In this episode of our knitting web video series, our adventure at the 2010 NYS Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY.
This year was full of so much fiber and fun we’ve tried to pack as much as we could into one episode so you could experience this fiber fantastic event!
Sheep Breeds:
- Corriedale, Border Leicester, Ouessant, Oxford, Coopworth, Gotland, Teeswater, Horned Dorset, Cotswold, Black Welsh Mountain, Jacob, Wensleydale, Soay, Leicester Longwool, Cheviot
What’s on the set:
- Entree to Entrelac: The Definitive Guide from a Biased Knitter
- Town & Country Cardigan knitted in my handspun from the book A Fine Fleece: Knitting with Handspun Yarns by Lisa Loyd
What I am wearing:
- In the chair: Wooley Wormhead’s Meret Hat
- At Rhinebeck: Nachaq in Qiviut from Alaska, Cascade Lana D’Oro Cabled Cardigan W204 in Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton;Gretel Hat from Ysolda Teague knitted in Bijou Basin Ranch Yak/Cormo
Special thanks to Caitlin and Sara Healy!
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I was so excited to see this episode!!! I was at Rhinebeck that Friday for a class on Russian spindle spinning with Ghelina! What great fun! Then I worked in the sheep barn helping check in fleeces for the submission deadline and prepare the items for judging. I helped set up the fleece bags and put the signs in the right places. When I saw you in the fleece barn I shouted for joy!
This was my very first time at Rhinebeck and expect to return in 2011 I will look for more videos from you about that great and wonderful show.
Since I found your podcast last week, I sat everyday and listened to each and every one of your programs past and present. I simply love them. If I have a bit of money that is not dedicated to bills I will begin support.
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. You have made my life a bit more fun, hopeful, and take away the sting of being unemployed. How can one stash enhance if there is no enhancement money? That was why I went to Rhinebeck for one day only. I had no gas money to return the Saturday or Sunday following. But ….such is life right now.
I could be worse! Keep going, keep having fun and be not afraid!
Barb R.
Shelton CT
Thanks for another great episode. Living down South, I don’t get to experience the wonder that is Rhinebeck but I do enjoy it vicariously through your videos. Now, let’s see what you spin up from those gorgeous fleeces!
Thank you so much for putting together the Rhinebeck episodes! It makes me wish I lived on the East Coast to attend.
I do have to say, I loved the video of the girl walking a small sheep through the fair grounds, because I just had a dream last night that I was given a small sheep, to keep as a pet. Oh how I wish that was a reality. I wonder if my cats would liked a small sheep addition to our family.
Please do a haul video, of what you purchased at Rhinebeck, I would love to see your items again and in a bit more detail!
Sweet! Congrats again on your sweater- it’s lovely. I can’t wait to see how your processed fleeces turn out. I should have sent some of mine out- tackling an 8lb merino fleece in the bathtub was really time consuming.
Hi Guys, Thanks for that episode. It was brilliant. I am going to have to save up for the Rhinebeck trip next year. It looks such a lot of fun.
Dear Kat:
I loved the video of the Sheep & Wool! I’m so glad that you filmed the sheep. I love them! Like you I’m trying to finish holiday projects. I’m finishing a sweater, baby blanket and two pairs of socks. I just hope to get done in time. Thanks for the video.
After looking at your video with a friend, I just realized that you got fourth place
for that wonderful sweater you made! What were they thinking?! That’s a first place sweater! The stitiches alone are excellent. You need a recount!
I really enjoyed this episode. I enjoy them all of course, but this one in particular. Since I haven’t had the opportunity to go to Rhinebeck, i enjoy seeing footage of the festival. and Congratulations on getting a ribbon on your fantastic sweater! what an accomplishment!! you’re trully the “iron woman” of knitting.
I look forward to seeing what you do with the fleece! i’m sure it will be wonderful!
Your sweater is so beautiful, glad you won a ribbon. What is under twist? Is it something to do with the knitting or is it a spinning term? Thanks for the great footage of Rhinebeck. I will never get to go, so I really enjoy sharing a bit of your trip.
Thanks for another great podcast! Every year I dream of going to Rhinebeck, and I felt like I was there after seeing this episode. Your sweater was lovely–congratulations on getting a ribbon! I loved seeing all the sheep breeds, the sheep wearing their little coats, and the alpacas.
Thank you for this splendid reportage!
I dream of going to Rhinebeck!
Congrats on your sweater!
You really should’ve recieved 1st place.Your sweater is just gorgeous,seriously it is! Loved the video of the wool festival.We have nothing like that in New Mexico so it was wonderful to see such an event.I would love to be able to enjoy something like that but would haqve to save ALOT of money to be able to buy, buy, buy. Thanks Cat….good job to you both as usual. can’t wait til the next video.
I love your site and podcasts. I would love to see Rhinebeck. Thank you sooo much for these podcasts, I am trying to learn to knit. I enjoy the carding and spinning episodes that you have shown too. I loved your sweater, and I can not imagine finishing such a big project. Thanks to both of you for all your hard work. Your podcasts are better than any knitting show that I have seen on televison. Your shows should be on the TV. Keep up the good work.
Looks like you had a great time this year. I loved that you spent time and reported on the animals at Rhinebeck. They are so darn cute! I have to agree that your knitted sweater was incredible and should have won 1st place. Can’t wait to see what you do with all that wool you purchased for spinning into yarn.
it’s ME, caitlin….the Canadian who crazily stalked you first thing in the morning. Thank you SO much for featuring this clip. I waited and waited and waited (patiently of course) for this episode to arrive. You both did such a great job and congrats again CAT on the sweater…it’s beautiful! Everytime I want to remember RHINEBECK 2010 I’ve got this link bookmarked. Eagerly counting down til next year!
LOTS of Canadian Love, Caitlin from Toronto