In this latest episode of our knitting web video series/podcast we chat with Jonelle Raffino from South West Trading Company about how she got started with SWTC and what kinds of yarns have recently come out.
Book Review:
What’s on the set:
- SWTC Yarns – A-Maizing, Karaoke, OMG, Purlescent, TOFUsies
What am I wearing:
- During the Interview: Garter Lace Triangle Shawl (plus a knitted on border) from Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls by Martha Waterman. Knitted with Cherry Tree Hill Cascade Lace in Spanish Moss colorway
- In the chair: Traveling Women Shawl knitted with Handspun Spunky Eclectic Finn in club colorway Acadia
Special thanks to Jonelle Raffino.
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My favorite sock pattern is Let it Be by Cristi H. Brockway. It is toe up, with an afterthought heel, so truly painless. Would love more toe-up patterns, however.
That looks like neat sock book!
I’ve knit only 1 pair of socks so far. It was a toe up and I know I’ll prefer toe ups vice cuff downs. At this point any plain St st foot and ribbed cuff is fine with me.
My favorite sock pattern is the Monkey Socks by Cookie A
I’ve only ever used Lion Brand’s Magic Stripe Basic Socks pattern until recently. I’ve just branched out and did a toe up sock with Judy’s magic cast on and a turn and wrapped heel (Center of Attention) and a top down, folded hem sock (Nutkin) and I love them all. The basic sock is great for when I need to crank out a pair of socks for a gift and the other lacy, cablely patterns are wonderful when I want to do some more elaborate knitting for myself. What can I say? I’m a selfish knitter.
I love the ‘Nutkin’ Socks by Beth LaPensee. I used Indigo Moon Merino Superwash and they turned out to be my favorite socks.
My favorite sock pattern is Harris Tweed. I haven’t knit them yet. I’m still doing silvers sock class. I will knit Harris tweed next.
I have only knit one pair of socks. I used a pattern for “traditional socks” by Otter Originals. The pattern dissecting the sock and made it less scary. They were knit cuff down with some cheap magic stripe yarn. I have been purchasing nice hand painted sock yarn, so I can branch out and discover the obsession knitter’s have with socks!
Cat this episode was fun. Loved the colors!
I like the Yarn Harlot’s basic sock pattern the best of all I’ve used. Very easily memorized so you don’t have to worry about having the pattern with you.
I would have to say, so far, the Picot Anklets by Ann Budd. But I am always looking for a new pattern to work on!
I love flip flops so when the cold weather comes along, I use my Flying Cable Flip Flop Sock pattern. They are so fun to make and keep my tootsies warm! Love the show!
Pitter Patter by Jackie Zigler. Love it out of self-striping. So many different socks out of 1 skein!! I love it. Check it out on Ravelry:
This book would really help me move into adult socks. I have only done 3 pairs so far.
I’ve made two pairs of socks so far!! One toe up from Wendy Knits and one top down that I test knit. So I can’t say that I have a favorite to knit so far!
I absolutely adore the Victorian Lace Socks on Ravelry. You can’t help but feel pretty when they’re on your feet.
My favorite sock pattern is a basic stockinette sock using self striping yarn knit top down.
I usually use the Yarn Harlot’s basic sock pattern. But I just started doing a toe-up sock. This book would really come in handy since I’m having trouble getting the heel the right size.
There are too many great sock patterns and designers to choose just one. I love Cookie A’s socks, and Anne Hanson’s, and Chrissy Gardiner’s and so many more. I’ve only made a handful of pairs though. Of the ones I’ve made I’d have to choose Anne Hanson’s David Sock. It was easy with clear directions and turned out beautifully. Thanks for the contest.
OMGoodness, I do so love your podcast! And now you’ve joined the best of both worlds (IMHO) – my fave podcast and my absolute favorite yarny, Jonelle, she’s a doll! I do love her so and have enjoyed her yarns since I 1st touched SWTC Bamboo in ’04 when I began knitting. Jonelle has a heart of gold, too!
I must say, a husband to make a knitty wife proud!
