lk2g-094 Lisa Shroyer Interview

In this latest episode of our knitting web video series/podcast we chat with Lisa Shroyer editor of Interweave Knitscene magazine, project editor of Interweave Knits magazine and designer/author of knitting books and patterns. Lisa tells us a bit about what it takes to edit Knitscene as well as her role on Interweave Knits.  She also gives us a glimpse of her new book.

What’s on the Set:

What I am wearing:

  • During the interview: Lacy Baktus in Blue Heron Rayon Metallic
  • In the chair: Icarus Shawl made with Handmaiden 2ply silk Cashmere

Special Thanks to Lisa Shroyer

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59 Responses to lk2g-094 Lisa Shroyer Interview

  1. Nancy Phillips says:

    I made a bunnie and eggs from leftover sox yarn

  2. Tyler Macek says:

    I made men’s underwear (jock) with sock yarn for a swap.

  3. Judith says:

    I made a cozy for my water bottle and a lunch bag for work. 🙂

  4. Kimberly says:

    The craziest thing with sock yarn? That’s tough because I can’t really name anything crazy but I have to say living in Germany, we have great sock yarn here and it’s one of my favorites to knit with. I have knit a few Barbie dresses and outfits with sock yarn which could pass for a bit nutty. I also have a pattern for thigh highs for Barbie but haven’t gotten around to them yet.

  5. Angela says:

    I’m so boring- I’ve only knit socks with sock yarn. I am making a blanket with the scraps, though!

  6. Geal says:

    i am currently doing a crochet motif blanket with sock yarn scraps

  7. Megan says:

    I love making baby socks with my leftover sock yarn. Oh so cute! Of course, what isn’t cute on a newborn?

  8. Kimberly B. says:

    This was a fun interview–thanks! I’m a belly dancer, and I have used my leftover sock yarn to make zill mufflers. (Zills are the finger cymbals we use, and if you have mufflers for them you can practice without disturbing your neighbors!)

  9. Janie says:

    Love your video podcast!
    Not very exciting but I made a coffee cup cozy out of left over sock yarn!

  10. Alexander says:

    I once made a small tapestry/wall-hanging for a friends dollhouse once out of a little bit of sock yarn. I know that’s not terribly interesting… but I really do want that book, lol. Love the show, keep up the good work.

  11. Carlie says:

    for my senior art project, i knit a bodysuit out of leftover sock yarn i collected from my stash, my mom’s stash, and all 4 of my aunt’s stashes.

  12. Julie says:

    I watched your video yesterday and what a coincidence – my mom started the hexagon sock that morning and I was helping her read the directions! I haven’t made anything crazy with sock yarn but I save every last bit of it. I’m not sure what I’ll make with it in the future but I don’t want to waste it! I have tried those yoga socks so that is the “craziest” thing I’ve made!

  13. I don’t know how crazy that is, but I knitted a mini magic wand cozy for the Harry Potter Reducio Sock Swap on Ravelry.

    Cat, I really enjoy your podcast. The interviews are always very interesting, also the Rhinebeck shows. Thanks for doing that!

  14. Leslie says:

    I think the craziest thing I ever did with sock yarn was to knit on an i-cord lens cap cord to attach the lens cap to my camcorder – I could never keep up with that thing!

    Really enjoyed this episode – Lisa Shroyer is a favorite designer of mine. <3

  15. I love, love your podcast…definitely my knitting “go to” podcast!
    Hmmmm….I absolutely love knitting with sock yarn! So, I don’t think anything is out of the ordinary when knitting with sock yarn!! I’ve not really knit anything crazy, I don’t think…I do think that the posie cozy I designed for Sock Yarn One Skein Wonders was different..cozy with petals on it, which, in turn can be used as a pattern for a cuff for socks. I LOVE knitting with sock yarn — I said that already, didn’t I?! LOL!

  16. Tracy H says:

    I’ve done a couple pairs of scrap socks, random stripes from whatever leftover sock yarn I could scrounge up. I just finished an oversized Citron shawl (10 repeats) also from scraps, so there’s a lot of arcing stripes there. The craziest, though, was a queen-size bedspread from over 1000 mitered squares all crocheted together. That one took well over a year to knit the squares, and another six months of seaming, weaving ends, and knitting an icord border on the whole thing.

