lk2g-097 Susan Moraca from Kollage

In this latest episode of our knitting web video series/podcast we chat with Susan Moraca from Kollage Yarns. She tells us about square straight and circular needles, rosewood crochet hooks and beautiful yarns.

What’s on the set:

What am I wearing:

Special thanks to Susan Moraca.

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104 Responses to lk2g-097 Susan Moraca from Kollage

  1. Heather N says:

    My favorite project to knit during the summer are lacy sock patterns.

    However, I am now into these 1 skein sock yarn shawlettes that everyone is knitting!

  2. Jana Pratt says:

    In the summer, I love to knit washcloths, place mats, socks – anything small enough that it doesn’t cover my lap and heat me up!

  3. Paul says:

    My name is Paul, pauly81 on Ravelry. My favorite things to knit in the summer are washcloths

  4. LikeTheSeason says:

    I haven’t been knitting long enough to have a go-to summer project, but I do have several small items in mind for the coming months: mostly shawlettes, hats and socks.

    That Kollage yarn is gorgeous!

    – Racheal

  5. Nicole says:

    hey CAT! my name is Nicole and I love knitting (or crocheting) bags during the summer. Mesh bags are light, comfy, and perfect for the beach!

  6. sbfh says:

    I have been knitting dishcloths most summers. This year I am also knitting a bath rug from my odds and ends of cotton yarn.

  7. Stacy STEUBE says:


  8. Louann says:

    My favorite summer knitting project for summer is shawls. Just as Elizabeth Zimmerman wrote in the knitters almanac. The shawl is light and can be stored in its own little pouch when knitted on circular needles. What could be better than that!!!

  9. Susan Hardy says:

    That interview was one of the best. I have used the square straight needles here in the UK and they do feel ‘strange’ at first but brilliant. I also totally agree that circular needles are rather annoying because you cannot straighten the cable, so am going to be rather excited to see how the Kollage ones work out. By the way, I love your cardi Cat, its a beautiful colour

  10. Moriah says:

    Hi Cat, once again thanks for the interesting episode. I have many projects planed till the end of this year, and during this summer there are 3 new borns expected in the family. So i have to knit some nice baby sets, a combination of baby socks and jacket and hat or blanket and soft toy… there are many possibilities… Have a great summer 🙂

  11. Sally Ann Miller says:

    My favorite thing to knit in summer is my all-year-round fascination with socks. I just love knitting socks. This summer I’ve become intrigued with shawls & lace. I’ve just started my first one as a gift for my sister. I’ve learned that my daughter is engaged. I’m going to surprise her with a lacy honeymoon shawl. Lucky for me that the wedding is next summer so I have time. Now I must go check out Sock-a-licious!

  12. DebKnits2 says:

    I’ll knit whatever strikes my fancy. The season doesn’t matter. Currently knitting a lacy batkus with Good Karma 60/40 yarn.

  13. Judith says:

    My favorite thing to knit during the summer is lace scarves because I like to give them as gifts and I want people to be able to wear them when its not necessarily cold outside and they make great accessories. Judith

  14. kutzi says:

    Hi! I’m a new viewer, and as a school teacher, I really appreciate your presentation style! For me, summer means catching up on a few UFOs before I start my many holiday projects. Right now, I’m finishing a pair of socks for my mother-in-law that I started last year. Thank goodness she understands that anything hand-knitted is worth the wait!

  15. Sue says:

    In the summer I like to knit socks or a shawlette or shawl but if it’s not humid I’ll knit pretty much anything. Well, maybe not a big blanket. 🙂

  16. marina says:

    hmm, i think my favorite is lacy things (at least this summer) – either shawls or right now i have branched out into knitting a lacy cardigan!

  17. I think this summer is going to be the summer of the washcloths. Since the amount of yarn to carry around is small and the project itself doesn’t sit in your lap, it works well with warm weather. I usually have a small container of cornstarch in my knitting bag, though, just in case my hands start to get sweaty.

  18. John says:

    I usually like to knit socks and washcloths for the summer, but this summer I’m working on two afghans.