Well, my favortie sock pattern – u want to ask me which of my children is my favorite, too?! In other words – an impossibility!!! I don’t have a favorite, they are ALL fun to knit! Afterall, aren’t socks just the best thing ever?! I love to knit socks, have loved to knit socks since I began knitting in 2004 and I’m sure they will continue to be my #1 fave knitted item.
LOL, how’s that for a favorite pattern?! Sorry!
Oh, I should say this, my favorite sock patterns are those that I knit for my hubby, he ADORES handknit socks and will now only wear handknit socks
Again – LOVE your podcast!
I have only knitted one pair that is Wendy Johnson Generic. I want to knit more with lacey patterns. Great interviews!
I’ve only knitted a couple pairs of socks so I really don’t have a favorite…as I’m still new to the sock knitting. I think the lacey types are the ones I that are my favorite.
My current fave sock pattern is Cookie A’s BFF socks – classic cable and clever increase and decreases. But I really liked doing one pair of toe ups and I want to get better at different toe up cast ons and heels, so I hope I get to see this book! Thanks for the great podcast.
The truth comes out: I have never knit a pair of socks…yet. I did look for quite a while one day through Ravelry for my first sock pattern, and I think I found it. Waterfall Socks by Wendy D. Johnson. I’m hoping it will not be too difficult for my first sock attempt. Here’s to about 10 months of creative knitting (after 2 yrs of garter stitch scarves – BORING!).
Great show to listen to. SWTC is local to me and I enjoyed the “preview” of some upcoming yarns. Favorite sock pattern? That’s a hard one. There are only a few socks patterns I have used more than once and Basic Cable Socks by Brainylady would be a classic!
Quickie Socks by Susan Pierce Lawrence. These socks are a great last minute gift. They go quick and have a nice design.
I’m like MaureenC except I prefer toe up socks with self-striping yare. And done 2 at a time on 2 circulars. Yes, the yarn gets all funky and I have to occasionally totally untwist it, but at least there’s no second sock problems. When I’m done, I’m done.
I’ve only benn knitting socks for a little bit now, but so far my favorite pattern is the “Round Worsted-Weight Afterthought Heel Sock” featured in The Big Book of Socks by Kathleen Taylor. It was the first heeled sock I learned to knit!
my new favorite pattern is by Judy Sumner and is from her Knitted socks east and west. It is called “samurai”.
I, too, am a big fan of Judy Sumner’s patterns. My favorite one is an older one of hers called the “Feather and Fan Sock.”
I love toe up with a peasant heel.
I like William Street Socks by Lisa Shroyer
My favorite sock pattern is whichever one I am currently working on… currently, Cookie A Marilinda. Next week it will be something different.
My favorite sock pattern is a plain vanilla sock, it’s so easy to knit anywhere.
My favorite sock is lion brands cottage slipper sock. It’s big and long and knitted in a super bulky so really quick and simple. I have yet to tackle a really intricate sock although that’s on my summer camping knitting list.
My favorite sock pattern so far is “Black Tie, Optional” by Adrienne Fong. It was a Mystery Sock knit-along on Ravelry.
I just found the Let’s Knit 2gether website today! What fun! Thanks for sharing all your visits to wool gatherings and yarn shops.
Thank you for this latest episode. Jonelle is a very interesting and inspiring person!
I have the first book she collaborated on, Socks a la Carte. My favorite sock right now is “Raindrops” by Melissa Morgan-Oakes.
My favorite sock pattern is my own sock pattern. I just cast on and go with the flow…
Love the new colors and yarn from SWTC =)
My favorite sock pattern has to be the generic toe-up pattern by Wendy Knits. They were the first pair I knit for my boyfriend and he has continued to wear them over the years.
My favourite sock pattern? Impossible to answer. There are just so many beautifull, fun, exciting, interesting patterns to choose from. Well, if I really have to choose, I guess I’d just go for plain old stockinette. They just wear really well in my Dr. Martin’s boots.
Loved the episode & story behind SWTC! My favorite sock patter? Gusset Heel Basic Socks by Wendy D. Johnson–toe-up, two-at-a-time!!!
I am new to knitting. I started knitting because I wanted to knit socks! I have only finished a few pairs – toe up and cuff down. Do not have a favorite pattern right yet.