  17. Savannagal says:

    I’ve only ever knit socks with sock yarn. I would like to try knitting something different using sock yarn some day. But I’ve got to finish some UFO’s first. Thanks for the contest.

  18. Brianne says:

    I’ve only ever knitted socks with sock yarn, once I finish the pair I’m working on, I’m planning on using the leftovers to make some fingerless gloves.

  19. Maryjo says:

    I usually just make socks or shawls, but I did do a tea cosy once LOL

    nice interview w/Lisa!

  20. Ranae says:

    The craziest thing I’ve knit with sock yarn is…well, socks. I’ve only made two pairs so far. I’m a beginner. I’m planning to start a blanket with the leftovers. It will take a lifetime to accumulate enough leftovers to make a blanket at the rate I’m going, so I guess that’s pretty crazy!


    At moment i to knit a sox for my friend and more shawlette for my !!!!

    Sock is a good gift for the friends and necessary present

  22. Betsy says:

    The only thing besides socks that I’ve knit with sock yarn are baktus shawls. I guess I’m a pretty boring knitter!

  23. Cathleen says:

    I mostly use sock yarn to knit leg warmers for my 2 year old daughter. I always have some left over, so the craziest thing I’ve knitted with the yarn (which really isn’t all that crazy) is a sweater for her baby doll.

  24. Brittany says:

    I knit an infant hat and matching scarf for my newborn baby with sock yarn.

  25. Pam says:

    Pasties for a sunbathing friend. I think that is as crazy as it gets for me.

    I do love to use up the leftovers to make entrelac scarves and always have one sitting at the bottom of the knitting basket ready to be added to.

  26. Davene says:

    I am knitting my second pair of wonderfully nutty “Skew” socks. I found the free pattern by Lana Holden on Knitty. ( I can’t believe it’s a free pattern as it must have taken forever to design. It looks weird off the foot – but on it becomes a totally wonderful weird pattern!!!!

    Love your show! I have found that I refer to it often. With this sock pattern I used your stretchy toe up sock bind off instructions. Awesome!

  27. Lori says:

    I am a lactation consultant and I have made a model of a breast out of sock yarn to demonstrate how to ensure a good “latch”. It is pretty psychedelic!!

  28. cozie says:

    I’ve not knit anything crazy. I’m just proud that I actually knit a proper pair of socks with sock yarn! I broke my foot a couple of months ago, and while I was laid up, I knit a pair of socks in two days. 🙂
    I <3 U, CAT, and I’m gonna keep you forever. I hope I can donate soon.

  29. Kristin P. says:

    I’ve knit a dog leash and collar with sock yarn, it was pretty cool. Although I’m not sure it qualifies as “crazy”!!

  30. Ashley says:

    I’m a crazy knitter! I dive feet first into anything that I knit because I want to learn it through experience. I picked out some sock yarn and knitted my granny “Haruni” (an amazing triangular lace shawl). It’s only crazy because it was my first lace project, my first blocked project and my first shawl.

  31. Lisa Leavitt says:

    I’m not too crazy with my sock yarn, I generally love to make socks with it, but I did make a crocheted shawl once with some variegated sock yarn that turned out great!

  32. Scottie Santiago says:

    I made socks! Wow, I sound boring…

  33. Liz says:

    The craziest thing I have knitted with sock yarn (besides a necklace) is underwear for myself. I love them! In fact I want to knit more!

  34. ANN aka realmessy says:

    I knit a boyfriend sweater out of sock yarn once. We ended up getting married, stayed married and he wore that sweater for 30 years – seriously!!! It was mended on the mended bits and all worn out when he decided he was done wearing it but he still has it tucked away.

  35. Stacy says:

    I have only knit socks out of sock yarn, but I tend to make really crazy socks. I think it makes the process of making them more fun, plus I am lucky and have a mother who loves to wear crazy weird socks, so I’m not just making them for the point of making them.

  36. Karen M says:

    Longies ala EZ. I love them.

  37. Lisa Smith says:

    I honestly have never knit anything crazy with sock yarn except socks that I frogged….

  38. Roberta Collins says:

    This is not really crazy, but one year for Christmas, I knit sock ornaments for my family and friends. For the children in the family, I put a few dollars in the sock.