  19. In the summer, I love to knit cotton lace doilies!
    However, this summer I am crocheting a large afghan for a
    birthday gift….so I use a t.v. tray for it to lay on while
    I add rows. That way my lap doesn’t get too warm!
    Love the show, this was a great episode!
    That sock yarns screams to be made into a shawlette!

  20. Shirley says:

    I don’t really have summer projects. I just continue with what I’m knitting. Though the blanket I’m working on has started to be beside me and not in my lap!

  21. Audrey M says:

    I really love the beautiful yarns and the evolution of the knittng needles …how clever! I love to knit shawls,washcloths,hats,scarves and socks in the summer but at this moment,my WIP include a baby blanket, hat and sweater set for my grandchild due in October and a crocheted blanket for an elderly family member. I live in the south but regardless of the season, I must feel my yarn and needles in my hands!

  22. Eden Stein says:

    In the summer, I like to knit socks and also something cotton. Right now I am knitting the counterpane top from Interweave Summer 2010, but using cotton instead of linen. I love the pattern! I can’t wait to try this new luxe sock yarn.

  23. Phyllis Oviatt says:

    I really enjoyed this latest video! Square needles? How fantastic! Maybe my mother-in-law, who has carpal tunnel syndrome, can get back to knitting again. My favorite item to knit during the summer months is socks for my granddaughters.

  24. Alicia Joynson says:

    My new summer love is knitting lace shawls! I never knew what the sock yarn fuss was about….. Now I know!

  25. Jean Tompkins says:

    I love your podcast and have been listening for a while. My favorite summer knitting is toe up socks. They are quick and give you a place to tuck the yarn when not knitting!! Keep up the great podcast.

  26. Theresa says:

    I don’t really have one favorite summer project. Right now, I’m knitting a wool skirt (that I won’t wear until Oct. at the earliest!), a lace shawl, a couple of pairs of socks and a monster for my son.

    I do like to start Christmas gifts in the summer. But the key word there is start … I might cast on a couple of gift knits but (so far) I’ve yet to actually finish any until Dec!

    Love the podcast!

  27. Anne H says:

    I’m making my first shawl in a beautiful gold Cascade Yarns Ultra Pima. Shawls might just be my favorite type of project now!

  28. Jessica says:

    My favorite thing to knit in the summer is socks! I’m currently working on the Double Eyelet Rib Socks by Wendy Johnson… Almost to the 2nd sock!

  29. debyd says:

    sweaters in the summer,fall,winter, all the while socks also.
    have always wanted kollage because it fits perfect with portequese knitting.
    since you know her pass the word to make a interchange set.
    i’m there. miss you in june. have fun.

  30. Julie says:

    I knit cotton sweaters during the summer for my three grandchildren. They live in the South and can wear them year round.

  31. Sally says:

    Seasons don’t affect my choices. This summer I have several workshops planned so first on my list is to prepare for those. The classes focus on indigo dyeing, weaving and spinning. At the moment, I am knitting a mohair shawl as a wedding shower gift.

  32. Linda D. says:

    In the summer I tend to knit small things. Although, at the moment, I have 2 shawls, 2 pair of socks, a sweater and a blanket on the needles. I like sitting in the AC and knitting whichever my brain has enough energy to knit. :o)

  33. Julie says:

    In the summer time I pretty much knit anything. But I tend to knit socks most because they are small and easy to carry with me during my vacations to the U.S. Right now I have 3 pairs of socks on the needles.

  34. Carla says:

    My knitting does not really chance with the seasons- but I do agree socks are lighter to have in your hands than a large sweater in summer!

  35. Roberta says:

    Hi Kat – another great episode…thanks! My favorite items for the summer are bags and kids socks. I also like to get my holiday gift knitting patterns ready to go and see what I need to spin up to make the items.

  36. Teresa Fussell says:

    Hi! In the summer I enjoy knitting socks because they are small and easy to carry with me as I am always on the go and lace shawls because they are more light weight and are easier to have in my lap during sweltering heat.

  37. Betsy says:

    I like to knit socks, discloths and baby layettes for charity in the summer. They aren’t very big and I can throw them in to my purse.

    Great episode-I loved hearing about the knitting needles.

  38. Melissa says:

    Hi Guys,

    I like to knit socks, shawls, and baby things.