Love the podcast. Keep up the good work!
I can’t pick a favorite sock pattern but among them is Jaywalker, and EZ’s Moccasin sock. Mostly I design my own but I do love Cookie A’s sock patterns as well.
My favorite sock pattern is a very basic one I got when I took a sock knitting class at Cloverhill Yarn Shop in Catonsville MD. It is a fairly traditional cuff-down sock and is easy to make. I’ve seen many others that I liked, and have thought about learning toe-up and magic loop socks … but this is the one I go back to each time.
River Rapids by Sock Bug is my newest fave. I have a pair in red that I knit for my annual Christmas socks and plan several in blues & greens.
I have only knit a few pair of socks but they aren’t anything special. The book idea is a great one, and I would live to win it.
my favorite sock pattern is currently the one i’m knitting. it’s called “nice and easy” and it is a thong sandle toe sock. fun! this book seems like such a great idea, maybe if i win i might finally be able to knit a sock that fits my husband “properly”.
I have just completed every episode of your podcast (just discovered it a week ago). Thank you so very much for doing this. I love love love knitting socks toe-up, 2 at a time, on 1 very long circular needle (like knit picks and hiya hiya and of course addi turbo needles). I use the Judy’s Magic cast-on for the toe and short row heel; then I just knit away on basic sock pattern w/ribbing over the instep (this helps snug up socks that might be a little ‘big’ around the wearer’s foot, especially, if you cant measure/try on the sock w/the recepient), then do the cuff in the myriad patterns available, that fit w/in my number of stitches on the needles. I sometimes follow patterns, but I usually change the pattern to suit me in someway. Thanks once again for all the work that you and Eric put in on the pod cast.
I like the beginners lightweight socks by knitting pure & simple as a guide and I add what ever I feel like to the stitch pattern to give it a bit of interest.
This question is right up my alley. I have been knitting socks like crazy lately! My favorite socks to knit are shorty socks (ankle socks) done in a waffle pattern (k2 p2 one row, then knit one row). They are easy, I can knit then without a pattern, and the waffle stitch shows off colorful sock yarn beautifully!
P.S. CAT and Eric, I love the outtakes at the end of each episode!
Long story short, used to knit a few socks, then switched over to my antique sock machine, like the ones that were shown in one of the earlier Rhineback episodes. Now I’m doing both, but so far my favorite sock pattern I’ve done well I will admit I have two. The first would be the Diamond Socks from Never Knit Your Man a Sweater, even though these were the ones that stopped me from knitting socks by hand for a while (they were eaten). The other would be basic ribbed or stockinette socks, because you can pick them up anytime and not have to concentrate on them. I love these especially when I’m in class, walking around, or waiting at a red light (don’t worry, I don’t knit and drive….much).
Hi. Love your show! My favorite is knitting socks with fair isle patterns. Just made a pair a few days ago.
my favorite pattern is the one I have yet to try. Is that why I have so many sock books guess so!
Hi Cat and Eric,
I love your show!!!
I like to knit toe up patterns.
My favorite sock pattern is called Simply Elegant. I love knitting socks both cuff-down and toe-up. Looks like a great book!
My favourite sock pattern is whatever happens to be my current sock I’m working on. With all the patterns on Ravelry, I rarely duplicate my socks.
Thanks for the great interviews!!
Ooooh pretty book! I only knit toe-up, it just makes so much sense!!! My favourite sock pattern is any that include some cabling and/or lace – but right now, I’ve got my eye on “Skew”, so that’s next in my queue.
I loved your podcast with Southwest Trading Company! Thanks for a great show.
I’m a brand new knitter, and I’ve only finished two things so far, a blanket for my son’s teddy bear and a tiny scarf for a tiny Quidditch player (I’m in HPKCHC). So, the answer is that socks look REALLY scary! I hope to be there one day though
I found your show this weekend and have now seen every episode. It’s a great show and you should both be very proud of what you’ve produced!
I just discovered your podcast on itunes! love it! I am still scared of socks but I need to get over it because my husband has been begging me to make him a pair. An easy to read book would really help with that!
I love all of Nancy Bush’s sock patterns!
