown son, made one baby sweater, one pair of socks, and 12 smaller items as prototypes for our knitting group’s 2010 Lace Knit Along!
Full Fiber year!
Thank you for your great show and have fun at Rhinebeck!
Hi Cat, I enjoyed the interview. Thanks. This year, so far, I have made 9 hats, 14 pairs of socks, 1 baby jacket and 1 women’s jacket. And I have 4 socks (different patterns) in progress OTN now. Thanks for the drawing and have fun at Rhinebeck.
I think I’ve knitting 6 items. I’m a very slow knitter with too little free time. But I carry my knitting with me everywhere in case some spare time crops up. Thanks much for a terrific interview. I really like Debbie Bliss designs. They are lovely.
I’ve only knit 3-5 projects this year.
1/2 a sock, made the cuff, messed up on the heel.
that’s all for now.
love to watch and learn.
That book looks really neat. So far I’ve documented 17 projects on my ravelry page this year. I think that’s probably it. I try to put it on there as soon as I start. Of course, most of those are dishcloths, but they still count. :o) Thanks for this podcast. And I love the bloopers at the end.
I don’t have much time to knit, so I have only done about 10 projects. I wish I could add more hours in the day to spend knitting and crocheting.
Extremely nice interviews!
I think the best question is “How many projects have you STARTED this year??”!!! However I have finished quite a few but I really don’t keep track. Thinking back, I have finished:
2 – pairs of socks
5 – cowls
4 – hats
3 – shawls
2 – baby sweaters
1 – purse
That’s what I remember right now! Maybe I should keep track next year(I just don’t keep up my projects page on Ravelry). If I would work on some of my UFO’s, then that list would explode!
Keep up the great work!
Love Debbie Bliss yarn. Not sure how many knits I’ve complete this year. I normally end up taking a long break in the summer. I just picked up the yarn again last month. Since then, I’ve completed 1 hat and a willie warmer. I also have a hat I started for myself in the spring and need to finish before it gets too cold.
I really enjoy the show. Your interviews are insightful and you ask many of the same questions I would if I had the op to meet all these wonderful people. And seeing them in video really makes them more real to me. Thanks for all your hard work.
I think I have knit about 14 items this year so far. I have 4 things actively on the needles to finish for Christmas, and several others yet in mind. So I hope to reach 25 finished items for 2010.
Keep up the good work.
Hmm, So far this year I have dedicated myself to UFO’s none which I have been able to complete. I would have a very adorable pumpkin sweater for my little pumpkin to wear to the pumpkin patch but it was stolen with my knitting bag. I was down to finishing the last sleeve and then I had to just sew it together. I did complete 3 pomp-a-doodle scarves which I am in love with. I can complete 1 in a 4 hour stretch!I also completed a hat. I have been trying to replace the pumpkin sweater so that did put a crimp in my time. I did also complete a scarf for my daughter that I did not complete in time for Christmas last year.
Crap…Not a whole lot huh.
Keep it going Cat I look forward to these.
I am a new knitter and have finished:
1 scarf for myself
1 baby dress for granddaughter
1 beautiful leaf scarf…that I’m very proud of…for myself
1 hat for a daughter
and, I’m currently trying to teach myself how to knit an entrelac scarf. I’ve ripped it out several times, and am finding I don’t like the yarn. Off to the market. Thanks for all you do to promote knitting.
I discovered test knitting this year. so i have completed quite a few projects. I have knit 2 or 3 hats, a couple of scarves, 3 shawls and i have started many more projects that haven not been finished yet.
I thought I had knit way more than I had LOL. But according to my Knitmeter entries AND my ongoing scrap project (tiny socks, mittens, sweaters for Christmas) I have knit a total of 32.
Well…I think it would be about 10 projects, excluding the dishcloths. 4 projects in the works now.
Love the Debbie Bliss interview.
If I count everything, including sets of dishcloths, etc., I’ve knit 40 projects this year. I know this because I counted my Ravelry entries.
Hey, just in time. How many projects have I knitted this year? Not enough:-)
What a great episode that was! So great to learn so much about Debbie Bliss!
I have a hard time remembering how many knitted products I’ve finished this year. But I know I’ve completed two pairs of socks, which is great because I am new to sock knitting!
Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
beax0002 (at) umn (dot) edu
Love the interview and Debbie Bliss patterns. This year I have knit:
2 shawls, 5 sweaters, 2 hats, 2 pairs of socks.
Thank you all for sharing your knitting progress so far this year! Some of you have gotten a big host of projects done!
The winner of the Debbie Bliss book is: Kelly!
Yey!!! Thank You soooo much. I’ve never won anything before so this is extra special. Thank You again soooo much!
leather handbags are superb, they look good and they are great as gifts too -~”