    I love Kollage needles. They are really easy to work with.

  39. Jairia says:

    I only started knitting in September so I don’t really know what I like to knit in the summer :). I guess I am going to find out this summer!
    I’m currently working on a summer vest for the cold summer day’s here in The Netherlands, And I also have a lace shawl lying around somewhere…

    I am definitely going to try those knitting needles!

  40. Giovonnia Vaughan says:

    I knit socks in the summer because they are small and portable. shawls and sweaters are too heavy and bulkly to carry around. I love the sock-o-lics yarn! It looks wonderful! My sister and I are great fans of the show. I’m trying to find those needles in the LYS
    I go to. Thanks for the show!

  41. Aubrey says:

    My favorite thing right now is a shawl or shrug and toys/dolls for the kids. Little and light is great. We do a lot of camping and I need portability in my summer projects.

  42. stebo79 says:

    As I do not wear handknits in summer, I’ll prepare for fall by knitting cotton sweaters.

  43. Tara K. says:

    My favorite things to knit in the summer time are bright/colorful projects. For me, the arrival of the sun and the heat means that colors are about to pop out and make a splash; whether it be from new fashions to new plants blooming, I love the colors I see =)

  44. Michele says:

    I favorite things to knit are socks and dishclothes in the summer. I like any small project for the summer time.

  45. chad says:

    My favorite thing to knit in the summer is shawls. everything from the finest lace to worsted weight. i knit and crochet them.
    for me shawls are like a portable womb, they bring the safety, comfort and love into a portable package.
    there are two factors to my shawl making.

    1) i knit them for a special person (you can see my last summer’s project at: they are always someone who can use it.
    2) i block the shawl in a small temple at a retreat facility called easton mountain. the shawl is spread out on a rug and the windows are left open so the summer breeze can dry it slowly.
    I will have pictures of my 2011 shawl up in a month! so check it out.

  46. Alexander says:

    Well, right now I’m working on blankets for the needy. Hopefully I’ll get 1 or 2 done before it starts getting cold.

  47. pmack17 says:

    In the summer I like to knit socks and dishcloths.

  48. VICTORIA HADAR says:

    I love knitting shawls in summer the interviews , i learn so much.

  49. I normally work on socks, but this year we have a surprise cousin coming to the family so I am working on a baby blanket that is worked in three inch squares and then sewn together. I am so excited! Love the show by the way, I have been watching since it started and can’t get enough! Keep up the good work!

  50. JazzyJStitches says:

    A new viewer, I have just completed a marathon session this week watching all your past episodes. I really like the designer interviews. For summer knitting, I think I like lace projects best, but also like to throw in some washcloths and socks. It’s too painful to think about cold weather hats and mittens right now!

  51. Louise says:

    My favorite things o knit in the summer are the same as for the winter: just about everything. With maybe shawls winning the top spot!

  52. Deb C says:

    Love to knit lighter shawls or shawlettes during the summer. Had never heard of the Kollage needles, intrigued. Thanks for all you do, Cat and Eric!

  53. My favorite summer knitting is . . . winter knitting! It’s fun to have warm clothes ready when the weather turns cold.

  54. Juliann aka The Sick Chick says:

    My favourite summer project is dishcloths. Portable, light and can be mindless or complicated, they’re perfect for the busy seasons, plus I can get ahead on Christmas gifts!

    I’m going to hunt down those Kollage circulars right now 🙂

  55. Elsi says:

    I love to knit socks.
    I am on re-enactment events most weekends in summer and socks you can just take everywhere with you, so the perfect project to knit in the car 🙂

  56. Gail Bable says:

    I love the shawl you were wearing during Susan’s interview. Could you please show more of it?

  57. Marc Marquis says:

    Hi! I’m Marc

    In summer time i really like to knit socks because they are so easy to carry everywere!

    And it’s so nice to knit sittin’ on a bench while watchi’n the landscape 🙂

  58. Disa says:

    I like knitting mittens, gloves and socks in the summertime to prepare for the coming winter.