I don’t have a favorite sock pattern… yet. I’m still learning how to knit various types of stitches. Being the type of person who doesn’t like wearing slippers, fun socks are my favorite alternative. Socks are definitely on my list for this year’s must-do projects.
My favorite pattern to date is the basic sock pattern. My first pair were from Lion brand sock yarn and the pattern from the “Knit It” magazine. (I think Better Homes and Gardens produces that magazine). My last sock was has circle patterns on the leg – I purchased the pattern at Stitches East. Great pattern, but took longer to knit than basic.
Great episode. I am eager to try some of SWTC’s new yarns.
I’ve only knit a pair of yoga socks so far. I am getting ready to start an actual pair of socks from a Patons free sock pattern. Pretty basic, cuff down. But I would love to knit more of them.
Comment on lk2g-091 Jonelle Raffino
I have never knit a pair of socks but i am looking forward to doing that. All of my knitting has been in the area of sweathers and scarfs but I think socks would be a great adventure.
The best sock pattern I have used is Cat Bordhi’s Upstream Master Pattern. Every sock I have made from this pattern has fit the recipient to a tee. It is my go to pattern!
Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me!
I do not have a favorite, Why oh why do I have to pick just one?????
I am a complete and total basket case pattern junkie can not get enough.
I think there is a support group for people like me, but who wants to attend those. They may make me give up my patterns.
The classic sock pattern is my favorite.You can go from traditional to funky just by changing from wool yarns to the hip colors of the magic stripe yarns. It gives a totally new look while using the same basic pattern. IT’S A GREAT WAY TO ROCK YOUR SOCKS!
Thanks for keeping me inspired!
My favorite sock pattern is taking combination of different elements from other peoples sock patterns and making a pair tailored exactly to my foot. I have knit 3 pairs of Cookie A’s Monkey Sock so I would guess that would be my most favorite all around design/pattern.
i like vanilla socks so i can really show off the pretty yarns i’m using!
I don’t think I could choose only one favorite pattern. I’m addicted to making socks. There are so many I love, many that I’ve made and many that’s on my list to make. Thanks for doing the drawing for the Socks A La Carte book.
I’m still venturing into the world of knitting socks. At the moment, I’m knitting Melissa Morgan-Oakes’ Ballet Sock and absolutely loving it! It’s perfect with a solid color yarn to really show off the beautiful cable pattern.
My favorite pattern for socks is a simple vanilla sock. It lets the magic of handpainted yarn shine through. However I would like to learn how to knit an afterthought heel.
I’ve been a sock knitter for a while – always a great project to have when traveling, something I do a lot of. My favorite pattern for socks is Cookie A’s Monkey Sock. It is easily memorized for traveling and has a lot of stretch when taking socks on and off. I’ve done several of them already – something that is unusual for me since I usually don’t like to repeat myself.
My favorite is just a basic two up two at a time like “Two at Once, Toe-Up Magic Loop Socks” on ravelry. Love the idea of the flip pages in the new book.
I’m not even sure I could pick a favorite sock pattern!! I love both toe-up and cuff-down; doesnt matter to me. I guess my favorite pair would be the Monkey socks by Cookie A, I’ve knit that pattern 3 times now.
i like the pattern in the hands on spinning book by lee raven.
Whenever I knit socks (Which is not often) I always free hand them. So I guess I don’t really have a favorite. I think Cusp by Cookie A. is pretty though.
I haven’t found a favorite sock pattern yet, keep trying though. I enjoy sock knitting and with so many patterns to try…….thanks for the opportunity to have more with this book!
My favorite sock pattern is the Ann Norling Adult Sock Pattern. I have probably made at least a dozen pairs. I love to read sock patterns, especially lace ones but usually knit very plain durable socks!
The winner of the book is: Marina!
thank you all for sharing your favorite socks!
Love Jonelle’s sweater! I’m wondering if you could provide info on the pattern and yarn.
i see your video in Joelle Raffino for the sublissime yarn
I woud’like to knit her yarn for to make a pair of sock my best friend
And who to buy the book of sock in France is difficult to find the beautiful books !!!!!
Ok , i to prepare my travel for the usa oh!!!! dream !!!!