  39. Megan Larsen says:

    A catnip cupcake.

  40. Phyllis Oviatt says:

    I just found Let’s Knit2Gether and am finding it very informative. I look forward to watching all the videos. I am a lifelong knitter and could not pass a day without picking up my needles. I really enjoy all the interviews with designers. I look forward to seeing the live show next week!

  41. Eden says:

    A sweater! It is taking me forever, but I am just about finished the first sleeve…

  42. Beth says:

    Found a great scarf pattern on raverly and knit with two kinds of sock yarn also have made fingerless gloves and writstlets

  43. Kara Hoover says:

    I’m boring and can’t think of anything crazy I’ve knit with sock yarn. Besides socks I’ve done wristlets, shawls, dog sweaters. Oh, I’m going to do the Cocoa hat out of the doggie knits book which is a little chihuahua hat with built in scarf to hold it on the dogs head. I guess you could call that a little crazy.

  44. Rebecca says:

    I recently started making a toy turtle for my dog Murphy with sock yarn. 😉

  45. Jessica says:

    I’ve knitted a scalloped edging on a wool cowl. You wouldn’t think they would go together because of the difference in yarn weights, but it turned out really beautiful.

  46. Dana says:

    I’ve only knitted socks with sock yarn. How borning. I’m getting a ton of scraps and I think I’ll put them all together and make … wait for it… socks! The lady at my LYS calls them orphan socks. I think it would be cool to have crazy striped socks to wear at my spinning group. By the way, I bought a spinning wheel and started spinning in Feb because of all the spinning things you talk about here. It really got me interested and I love it. Thanks! (I’m currently plying sock yarn!)

  47. Shirley says:

    Are you taking international entries? I’m knitting my first socks with sock yarn. Not my first socks, but the first with sock yarn. So the only crazy things I’ve knit with sock yarn are my first pair of toe-up socks.

  48. Tommy says:

    I made a bear with sock yarn and had to start over. The sock yarn was so thin you could see the stuffing trough the stitches. Had to double the yarn to make it work. Love your show!!!

  49. Katerina says:

    Not too crazy, but I used my self-striping sock yarn to knit Elephante – a striped elephant toy – pretty cute, and I loved not having to use 10 different colors!

  50. Susanne B. says:

    I’m Very BORING I have only ever done socks. I do have an IPOD Case pattern in my near future though. If I like it I’m gonna make another for my phone.
    Cute Story: My 3 year old Daughter LOVES the Show the Backyardigans, Her favorite episode “For the Love of Socks!” Main song: “Socks, Wonderful Socks” every time her and my husband see me knitting socks they start singing that song.

  51. Anna Garde says:

    I love making fingerless mittens and gloves from sock yarn. Most are machine washable, so that’s the first plus. They are a nice thickness, not too much fabric between the fingers. Being a similar circumference to a sock, the patterns of the sock yarns turn out the same as socks.
    Anna in Australia, love the videos, keep them coming.

  52. Cinda says:

    I’d have to say a tiny sock Christmas ornament. My eyes were not happy! 🙂

  53. Lee says:

    I made a crochet baby monkey (pattern called for worsted)out of leftover yarn from 2 knit sock monkey kits from KP. I made him a diaper too.

  54. Jean says:

    Probably the craziest thing I’ve knit with sock yarn are tit bits for the Knitted Knockers Program for breast cancer survivors.

  55. Sarah says:

    My boyfriend asked for toe socks, and i heard toad socks… confusion ensued, and then he demanded toe toad socks. So it’s not actually done yet, but a current project is toe socks with tiny intarsia toads on the heel flaps!

    Also rugs for a dollhouse….

  56. Melinda says:

    I made an iPod cover out of leftover sock yarn

  57. ali ferdinand says:

    The craziest thing I ever knitted with sock yarn was a mitten for a man who had severed three fingers in a circular saw accident. The mitten was to keep this hand warm when he didn’t couldn’t wear a glove because of swelling. The mitten was the size of a table tennis paddle.

  58. CAT says:

    Thanks everyone for sharing the crazy things (and not so crazy) things you’ve knitted with sock yarn!

    The winner of the Think outside the Sox book is: Kara Hoover!

  59. Ruth says:

    Socks. (no creativity here), but I think Lori’s breast wins!

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