  59. Savannagal says:

    I’m really itching to try those Kollage needles now. I’ve heard so many good things about them. As for my summer knitting, it’s pretty much the same as any other time of year. I knit pretty slow and usually only have 2 or 3 projects going at a time. I tend to work on them until I finish them before starting something new. I always have a sock going though. Thanks for the contest. The yarn looks yummy.

  60. Monique G says:

    The best summer knitting project is SOCKS of course. On a recent vacation that’s all I brought and all I bought…..what would a vacation be without souvenir yarn?

    Now I’m dying to try the Kollage circs for my next sock project – thanks for enabling!

  61. Tina says:

    I will knit anything during the summer, but usually keep it simple with socks or bags!!

  62. MariGayle says:

    I love knitting socks! (I love knitting them in the winter too!)

  63. Rebecca says:

    Thank you for another great podcast! My favorite summer knitting isn’t any different than winter knitting….I knit sweaters, blankets, mittens, etc in anticapation of cooler weather.

  64. Jenn B. says:

    Another great episode…I am tempted to try out some of the square needles!

    My favorite projects to knit on during the summer are socks and shawls. I also don’t mind working on sweaters as long as it is cool enough in the house 🙂

  65. Ashanti C. says:

    Another great show, I’m really looking forward to the next one.
    I like to knit cotton tank tops and tees in the summer stuff with alot of meshed beading.

  66. Lisa G says:

    I love to knit small projects in the summer. Socks are always with me!

  67. Jane Z says:

    My favorite project to knit this summer is baby sweaters. We found out our son and daughter in law are expecting identical twins in December after 5 years of trying. We are over the moon happy! When I hear a baby is on the way I knit. So I will be working on little sweaters this summer. Fun!

  68. Kara Hoover says:

    I like to knit socks in the summer. Actually I like to knit them all year round but they are a perfect small project for summer.

    ps: I love the bloopers at the end of your shows.

  69. Angela says:

    I always end up knitting scarves in the summer.

  70. Aldona says:

    Hi Cat!

    Thanks for amazing video! You both with Eric are perfect Team making so interesting videos! When I have time I watch the archives again and again:-)

    My favorite knitting for summer now is fine silk blouse.I hope to manage finish it for this summer. And normally my summer knits are something for summer- tops,blouses or lacy socks.

  71. Megsy says:

    I usually knit a new bag during the long summer months of watching the kids play softball, T-ball, and swimming lessons. If things go well, I have a new bag by the time school starts!

  72. Abraham H. says:

    Sup Cat =)
    I live in Mexico so it’s safe to say that during the summer its pretty warm… yet Im in med school soo i have two months of vacation time… so what do I do?… I start my winter knitting =)
    My home is air conditioned so there no problem… I knit hats and scarves and right now im working on a pashmina xD

  73. Sophia says:

    Oh my gosh, Kollage is my favorite yarn company! I love their yarns.

    Hmm, I have to say just simply knitting socks or stuffed animals. I just recently knitted a manatee for summer.

  74. Liz says:

    I enjoy lace. A shawl or a scarf. Also because they are small project – I golf in the summer and don’t have as much time.

  75. Phyllis says:

    I enjoy knitting small light projects like socks, hats, mittens, etc. Lately I’ve knit a couple of covers for Kindles and given them as gifts. They have been quite a hit.

  76. Ashley says:

    The first thing that comes to mind is Lace Shawls. They’re so lightweight, so it doesn’t seem to be so warm on my lap! But truthfully, I start to pick out my christmas gifts and start working on them now (while I still have time!). 🙂

  77. sm santiago says:

    I like shawlette or socks for summer kniting. Can;t handle any baby blankets when it’s hot & humid. Love the sweater you’re wearing.

  78. Christy says:

    My favorite summer knitting projects are complicated winter sweaters! I always seem to have piles of hot wool on my lap while enjoying the Vermont summer sun….

  79. dori wallace says:

    Socks and clogs for felting.

  80. Carolyn says:

    Hi Cat,

    My favorite summertime projects are socks and shawls.

  81. Annette says:

    My favorite summer project are shawls. Right now I’m knitting the Solar Flare Shawl KAL at Into the Whirled Raverly group, I love this pattern.
    Love your podcast.

  82. Gayle says:

    The interview with Ms. Moraca was one of the BEST! How fun it was to listen to her. I have fallen in love with the Kollage square circular needles and their amazing cables.

    In the summer I usually knit a lot of dishcloths with bright cottons. I also like socks; a small project that sits lightly on my lap. I, too, have been enjoying the shawlettes and scarflets as lightweight summer projects.

    The podcast just keeps getting better and better. Keep it up!

  83. DeborahKaye says:

    It’s summer and I am knitting Victorian lace shawls with beads for fall! Love your podcast! Thanks.

  84. Jan K says:

    Great Podcast. In the summer I enjoy knitting socks,hat’s and anything with cotton yarn. Thanks
    Jan Ko

  85. Susanne B. says:

    I actually try to knit what I want “ready” in the winter. I feel it is the only way to get it done in time is to start it in the summer. But I always knit in climate control so the “weight” of it doesn’t bother me so much.
    Thanks for the show!!! Keep it up! Still love it!

  86. Susan says:

    In summer (and all year round, actually!) I tend to knit socks – small, light, portable, and travel well. I’m a DPN girl and I love the Kollage Square DPN’s, they have just the right amount of grip to stop them sliding out of the stitches, without being too sticky. One of these days I will get round to trying magic loop socks on the Kollage circs!

  87. Jackie says:

    Summer knitting for me is still sweaters.

  88. ErinH says:

    I love to knit shawls in the summer, big but light… and always have a travelling sock on the go whatever the time of year.
    My next challenge is a beaded shawl !

    Love videocast 🙂

  89. Lara says:

    I like to knit socks, hats, and shawls in the summer– small projects that don’t sit in my lap.

  90. ANN MITTON says:

    I love to knit socks and shawlettes in summer. Hats and mitten for my grandchildren for Christmas and dishcloths to give a gifts as well. I love things that are portable so we can go for day trips and I can knit and enjoy the scenery.

  91. Iryna B. says:

    Thank you, Kate. Great interview with Susan! She is so lovely. Never tried her square needles, but very curious! Summer project – definitely a Summer Shawl with silk blend or pair of lacy socks (I am always cold!).
    ~ Iryna

  92. Dianne RJ says:

    In the summer I like to knit small things, lace shawls, hats, mittens and baby knits!

  93. Christine says:

    I find myself knitting a lot of hats for some reason in the summer.

  94. Catenary says:

    Hi Cat,

    I’m Catenary on Ravelry. My favorite thing to knit in the summer is a lightweight shawl.

  95. Rhonda says:

    I just love your interviews and learn some new thing each time. This summer I have started two sweaters- they are small enough yet to go along camping and sitting outside. Can’t wait for fall to have new sweaters to wear.
    I have seen the square needles but have not tried them- now I might have to!

  96. JudyAnn says:

    My favorite things to knit this summer are sock-yarn shawlettes—and I’d love that yarn!

  97. Nina says:

    Hi Cat!

    My summer knitting usually consists of finishing up UFO’s. I get short spurts of time which is perfect for weaving in ends and seaming or adding fringe. Even blocking. 🙂

  98. Susan B. says:

    My favorite summer project is anything small: socks, hats, mittens. They don’t make me warm, like a larger project sitting in my lap would, and they are easier to carry with me on trips, vacations, or just spare moments around town.

  99. Rosemarie Z says:

    I recently re-started knitting (after years of being too busy) and I knit almost nonstop. Since I live in the South it’s warm most of the year. So I love knitting cotton short sleeve tops. As soon as I finish one I start another.

  100. CAT says:

    Thank you all for your great ideas for summer knitting.

    The winner of the beautiful Kollage yarn is: Linda D.!

  101. Dee says:

    Socks! Lots of socks!

  102. Julia says:

    Shawls and socks are my usual projects for summer, but this year I am working on a tank, too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  103. Julia says:

    Just noticed my comment above posted as a July 1 date- it’s really about 9:30 on the 30th. Just squeaking in, I hope!

  104. Debbie says:

    During the summer I tend to start any Christmas knitting that I need to get going on. If I don’t have too many items I need to do I will knit up some hats and cowls for a bit of an extra for people. Of course there is always a pair of socks or two in the bag for quick take alongs.

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